shell bypass 403
# Copyrights 2001-2019 by [Mark Overmeer].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of distribution Mail-Box. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Mail::Box::Net;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '3.008';
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Mail::Box';
use Mail::Box::Net::Message;
use Mail::Message::Body::Lines;
use Mail::Message::Body::File;
use Mail::Message::Body::Delayed;
use Mail::Message::Body::Multipart;
use Mail::Message::Head;
use Mail::Message::Head::Delayed;
use Carp;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
sub init($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
$args->{lock_type} ||= 'NONE';
$args->{body_type} ||= 'Mail::Message::Body::Lines';
$args->{trusted} ||= 0;
my ($scheme, $s, $port, $u, $pwd, $f);
if(my $d = $args->{folderdir})
{ # cannot use URI, because some scheme's are fake
($scheme, $u, $pwd, $s, $port, $f) = $d =~
m! ^ (\w+) \:// # scheme
(?: ( [^:\@/]+ ) # username
(?: \: ( [^\@/]+ ))? # password
\@ )?
( [a-zA-Z0-9.-]+ )? # hostname
(?: \: ([0-9]+) )? # port
( / .* )? # path
$args->{folderdir} =~ s!/$!!;
$args->{folder} ||= $f || '/';
$self->{MBN_hostname} = $args->{server_name} || $s;
$self->{MBN_port} = $args->{server_port} || $port;
$self->{MBN_username} = $args->{username} || $u;
$self->{MBN_password} = $args->{password} || $pwd;
$self->log(WARNING => "The term 'hostname' is confusing wrt folder. You probably need 'server_name'")
if exists $args->{hostname};
sub create(@) {shift->notImplemented}
sub organization() { 'REMOTE' }
sub url()
{ my $self = shift;
my ($user, $pass, $host, $port)
= @$self{ qw/MBN_username MBN_password MBN_hostname MBN_port/ };
my $perm = '';
$perm = $user if defined $user;
if(defined $pass)
{ $pass =~ s/(\W)/sprintf "%%%02X", ord $1/ge;
$perm .= ':'.$pass;
$perm .= '@' if length $perm;
my $loc = $host;
$loc .= ':'.$port if length $port;
my $name = $self->name;
$loc .= '/'.$name if $name ne '/';
$self->type . '://' . $perm . $loc;