shell bypass 403
# Mail::SPF::MacroString
# SPF record macro string class.
# (C) 2005-2012 Julian Mehnle <>
# 2005 Shevek <>
# $Id: 57 2012-01-30 08:15:31Z julian $
package Mail::SPF::MacroString;
=head1 NAME
Mail::SPF::MacroString - SPF record macro string class
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8; # Hack to keep Perl 5.6 from whining about /[\p{}]/.
use base 'Mail::SPF::Base';
use overload
'""' => 'stringify',
fallback => 1;
use Error ':try';
use URI::Escape ();
use Mail::SPF::Util;
use constant TRUE => (0 == 0);
use constant FALSE => not TRUE;
use constant default_split_delimiters => '.';
use constant default_join_delimiter => '.';
use constant uri_unreserved_chars => 'A-Za-z0-9\-._~';
# "unreserved" characters according to RFC 3986 -- not the "uric" chars!
# This deliberately deviates from what RFC 4408 says. This is a bug in
# RFC 4408.
use constant macos_epoch_offset => ((1970 - 1904) * 365 + 17) * 24 * 3600;
# This is a hack because the MacOS Classic epoch is relative to the local
# timezone. Get a real OS!
# Interface:
=head2 Providing the expansion context early
use Mail::SPF::MacroString;
my $macrostring = Mail::SPF::MacroString->new(
text => '%{ir}.%{v}._spf.%{d2}',
server => $server,
request => $request
my $expanded = $macrostring->expand;
=head2 Providing the expansion context late
use Mail::SPF::MacroString;
my $macrostring = Mail::SPF::MacroString->new(
text => '%{ir}.%{v}._spf.%{d2}'
my $expanded1 = $macrostring->expand($server, $request1);
$macrostring->context($server, $request2);
my $expanded2 = $macrostring->expand;
# Implementation:
An object of class B<Mail::SPF::MacroString> represents a macro string that
can be expanded to a plain string in the context of an SPF request.
=head2 Constructor
The following constructor is provided:
=item B<new(%options)>: returns I<Mail::SPF::MacroString>
Creates a new SPF record macro string object.
%options is a list of key/value pairs representing any of the following
=item B<text>
I<Required>. The unexpanded text of the new macro string.
=item B<server>
The I<Mail::SPF::Server> object that is to be used when expanding the macro
string. A server object need not be attached statically to the macro string;
it can be specified dynamically when calling the C<expand> method.
=item B<request>
The I<Mail::SPF::Request> object that is to be used when expanding the macro
string. A request object need not be attached statically to the macro string;
it can be specified dynamically when calling the C<expand> method.
=item B<is_explanation>
A I<boolean> denoting whether the macro string is an explanation string
obtained via an C<exp> modifier. If B<true>, the C<c>, C<r>, and C<t> macros
may appear in the macro string, otherwise they may not, and if they do, a
I<Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacro> exception will be thrown when the macro string is
expanded. Defaults to B<false>.
sub new {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self = $self->SUPER::new(%options);
or throw Mail::SPF::EOptionRequired("Missing required 'text' option");
return $self;
=head2 Instance methods
The following instance methods are provided:
=item B<text>: returns I<string>
Returns the unexpanded text of the macro string.
# Read-only accessor:
__PACKAGE__->make_accessor('text', TRUE);
=item B<context($server, $request)>: throws I<Mail::SPF::EOptionRequired>
Attaches the given I<Mail::SPF::Server> and I<Mail::SPF::Request> objects as
the context for the macro string.
sub context {
my ($self, $server, $request) = @_;
$self->_is_valid_context(TRUE, $server, $request);
$self->{server} = $server;
$self->{request} = $request;
$self->{expanded} = undef;
=item B<expand>: returns I<string>;
throws I<Mail::SPF::EMacroExpansionCtxRequired>, I<Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacroString>, I<Mail::SPF::Result::PermError>
=item B<expand($server, $request)>: returns I<string>;
throws I<Mail::SPF::EMacroExpansionCtxRequired>, I<Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacroString>, I<Mail::SPF::Result::PermError>
Expands the text of the macro string using either the context specified through
an earlier call to the C<context()> method, or the given context, and returns
the resulting string. See RFC 4408, 8, for how macros are expanded.
sub expand {
my ($self, @context) = @_;
return $self->{expanded}
if defined($self->{expanded});
my $text = $self->{text};
return undef
if not defined($text);
return $self->{expanded} = $text
if $text !~ /%/; # Short-circuit expansion if text has no '%' character.
my ($server, $request) = @context ? @context : ($self->{server}, $self->{request});
$self->_is_valid_context(TRUE, $server, $request);
my $expanded = '';
pos($text) = 0;
while ($text =~ m/ \G (.*?) %(.) /cgx) {
$expanded .= $1;
my $key = $2;
my $pos = pos($text) - 2;
if ($key eq '{') {
if ($text =~ m/ \G (\w|_\p{IsAlpha}+) ([0-9]+)? (r)? ([.\-+,\/_=]*)? } /cgx) {
my ($char, $rh_parts, $reverse, $delimiters) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
# Upper-case macro chars trigger URL-escaping AKA percent-encoding
# (RFC 4408, 8.1/26):
my $do_percent_encode = $char =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $value;
if ($char eq 's') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/19
$value = $request->identity;
elsif ($char eq 'l') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/19
$value = $request->localpart;
elsif ($char eq 'o') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/19
$value = $request->domain;
elsif ($char eq 'd') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/6/4
$value = $request->authority_domain;
elsif ($char eq 'i') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/20, 8.1/21
my $ip_address = $request->ip_address;
$ip_address = Mail::SPF::Util->ipv6_address_to_ipv4($ip_address)
if Mail::SPF::Util->ipv6_address_is_ipv4_mapped($ip_address);
my $ip_address_version = $ip_address->version;
if ($ip_address_version == 4) {
$value = $ip_address->addr;
elsif ($ip_address_version == 6) {
$value = join(".", split(//, unpack("H32", $ip_address->aton)));
else {
# Unexpected IP address version.
$server->throw_result('permerror', $request,
"Unexpected IP address version '$ip_address_version' in request");
elsif ($char eq 'p') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/22
try {
$value = Mail::SPF::Util->valid_domain_for_ip_address(
$server, $request, $request->ip_address, $request->authority_domain,
catch Mail::SPF::EDNSError with {};
$value ||= 'unknown';
elsif ($char eq 'v') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/6/7
my $ip_address_version = $request->ip_address->version;
if ($ip_address_version == 4) {
$value = 'in-addr';
elsif ($ip_address_version == 6) {
$value = 'ip6';
else {
# Unexpected IP address version.
$server->throw_result('permerror', $request,
"Unexpected IP address version '$ip_address_version' in request");
elsif ($char eq 'h') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/6/8
$value = $request->helo_identity || 'unknown';
elsif ($char eq 'c') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/20, 8.1/21
or throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacro(
"Illegal 'c' macro in non-explanation macro string '$text'");
my $ip_address = $request->ip_address;
$ip_address = Mail::SPF::Util->ipv6_address_to_ipv4($ip_address)
if Mail::SPF::Util->ipv6_address_is_ipv4_mapped($ip_address);
$value = Mail::SPF::Util->ip_address_to_string($ip_address);
elsif ($char eq 'r') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/23
or throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacro(
"Illegal 'r' macro in non-explanation macro string '$text'");
$value = $server->hostname || 'unknown';
elsif ($char eq 't') { # RFC 4408, 8.1/24
or throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacro(
"Illegal 't' macro in non-explanation macro string '$text'");
$value = $^O ne 'MacOS' ? time() : time() + $self->macos_epoch_offset;
elsif ($char eq '_scope') {
# Scope pseudo macro for internal use only!
$value = $request->scope;
else {
# Unknown macro character.
throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacro(
"Unknown macro character '$char' at pos $pos in macro string '$text'");
if (defined($rh_parts) or defined($reverse)) {
$delimiters ||= $self->default_split_delimiters;
my @list = split(/[\Q$delimiters\E]/, $value);
@list = reverse(@list) if defined($reverse);
# Extract desired parts:
if (defined($rh_parts) and $rh_parts > 0) {
splice(@list, 0, @list >= $rh_parts ? @list - $rh_parts : 0);
if (defined($rh_parts) and $rh_parts == 0) {
throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacro(
"Illegal selection of 0 (zero) right-hand parts at pos $pos in macro string '$text'");
$value = join($self->default_join_delimiter, @list);
$value = URI::Escape::uri_escape($value, '^' . $self->uri_unreserved_chars)
# Note the comment about the set of safe/unsafe characters at the
# definition of the "uri_unreserved_chars" constant above.
if $do_percent_encode;
$expanded .= $value;
else {
# Invalid macro expression.
throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacro(
"Invalid macro expression at pos $pos in macro string '$text'");
elsif ($key eq '-') {
$expanded .= '%20';
elsif ($key eq '_') {
$expanded .= ' ';
elsif ($key eq '%') {
$expanded .= '%';
else {
# Invalid macro expression.
throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidMacro(
"Invalid macro expression at pos $pos in macro string '$text'");
$expanded .= substr($text, pos($text)); # Append remaining unmatched characters.
#print("DEBUG: Expand $text -> $expanded\n");
#printf("DEBUG: Caller: %s() (line %d)\n", (caller(1))[3, 2]);
return @context ? $expanded : ($self->{expanded} = $expanded);
=item B<is_explanation>: returns I<boolean>
Returns B<true> if the macro string is an explanation string obtained via an
C<exp> modifier. See the description of the L</new> constructor's
C<is_explanation> option.
# Make read-only accessor:
__PACKAGE__->make_accessor('is_explanation', TRUE);
=item B<stringify>: returns I<string>
Returns the expanded text of the macro string if a context is attached to the
object. Returns the unexpanded text otherwise. You can simply use a
Mail::SPF::MacroString object as a string for the same effect, see
sub stringify {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_is_valid_context(FALSE, $self->{server}, $self->{request}) ?
$self->expand # Context availabe, expand.
: $self->text; # Context unavailable, do not expand.
sub _is_valid_context {
my ($self, $require, $server, $request) = @_;
if (not UNIVERSAL::isa($server, 'Mail::SPF::Server')) {
throw Mail::SPF::EMacroExpansionCtxRequired('Mail::SPF server object required') if $require;
return FALSE;
if (not UNIVERSAL::isa($request, 'Mail::SPF::Request')) {
throw Mail::SPF::EMacroExpansionCtxRequired('Request object required') if $require;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
If a Mail::SPF::MacroString object is used as a I<string>, the C<stringify>
method is used to convert the object into a string.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mail::SPF>, L<Mail::SPF::Record>, L<Mail::SPF::Server>, L<Mail::SPF::Request>
For availability, support, and license information, see the README file
included with Mail::SPF.
=head1 AUTHORS
Julian Mehnle <>, Shevek <>