shell bypass 403
# Copyrights 2001-2019 by [Mark Overmeer <>].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of distribution Mail-Message. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Mail::Message;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '3.008';
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Lines;
sub string()
{ my $self = shift;
$self->head->string . $self->body->string;
sub lines()
{ my $self = shift;
my @lines;
my $file = IO::Lines->new(\@lines);
wantarray ? @lines : \@lines;
sub file()
{ my $self = shift;
my @lines;
my $file = IO::Lines->new(\@lines);
sub printStructure(;$$)
{ my $self = shift;
my $indent
= @_==2 ? pop
: defined $_[0] && !ref $_[0] ? shift
: '';
my $fh = @_ ? shift : select;
my $buffer; # only filled if filehandle==undef
open $fh, '>:raw', \$buffer unless defined $fh;
my $subject = $self->get('Subject') || '';
$subject = ": $subject" if length $subject;
my $type = $self->get('Content-Type', 0) || '';
my $size = $self->size;
my $deleted = $self->label('deleted') ? ', deleted' : '';
my $text = "$indent$type$subject ($size bytes$deleted)\n";
ref $fh eq 'GLOB' ? (print $fh $text) : $fh->print($text);
my $body = $self->body;
my @parts
= $body->isNested ? ($body->nested)
: $body->isMultipart ? $body->parts
: ();
$_->printStructure($fh, $indent.' ')
for @parts;