shell bypass 403
# Mail::SPF::Record
# Abstract base class for SPF records.
# (C) 2005-2012 Julian Mehnle <>
# 2005 Shevek <>
# $Id: 57 2012-01-30 08:15:31Z julian $
package Mail::SPF::Record;
=head1 NAME
Mail::SPF::Record - Abstract base class for SPF records
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8; # Hack to keep Perl 5.6 from whining about /[\p{}]/.
use base 'Mail::SPF::Base';
use overload
'""' => 'stringify',
fallback => 1;
use Error ':try';
use constant TRUE => (0 == 0);
use constant FALSE => not TRUE;
use constant default_qualifier => '+';
use constant results_by_qualifier => {
'' => 'pass',
'+' => 'pass',
'-' => 'fail',
'~' => 'softfail',
'?' => 'neutral'
# Interface:
=head2 Creating a record from a string
use Mail::SPF::v1::Record;
my $record = Mail::SPF::v1::Record->new_from_string("v=spf1 a mx -all");
=head2 Creating a record synthetically
use Mail::SPF::v2::Record;
my $record = Mail::SPF::v2::Record->new(
scopes => ['mfrom', 'pra'],
terms => [
Mail::SPF::Mech::All->new(qualifier => '-')
global_mods => [
Mail::SPF::Mod::Exp->new(domain_spec => '')
# Implementation:
B<Mail::SPF::Record> is an abstract base class for SPF records. It cannot be
instantiated directly. Create an instance of a concrete sub-class instead.
=head2 Constructor
The following constructors are provided:
=item B<new(%options)>: returns I<Mail::SPF::Record>
Creates a new SPF record object.
%options is a list of key/value pairs representing any of the following
=item B<text>
A I<string> denoting the unparsed text of the record.
=item B<scopes>
A reference to an I<array> of I<string>s denoting the scopes that are covered
by the record (see the description of the C<scope> option of
L<Mail::SPF::Request's C<new> constructor|Mail::SPF::Request/new>).
=item B<terms>
A reference to an I<array> of I<Mail::SPF::Term> (i.e. I<Mail::SPF::Mech> or
I<Mail::SPF::Mod>) objects that make up the record. I<Mail::SPF::GlobalMod>
objects must not be included here, but should be specified using the
C<global_mods> option instead.
=item B<global_mods>
A reference to an I<array> of I<Mail::SPF::GlobalMod> objects that are global
modifiers of the record.
sub new {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
$self->class ne __PACKAGE__
or throw Mail::SPF::EAbstractClass;
$self = $self->SUPER::new(%options);
$self->{parse_text} = $self->{text} if not defined($self->{parse_text});
$self->{terms} ||= [];
$self->{global_mods} ||= {};
return $self;
=item B<new_from_string($text, %options)>: returns I<Mail::SPF::Record>;
throws I<Mail::SPF::ENothingToParse>, I<Mail::SPF::EInvalidRecordVersion>,
Creates a new SPF record object by parsing the string and any options given.
sub new_from_string {
my ($self, $text, %options) = @_;
$self = $self->new(%options, text => $text);
return $self;
=head2 Class methods
The following class methods are provided:
=item B<version_tag_pattern>: returns I<Regexp>
I<Abstract>. Returns a regular expression that matches a legal version tag.
This method is abstract and must be implemented by sub-classes of
=item B<default_qualifier>: returns I<string>
Returns the default qualifier, i.e. B<'+'>.
=item B<results_by_qualifier>: returns I<hash> of I<string>
Returns a reference to a hash that maps qualifiers to result codes as follows:
Qualifier | Result code
+ | pass
- | fail
~ | softfail
? | neutral
=head2 Instance methods
The following instance methods are provided:
sub parse {
my ($self) = @_;
or throw Mail::SPF::ENothingToParse('Nothing to parse for record');
$self->parse_term() while length($self->{parse_text});
sub parse_version_tag {
my ($self) = @_;
if (not $self->{parse_text} =~ s/^${\$self->version_tag_pattern}(?:\x20+|$)//) {
throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidRecordVersion(
"Not a '" . $self->version_tag . "' record: '" . $self->text . "'");
sub parse_term {
my ($self) = @_;
if (
$self->{parse_text} =~ s/
(?: \x20+ | $ )
) {
# Looks like a mechanism:
my ($mech_text, $mech_name) = ($1, lc($2));
my $mech_class = $self->mech_classes->{$mech_name};
throw Mail::SPF::EInvalidMech("Unknown mechanism type '$mech_name' in '" . $self->version_tag . "' record")
if not defined($mech_class);
my $mech = $mech_class->new_from_string($mech_text);
push(@{$self->{terms}}, $mech);
elsif (
$self->{parse_text} =~ s/
(${\Mail::SPF::Mod->name_pattern}) =
(?: \x20+ | $ )
) {
# Looks like a modifier:
my ($mod_text, $mod_name) = ($1, lc($2));
my $mod_class = $self->mod_classes->{$mod_name};
if (defined($mod_class)) {
# Known modifier.
my $mod = $mod_class->new_from_string($mod_text);
if ($mod->isa('Mail::SPF::GlobalMod')) {
# Global modifier.
not defined($self->{global_mods}->{$mod_name}) or
throw Mail::SPF::EDuplicateGlobalMod("Duplicate global modifier '$mod_name' encountered");
$self->{global_mods}->{$mod_name} = $mod;
elsif ($mod->isa('Mail::SPF::PositionalMod')) {
# Positional modifier, queue normally:
push(@{$self->{terms}}, $mod);
else {
# Huh? This should not happen.
else {
# Unknown modifier.
my $mod = Mail::SPF::UnknownMod->new_from_string($mod_text);
push(@{$self->{terms}}, $mod);
else {
throw Mail::SPF::EJunkInRecord("Junk encountered in record '" . $self->text . "'");
sub parse_end {
my ($self) = @_;
throw Mail::SPF::EJunkInRecord("Junk encountered in record '" . $self->text . "'")
if $self->{parse_text} ne '';
=item B<text>: returns I<string>; throws I<Mail::SPF::ENoUnparsedText>
Returns the unparsed text of the record. Throws a I<Mail::SPF::ENoUnparsedText>
exception if the record was created synthetically instead of being parsed, and
no text was provided.
sub text {
my ($self) = @_;
or throw Mail::SPF::ENoUnparsedText;
return $self->{text};
=item B<version_tag>: returns I<string>
I<Abstract>. Returns the version tag of the record.
This method is abstract and must be implemented by sub-classes of
=item B<scopes>: returns I<list> of I<string>
Returns a list of the scopes that are covered by the record. See the
description of the L</new> constructor's C<scopes> option.
sub scopes {
my ($self) = @_;
return @{$self->{scopes}};
=item B<terms>: returns I<list> of I<Mail::SPF::Term>
Returns a list of the terms that make up the record, excluding any global
modifiers, which are returned by the C<global_mods> method. See the
description of the L</new> constructor's C<terms> option.
sub terms {
my ($self) = @_;
return @{$self->{terms}};
=item B<global_mods>: returns I<list> of I<Mail::SPF::GlobalMod>
Returns a list of the global modifiers of the record, ordered ascending by
modifier precedence. See the description of the L</new> constructor's
C<global_mods> option.
sub global_mods {
my ($self) = @_;
return sort { $a->precedence <=> $b->precedence } values(%{$self->{global_mods}});
=item B<global_mod($mod_name)>: returns I<Mail::SPF::GlobalMod>
Returns the global modifier of the given name if it is present in the record.
Returns B<undef> otherwise. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a specific
global modifier as opposed to getting all of them.
sub global_mod {
my ($self, $mod_name) = @_;
return $self->{global_mods}->{$mod_name};
=item B<stringify>: returns I<string>
Returns the record's version tag and terms (including the global modifiers)
formatted as a string. You can simply use a Mail::SPF::Record object as a
string for the same effect, see L<"OVERLOADING">.
sub stringify {
my ($self) = @_;
return join(' ', $self->version_tag, $self->terms, $self->global_mods);
=item B<eval($server, $request)>: throws I<Mail::SPF::Result>
Evaluates the SPF record in the context of the request parameters represented
by the given I<Mail::SPF::Request> object. The given I<Mail::SPF::Server>
object is used for performing DNS look-ups. Throws a I<Mail::SPF::Result>
object matching the outcome of the evaluation; see L<Mail::SPF::Result>. See
RFC 4408, 4.6 and 4.7, for the exact algorithm used.
sub eval {
my ($self, $server, $request) = @_;
or throw Mail::SPF::EOptionRequired('Mail::SPF server object required for record evaluation');
or throw Mail::SPF::EOptionRequired('Request object required for record evaluation');
try {
foreach my $term ($self->terms) {
if ($term->isa('Mail::SPF::Mech')) {
# Term is a mechanism.
my $mech = $term;
if ($mech->match($server, $request)) {
my $result_name = $self->results_by_qualifier->{$mech->qualifier};
my $result_class = $server->result_class($result_name);
my $result = $result_class->new($server, $request, "Mechanism '$term' matched");
$mech->explain($server, $request, $result);
elsif ($term->isa('Mail::SPF::PositionalMod')) {
# Term is a positional modifier.
my $mod = $term;
$mod->process($server, $request);
elsif ($term->isa('Mail::SPF::UnknownMod')) {
# Term is an unknown modifier. Ignore it (RFC 4408, 6/3).
else {
# Invalid term object encountered:
throw Mail::SPF::EUnexpectedTermObject(
"Unexpected term object '$term' encountered");
# Default result when "falling off" the end of the record (RFC 4408, 4.7/1):
$server->throw_result('neutral-by-default', $request,
'Default neutral result due to no mechanism matches');
catch Mail::SPF::Result with {
my ($result) = @_;
# Process global modifiers in ascending order of precedence:
foreach my $global_mod ($self->global_mods) {
$global_mod->process($server, $request, $result);
If a Mail::SPF::Record object is used as a I<string>, the C<stringify> method
is used to convert the object into a string.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mail::SPF>, L<Mail::SPF::v1::Record>, L<Mail::SPF::v2::Record>,
L<Mail::SPF::Term>, L<Mail::SPF::Mech>, L<Mail::SPF::Mod>
For availability, support, and license information, see the README file
included with Mail::SPF.
=head1 AUTHORS
Julian Mehnle <>, Shevek <>