shell bypass 403
package Mail::DKIM::KeyValueList;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.20200907'; # VERSION
# ABSTRACT: Represents a Key/Value list
# Copyright 2005-2007 Messiah College. All rights reserved.
# Jason Long <>
# Copyright (c) 2004 Anthony D. Urso. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use Carp;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = bless \%args, $class;
return $self;
sub parse {
my $self_or_class = shift;
croak 'wrong number of arguments' unless ( @_ == 1 );
my ($string) = @_;
my $self = ref($self_or_class) ? $self_or_class : $self_or_class->new;
$self->{tags} = [];
$self->{tags_by_name} = {};
foreach my $raw_tag ( split /;/, $string, -1 ) {
my $tag = { raw => $raw_tag };
push @{ $self->{tags} }, $tag;
# strip preceding and trailing whitespace
$raw_tag =~ s/^\s+|\s*$//g;
next if ( $raw_tag eq '' );
my ( $tagname, $value ) = split( /\s*=\s*/, $raw_tag, 2 );
unless ( defined $value ) {
die "syntax error\n";
$tag->{name} = $tagname;
$tag->{value} = $value;
$self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname} = $tag;
return $self;
sub clone {
my $self = shift;
my $str = $self->as_string;
return ref($self)->parse($str);
sub get_tag {
my $self = shift;
my ($tagname) = @_;
if ( $self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname} ) {
return $self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname}->{value};
return undef;
sub set_tag {
my $self = shift;
my ( $tagname, $value ) = @_;
if ( $tagname =~ /[;=\015\012\t ]/ ) {
croak 'invalid tag name';
if ( defined $value ) {
if ( $value =~ /;/ ) {
croak 'invalid tag value';
if ( $value =~ /\015\012[^\t ]/ ) {
croak 'invalid tag value';
if ( $self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname} ) {
$self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname}->{value} = $value;
my ( $rawname, $rawvalue ) =
split( /=/, $self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname}->{raw}, 2 );
$self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname}->{raw} = "$rawname=$value";
else {
my $tag = {
name => $tagname,
value => $value,
raw => " $tagname=$value"
push @{ $self->{tags} }, $tag;
$self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname} = $tag;
else {
if ( $self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname} ) {
delete $self->{tags_by_name}->{$tagname};
@{ $self->{tags} } = grep { $_->{name} ne $tagname } @{ $self->{tags} };
sub as_string {
my $self = shift;
if ($Mail::DKIM::SORTTAGS) {
return join( ';', sort map { $_->{raw} } @{ $self->{tags} } );
return join( ';', map { $_->{raw} } @{ $self->{tags} } );
# Start - length of the signature's prefix
# Margin - how far to the right the text can go
# Insert - characters to insert when wrapping a line
# Tags - special processing for tags
# Default - how to handle unspecified tags
# PreserveNames - if set, the name= part of the tag will be preserved
sub wrap {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $TEXTWRAP_CLASS = 'Mail::DKIM::TextWrap';
return unless ( UNIVERSAL::can( $TEXTWRAP_CLASS, 'new' ) );
my $result = '';
my $wrap = $TEXTWRAP_CLASS->new(
Output => \$result,
Separator => $args{Insert} || "\015\012\t",
Margin => $args{Margin} || 72,
cur => $args{Start} || 0,
my $did_first;
foreach my $tag ( @{ $self->{tags} } ) {
my $tagname = $tag->{name};
my $tagtype = $args{Tags}->{$tagname} || $args{Default} || '';
$wrap->{Break} = undef;
$wrap->{BreakBefore} = undef;
$did_first ? $wrap->add(';') : ( $did_first = 1 );
my ( $raw_name, $raw_value ) = split( /=/, $tag->{raw}, 2 );
unless ( $args{PreserveNames} ) {
$wrap->flush; #allow a break before the tag name
$raw_name =~ s/^\s*/ /;
$raw_name =~ s/\s+$//;
$wrap->add( $raw_name . '=' );
if ( $tagtype eq 'b64' ) {
$raw_value =~ s/\s+//gs; #removes all whitespace
$wrap->{Break} = qr/./;
elsif ( $tagtype eq 'list' ) {
$raw_value =~ s/\s+/ /gs; #reduces any whitespace to single space
$raw_value =~ s/^\s|\s$//g; #trims preceding/trailing spaces
$raw_value =~ s/\s*:\s*/:/g;
$wrap->{Break} = qr/[\s]/;
$wrap->{BreakBefore} = qr/[:]/;
elsif ( $tagtype eq '' ) {
$raw_value =~ s/\s+/ /gs; #reduces any whitespace to single space
$raw_value =~ s/^\s|\s$//g; #trims preceding/trailing spaces
$wrap->{Break} = qr/\s/;
parse( $self, $result );
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Mail::DKIM::KeyValueList - Represents a Key/Value list
=head1 VERSION
version 1.20200907
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Jason Long <>
=item *
Marc Bradshaw <>
=item *
Bron Gondwana <> (ARC)
=head1 THANKS
Work on ensuring that this module passes the ARC test suite was
generously sponsored by Valimail (
=over 4
=item *
Copyright (C) 2013 by Messiah College
=item *
Copyright (C) 2010 by Jason Long
=item *
Copyright (C) 2017 by Standcore LLC
=item *
Copyright (C) 2020 by FastMail Pty Ltd
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.