shell bypass 403
package MIME::Field::ParamVal;
use MIME::Words;
=head1 NAME
MIME::Field::ParamVal - subclass of Mail::Field, for structured MIME fields
# Create an object for a content-type field:
$field = new Mail::Field 'Content-type';
# Set some attributes:
$field->param('_' => 'text/html');
$field->param('charset' => 'us-ascii');
$field->param('boundary' => '---ABC---');
# Same:
$field->set('_' => 'text/html',
'charset' => 'us-ascii',
'boundary' => '---ABC---');
# Get an attribute, or undefined if not present:
print "no id!" if defined($field->param('id'));
# Same, but use empty string for missing values:
print "no id!" if ($field->paramstr('id') eq '');
# Output as string:
print $field->stringify, "\n";
This is an abstract superclass of most MIME fields. It handles
fields with a general syntax like this:
Content-Type: Message/Partial;
number=2; total=3;
Comments are supported I<between> items, like this:
Content-Type: Message/Partial; (a comment)
number=2 (another comment) ; (yet another comment) total=3;
=over 4
require 5.001;
# Pragmas:
use strict;
use re 'taint';
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
# Other modules:
use Mail::Field;
# Kit modules:
use MIME::Tools qw(:config :msgs);
@ISA = qw(Mail::Field);
# Public globals...
# The package version, both in 1.23 style *and* usable by MakeMaker:
$VERSION = "5.509";
# Private globals...
# Pattern to match parameter names (like fieldnames, but = not allowed):
my $PARAMNAME = '[^\x00-\x1f\x80-\xff :=]+';
# Pattern to match the first value on the line:
my $FIRST = '[^\s\;\x00-\x1f\x80-\xff]*';
# Pattern to match an RFC 2045 token:
# token = 1*<any (ASCII) CHAR except SPACE, CTLs, or tspecials>
my $TSPECIAL = '()<>@,;:\</[]?="';
#" Fix emacs highlighting...
my $TOKEN = '[^ \x00-\x1f\x80-\xff' . "\Q$TSPECIAL\E" . ']+';
my $QUOTED_STRING = '"([^\\\\"]*(?:\\\\.(?:[^\\\\"]*))*)"';
# Encoded token:
my $ENCTOKEN = "=\\?[^?]*\\?[A-Za-z]\\?[^?]+\\?=";
# Pattern to match spaces or comments:
my $SPCZ = '(?:\s|\([^\)]*\))*';
# Pattern to match non-semicolon as fallback for broken MIME
# produced by some viruses
my $BADTOKEN = '[^;]+';
# Class init...
=item set [\%PARAMHASH | KEY=>VAL,...,KEY=>VAL]
I<Instance method.> Set this field.
The paramhash should contain parameter names
in I<all lowercase>, with the special C<"_"> parameter name
signifying the "default" (unnamed) parameter for the field:
# Set up to be...
# Content-type: Message/Partial; number=2; total=3; id="ocj=pbe0M2"
$conttype->set('_' => 'Message/Partial',
'number' => 2,
'total' => 3,
'id' => "ocj=pbe0M2");
Note that a single argument is taken to be a I<reference> to
a paramhash, while multiple args are taken to be the elements
of the paramhash themselves.
Supplying undef for a hashref, or an empty set of values, effectively
clears the object.
The self object is returned.
sub set {
my $self = shift;
my $params = ((@_ == 1) ? (shift || {}) : {@_});
%$self = %$params; # set 'em
=item parse_params STRING
I<Class/instance utility method.>
Extract parameter info from a structured field, and return
it as a hash reference. For example, here is a field with parameters:
Content-Type: Message/Partial;
number=2; total=3;
Here is how you'd extract them:
$params = $class->parse_params('content-type');
if ($$params{'_'} eq 'message/partial') {
$number = $$params{'number'};
$total = $$params{'total'};
$id = $$params{'id'};
Like field names, parameter names are coerced to lowercase.
The special '_' parameter means the default parameter for the
B<NOTE:> This has been provided as a public method to support backwards
compatibility, but you probably shouldn't use it.
sub rfc2231decode {
my($val) = @_;
my($enc, $lang, $rest);
if ($val =~ m/^([^']*)'([^']*)'(.*)\z/s) {
$enc = $1;
$lang = $2;
$rest = $3;
} elsif ($val =~ m/^([^']*)'([^']*)\z/s) {
$enc = $1;
$rest = $2;
} else {
$rest = $val;
# $enc remains undefined when charset/language info is missing
return ($enc, $lang, $rest);
sub rfc2231percent {
# Do percent-substitution
my($str) = @_;
local $1;
$str =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;
return $str;
sub parse_params {
my ($self, $raw) = @_;
my %params;
my %rfc2231params;
my %rfc2231encoding_is_used;
my $param;
my $val;
my $part;
# Get raw field, and unfold it:
defined($raw) or $raw = '';
$raw =~ s/\n//g;
$raw =~ s/\s+\z//; # Strip trailing whitespace
# Extract special first parameter:
$raw =~ m/\A$SPCZ($FIRST)$SPCZ/og or return {}; # nada!
$params{'_'} = $1;
# Extract subsequent parameters.
# No, we can't just "split" on semicolons: they're legal in quoted strings!
while (1) { # keep chopping away until done...
$raw =~ m/\G[^;]*(\;$SPCZ)+/og or last; # skip leading separator
$raw =~ m/\G($PARAMNAME)\s*=\s*/og or last; # give up if not a param
$param = lc($1);
$raw =~ m/\G(?:$QUOTED_STRING|($ENCTOKEN)|($TOKEN)|($BADTOKEN))/g or last; # give up if no value"
my ($qstr, $enctoken, $token, $badtoken) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
if (defined($qstr)) {
# unescape
$qstr =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
if (defined($badtoken)) {
# Strip leading/trailing whitespace from badtoken
$badtoken =~ s/^\s+//;
$badtoken =~ s/\s+\z//;
# Only keep token parameters in badtoken;
# cut it off at the first non-token char. CPAN RT #105455
$badtoken =~ /^($TOKEN)*/;
$badtoken = $1;
# Cut it off at first whitespace too
$badtoken =~ s/\s.*//;
$val = defined($qstr) ? $qstr :
(defined($enctoken) ? $enctoken :
(defined($badtoken) ? $badtoken : $token));
# Do RFC 2231 processing
# Pick out the parts of the parameter
if ($param =~ /\*/ &&
$param =~ /^ ([^*]+) (?: \* ([^*]+) )? (\*)? \z/xs) {
# We have param*number* or param*number or param*
my($name, $num) = ($1, $2||0);
if (defined($3)) {
# We have param*number* or param*
# RFC 2231: Asterisks ("*") are reused to provide the
# indicator that language and character set information
# is present and encoding is being used
$val = rfc2231percent($val);
$rfc2231encoding_is_used{$name} = 1;
$rfc2231params{$name}{$num} .= $val;
} else {
# Assign non-rfc2231 value directly. If we
# did get a mix of rfc2231 and non-rfc2231 values,
# the non-rfc2231 will be blown away in the
# "extract reconstructed parameters" loop.
$params{$param} = $val;
# Extract reconstructed parameters
foreach $param (keys %rfc2231params) {
# If we got any rfc-2231 parameters, then
# blow away any potential non-rfc-2231 parameter.
$params{$param} = '';
foreach $part (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$rfc2231params{$param}}) {
$params{$param} .= $rfc2231params{$param}{$part};
if ($rfc2231encoding_is_used{$param}) {
my($enc, $lang, $val) = rfc2231decode($params{$param});
if (defined $enc) {
# re-encode as QP, preserving charset and language info
$val =~ s{([=?_\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF])}
{sprintf("=%02X", ord($1))}eg;
$val =~ tr/ /_/;
# RFC 2231 section 5: Language specification in Encoded Words
$enc .= '*' . $lang if defined $lang && $lang ne '';
$params{$param} = '=?' . $enc . '?Q?' . $val . '?=';
debug " field param <$param> = <$params{$param}>";
# Done:
=item parse STRING
I<Class/instance method.>
Parse the string into the instance. Any previous information is wiped.
The self object is returned.
May also be used as a constructor.
sub parse {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
# Allow use as constructor, for MIME::Head:
ref($self) or $self = bless({}, $self);
# Get params, and stuff them into the self object:
=item param PARAMNAME,[VALUE]
I<Instance method.>
Return the given parameter, or undef if it isn't there.
With argument, set the parameter to that VALUE.
The PARAMNAME is case-insensitive. A "_" refers to the "default" parameter.
sub param {
my ($self, $paramname, $value) = @_;
$paramname = lc($paramname);
$self->{$paramname} = $value if (@_ > 2);
=item paramstr PARAMNAME,[VALUE]
I<Instance method.>
Like param(): return the given parameter, or I<empty> if it isn't there.
With argument, set the parameter to that VALUE.
The PARAMNAME is case-insensitive. A "_" refers to the "default" parameter.
sub paramstr {
my $val = shift->param(@_);
(defined($val) ? $val : '');
=item stringify
I<Instance method.>
Convert the field to a string, and return it.
sub stringify {
my $self = shift;
my ($key, $val);
my $str = $self->{'_'}; # default subfield
foreach $key (sort keys %$self) {
next if ($key !~ /^[a-z][a-z-_0-9]*$/); # only lowercase ones!
defined($val = $self->{$key}) or next;
$val =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
$str .= qq{; $key="$val"};
=item tag
I<Instance method, abstract.>
Return the tag for this field.
sub tag { '' }
=head1 SEE ALSO