shell bypass 403
# Mail::SPF::Term
# SPF record term class.
# (C) 2005-2012 Julian Mehnle <>
# 2005 Shevek <>
# $Id: 57 2012-01-30 08:15:31Z julian $
package Mail::SPF::Term;
=head1 NAME
Mail::SPF::Term - SPF record term class
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8; # Hack to keep Perl 5.6 from whining about /[\p{}]/.
use base 'Mail::SPF::Base';
use overload
'""' => 'stringify',
fallback => 1;
use NetAddr::IP;
use constant TRUE => (0 == 0);
use constant FALSE => not TRUE;
use constant name_pattern => qr/ \p{IsAlpha} [\p{IsAlnum}\-_.]* /x;
use constant macro_literal_pattern => qr/[!-\$&-~]/;
use constant macro_delimiter => qr/[.\-+,\/_=]/;
use constant macro_transformers_pattern => qr/\d*r?/;
use constant macro_expand_pattern => qr/
{ \p{IsAlpha} ${\macro_transformers_pattern} ${\macro_delimiter}* } |
use constant macro_string_pattern => qr/
${\macro_expand_pattern} |
use constant toplabel_pattern => qr/
\p{IsAlnum}+ - [\p{IsAlnum}-]* \p{IsAlnum} |
\p{IsAlnum}* \p{IsAlpha} \p{IsAlnum}*
use constant domain_end_pattern => qr/
\. ${\toplabel_pattern} \.? |
use constant domain_spec_pattern => qr/ ${\macro_string_pattern} ${\domain_end_pattern} /x;
use constant qnum_pattern => qr/ 25[0-5] | 2[0-4]\d | 1\d\d | [1-9]\d | \d /x;
use constant ipv4_address_pattern => qr/ ${\qnum_pattern} (?: \. ${\qnum_pattern} ){3} /x;
use constant hexword_pattern => qr/\p{IsXDigit}{1,4}/;
use constant two_hexwords_or_ipv4_address_pattern => qr/
${\hexword_pattern} : ${\hexword_pattern} | ${\ipv4_address_pattern}
use constant ipv6_address_pattern => qr/
# x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x | x:x:x:x:x:x:n.n.n.n
(?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){6} ${\two_hexwords_or_ipv4_address_pattern} |
# x::x:x:x:x:x:x | x::x:x:x:x:n.n.n.n
(?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){1} : (?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){4} ${\two_hexwords_or_ipv4_address_pattern} |
# x[:x]::x:x:x:x:x | x[:x]::x:x:x:n.n.n.n
(?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){1,2} : (?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){3} ${\two_hexwords_or_ipv4_address_pattern} |
# x[:...]::x:x:x:x | x[:...]::x:x:n.n.n.n
(?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){1,3} : (?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){2} ${\two_hexwords_or_ipv4_address_pattern} |
# x[:...]::x:x:x | x[:...]::x:n.n.n.n
(?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){1,4} : (?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){1} ${\two_hexwords_or_ipv4_address_pattern} |
# x[:...]::x:x | x[:...]::n.n.n.n
(?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){1,5} : ${\two_hexwords_or_ipv4_address_pattern} |
# x[:...]::x | -
(?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){1,6} : ${\hexword_pattern} |
# x[:...]:: | -
(?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){1,7} : |
# ::[...:]x | -
:: (?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){0,6} ${\hexword_pattern} |
# - | ::[...:]n.n.n.n
:: (?: ${\hexword_pattern} : ){0,5} ${\two_hexwords_or_ipv4_address_pattern} |
# :: | -
An object of class B<Mail::SPF::Term> represents a term within an SPF record.
Mail::SPF::Term cannot be instantiated directly. Create an instance of a
concrete sub-class instead.
=head2 Constructor
The following constructor is provided:
=item B<new(%options)>: returns I<Mail::SPF::Term>
I<Abstract>. Creates a new SPF record term object.
%options is a list of key/value pairs, however Mail::SPF::Term itself specifies
no constructor options.
=item B<new_from_string($text, %options)>: returns I<Mail::SPF::Term>;
throws I<Mail::SPF::ENothingToParse>, I<Mail::SPF::EInvalidTerm>
I<Abstract>. Creates a new SPF record term object by parsing the string and
any options given.
sub new_from_string {
my ($self, $text, %options) = @_;
$self = $self->new(%options, text => $text);
return $self;
=head2 Class methods
The following class methods are provided:
=item B<name_pattern>: returns I<Regexp>
Returns a regular expression that matches any legal name for an SPF record
=head2 Instance methods
The following instance methods are provided:
sub parse_domain_spec {
my ($self, $required) = @_;
if ($self->{parse_text} =~ s/^(${\$self->domain_spec_pattern})//) {
my $domain_spec = $1;
$domain_spec =~ s/^(.*?)\.?$/\L$1/;
$self->{domain_spec} = Mail::SPF::MacroString->new(text => $domain_spec);
elsif ($required) {
throw Mail::SPF::ETermDomainSpecExpected(
"Missing required domain-spec in '" . $self->text . "'");
sub parse_ipv4_address {
my ($self, $required) = @_;
if ($self->{parse_text} =~ s/^(${\$self->ipv4_address_pattern})//) {
$self->{ip_address} = $1;
elsif ($required) {
throw Mail::SPF::ETermIPv4AddressExpected(
"Missing required IPv4 address in '" . $self->text . "'");
sub parse_ipv4_prefix_length {
my ($self, $required) = @_;
if ($self->{parse_text} =~ s#^/(\d+)##) {
$1 >= 0 and $1 <= 32 and $1 !~ /^0./
or throw Mail::SPF::ETermIPv4PrefixLengthExpected(
"Invalid IPv4 prefix length encountered in '" . $self->text . "'");
$self->{ipv4_prefix_length} = $1;
elsif (not $required) {
$self->{ipv4_prefix_length} = $self->default_ipv4_prefix_length;
else {
throw Mail::SPF::ETermIPv4PrefixLengthExpected(
"Missing required IPv4 prefix length in '" . $self->text . "'");
sub parse_ipv4_network {
my ($self, $required) = @_;
$self->{ip_network} = NetAddr::IP->new($self->{ip_address}, $self->{ipv4_prefix_length});
sub parse_ipv6_address {
my ($self, $required) = @_;
if ($self->{parse_text} =~ s/^(${\$self->ipv6_address_pattern})(?=\/|$)//) {
$self->{ip_address} = $1;
elsif ($required) {
throw Mail::SPF::ETermIPv6AddressExpected(
"Missing required IPv6 address in '" . $self->text . "'");
sub parse_ipv6_prefix_length {
my ($self, $required) = @_;
if ($self->{parse_text} =~ s#^/(\d+)##) {
$1 >= 0 and $1 <= 128 and $1 !~ /^0./
or throw Mail::SPF::ETermIPv6PrefixLengthExpected(
"Invalid IPv6 prefix length encountered in '" . $self->text . "'");
$self->{ipv6_prefix_length} = $1;
elsif (not $required) {
$self->{ipv6_prefix_length} = $self->default_ipv6_prefix_length;
else {
throw Mail::SPF::ETermIPv6PrefixLengthExpected(
"Missing required IPv6 prefix length in '" . $self->text . "'");
sub parse_ipv6_network {
my ($self, $required) = @_;
$self->{ip_network} = NetAddr::IP->new(
$self->{ip_address}, $self->{ipv6_prefix_length});
sub parse_ipv4_ipv6_prefix_lengths {
my ($self) = @_;
if (
defined($self->{ipv4_prefix_length}) and # an IPv4 prefix length has been parsed, and
$self->{parse_text} =~ s#^/## # another slash is following
) {
# Parse an IPv6 prefix length:
=item B<text>: returns I<string>; throws I<Mail::SPF::ENoUnparsedText>
Returns the unparsed text of the term. Throws a I<Mail::SPF::ENoUnparsedText>
exception if the term was created synthetically instead of being parsed, and no
text was provided.
sub text {
my ($self) = @_;
or throw Mail::SPF::ENoUnparsedText;
return $self->{text};
=item B<name>: returns I<string>
I<Abstract>. Returns the name of the term.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mail::SPF>, L<Mail::SPF::Record>, L<Mail::SPF::Mech>, L<Mail::SPF::Mod>
For availability, support, and license information, see the README file
included with Mail::SPF.
=head1 AUTHORS
Julian Mehnle <>, Shevek <>