shell bypass 403
# Copyrights 2001-2019 by [Mark Overmeer <>].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of distribution Mail-Message. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Mail::Message::Field::Addresses;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '3.008';
use base 'Mail::Message::Field::Structured';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mail::Message::Field::AddrGroup;
use Mail::Message::Field::Address;
use List::Util 'first';
# what is permitted for each field.
my $address_list = {groups => 1, multi => 1};
my $mailbox_list = {multi => 1};
my $mailbox = {};
my %accepted = # defaults to $address_list
( from => $mailbox_list
, sender => $mailbox
sub init($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
$self->{MMFF_groups} = [];
( my $def = lc $args->{name} ) =~ s/^resent\-//;
$self->{MMFF_defaults} = $accepted{$def} || $address_list;
my ($body, @body);
if($body = $args->{body})
{ @body = ref $body eq 'ARRAY' ? @$body : ($body);
return () unless @body;
if(@body > 1 || ref $body[0])
{ $self->addAddress($_) foreach @body;
delete $args->{body};
$self->SUPER::init($args) or return;
sub addAddress(@)
{ my $self = shift;
my $email = @_ && ref $_[0] ? shift : undef;
my %args = @_;
my $group = delete $args{group} || '';
$email = Mail::Message::Field::Address->new(%args)
unless defined $email;
my $set = $self->group($group) || $self->addGroup(name => $group);
sub addGroup(@)
{ my $self = shift;
my $group = @_ == 1 ? shift
: Mail::Message::Field::AddrGroup->new(@_);
push @{$self->{MMFF_groups}}, $group;
sub group($)
{ my ($self, $name) = @_;
$name = '' unless defined $name;
first { lc($_->name) eq lc($name) } $self->groups;
sub groups() { @{shift->{MMFF_groups}} }
sub groupNames() { map {$_->name} shift->groups }
sub addresses() { map {$_->addresses} shift->groups }
sub addAttribute($;@)
{ my $self = shift;
$self->log(ERROR => 'No attributes for address fields.');
sub parse($)
{ my ($self, $string) = @_;
my ($group, $email) = ('', undef);
$string =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
{ (my $comment, $string) = $self->consumeComment($string);
if($string =~ s/^\s*\;//s ) { $group = ''; next } # end group
if($string =~ s/^\s*\,//s ) { next } # end address
(my $email, $string) = $self->consumeAddress($string);
if(defined $email)
{ # Pattern starts with e-mail address
($comment, $string) = $self->consumeComment($string);
$email->comment($comment) if defined $comment;
{ # Pattern not plain address
my $real_phrase = $string =~ m/^\s*\"/;
(my $phrase, $string) = $self->consumePhrase($string);
if(defined $phrase)
{ ($comment, $string) = $self->consumeComment($string);
if($string =~ s/^\s*\://s )
{ $group = $phrase;
# even empty groups must appear
$self->addGroup(name=>$group) unless $self->group($group);
my $angle;
if($string =~ s/^\s*\<([^>]*)\>//s) { $angle = $1 }
{ $self->log(ERROR => "Ignore unrelated phrase `$1'")
if $string =~ s/^\s*\"(.*?)\r?\n//;
elsif(defined $phrase)
{ ($angle = $phrase) =~ s/\s+/./g;
undef $phrase;
($comment, $string) = $self->consumeComment($string);
# remove obsoleted route info.
return 1 unless defined $angle;
$angle =~ s/^\@.*?\://;
($email, $angle) = $self->consumeAddress($angle
, phrase => $phrase, comment => $comment);
$self->addAddress($email, group => $group) if defined $email;
return 1 if $string =~ m/^\s*$/s;
$self->log(WARNING => 'Illegal part in address field '.$self->Name.
": $string\n");
sub produceBody()
{ my @groups = sort {$a->name cmp $b->name} shift->groups;
@groups or return '';
@groups > 1 or return $groups[0]->string;
my $plain
= $groups[0]->name eq '' && $groups[0]->addresses
? (shift @groups)->string.','
: '';
join ' ', $plain, map({$_->string} @groups);
sub consumeAddress($@)
{ my ($self, $string, @options) = @_;
my ($local, $shorter, $loccomment) = $self->consumeDotAtom($string);
$local =~ s/\s//g if defined $local;
return (undef, $string)
unless defined $local && $shorter =~ s/^\s*\@//;
(my $domain, $shorter, my $domcomment) = $self->consumeDomain($shorter);
return (undef, $string) unless defined $domain;
# loccomment and domcomment ignored
my $email = Mail::Message::Field::Address
->new(username => $local, domain => $domain, @options);
($email, $shorter);
sub consumeDomain($)
{ my ($self, $string) = @_;
return ($self->stripCFWS($1), $string)
if $string =~ s/\s*(\[(?:[^[]\\]*|\\.)*\])//;
my ($atom, $rest, $comment) = $self->consumeDotAtom($string);
$atom =~ s/\s//g if defined $atom;
($atom, $rest, $comment);