shell bypass 403
package Module::Build::XSUtil;
use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
use Module::Build;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
our @ISA = qw(Module::Build);
our $VERSION = "0.19";
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'ppport_h_path' => undef );
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'xshelper_h_path' => undef );
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my %args = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);
return $self if $self->pureperl_only && $self->allow_pureperl;
if ( !defined $args{cc_warnings} ) {
$args{cc_warnings} = 1;
unless ( $self->have_c_compiler() ) {
warn "This distribution requires a C compiler, but it's not available, stopped.\n";
exit -1;
# cleanup options
if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) {
# debugging options
if ( $self->_xs_debugging() ) {
if ( $self->_is_msvc() ) {
else {
$self->_add_extra_compiler_flags(qw/-g -ggdb -g3/);
# c++ options
if ( $args{needs_compiler_cpp} ) {
require ExtUtils::CBuilder;
my $cbuilder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new( quiet => 1 );
$cbuilder->have_cplusplus or do {
warn "This environment does not have a C++ compiler(OS unsupported)\n";
exit 0;
if ( $self->_is_gcc ) {
if $Config::Config{ccflags} =~ /-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64/;
if $^O eq 'netbsd' && !grep {/\-lgcc_s/} @{ $self->extra_linker_flags };
if ( $args{needs_compiler_cpp} == 11 && $self->_enable_cpp11 ) {
# Use C++11
if ( $self->_is_clang ) {
if ( $self->_is_msvc ) {
$self->_add_extra_compiler_flags('-TP -EHsc');
# c99 is required
if ( $args{needs_compiler_c99} ) {
require Devel::CheckCompiler;
if ( _is_gcc() ) {
my $gccversion = _gcc_version();
if ( $gccversion < 5 ) {
if ( $args{cc_warnings} ) {
$self->_add_extra_compiler_flags( $self->_cc_warnings( \%args ) );
# xshelper.h
if ( my $xshelper = $args{generate_xshelper_h} ) {
if ( $xshelper eq '1' ) { # { xshelper => 1 }
$xshelper = 'xshelper.h';
# generate ppport.h to same directory automatically.
unless ( defined $args{generate_ppport_h} ) {
( my $ppport = $xshelper ) =~ s!xshelper\.h$!ppport\.h!;
$args{generate_ppport_h} = $ppport;
# ppport.h
if ( my $ppport = $args{generate_ppport_h} ) {
if ( $ppport eq '1' ) {
$ppport = 'ppport.h';
return $self;
sub ACTION_code {
my $self = shift;
# write xshelper.h
if ( my $xshelper = $self->xshelper_h_path ) {
File::Path::mkpath( File::Basename::dirname($xshelper) );
if ( open( my $fh, '>', $xshelper ) ) {
print $fh _xshelper_h();
close $fh;
# write ppport.h
if ( my $ppport = $self->ppport_h_path ) {
File::Path::mkpath( File::Basename::dirname($ppport) );
require Devel::PPPort;
sub ACTION_manifest_skip {
my $self = shift;
if ( -e 'MANIFEST.SKIP' ) {
open( my $fh, '<', 'MANIFEST.SKIP' ) or die $!;
my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
my $ppport = $self->ppport_h_path;
if ( $ppport && $content !~ /\Q${ppport}\E/ ) {
my $safe = quotemeta($ppport);
my $xshelper = $self->xshelper_h_path;
if ( $xshelper && $content !~ /\Q${xshelper}\E/ ) {
my $safe = quotemeta($xshelper);
sub auto_require {
my ($self) = @_;
my $p = $self->{properties};
if ( $self->dist_name ne 'Module-Build-XSUtil'
and $self->auto_configure_requires )
if ( not exists $p->{configure_requires}{'Module::Build::XSUtil'} ) {
( my $ver = $VERSION ) =~ s/^(\d+\.\d\d).*$/$1/; # last major release only
$self->_add_prereq( 'configure_requires', 'Module::Build::XSUtil', $ver );
sub _xs_debugging {
my ($self) = @_;
return $ENV{XS_DEBUG} || $self->args('g');
sub _is_gcc {
return $Config{gccversion};
# Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (cl.exe)
sub _is_msvc {
return $Config{cc} =~ /\A cl \b /xmsi;
sub _enable_cpp11 {
if ( _is_clang() ) {
my $ver = _llvm_version();
warn $ver->{major};
return ( $ver->{major} >= 3 && $ver->{minor} >= 2 );
elsif ( _is_gcc() ) {
my $ver = _gcc_version();
my ( $major, $minor ) = $ver =~ /([0-9]+\.([0-9]+))/;
return ( $major >= 4 && $minor >= 7 );
sub _is_clang {
my $ver = `$Config{cc} --version`;
return $ver =~ /clang\-[0-9]+/ ? 1 : 0;
sub _llvm_version {
my $ver = `$Config{cc} --version`;
return unless _is_clang();
my ( $llvm_majar, $llvm_minor ) = $ver =~ /LLVM\s+([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/;
return { major => $llvm_majar, minor => $llvm_minor };
sub _gcc_version {
my $res = `$Config{cc} --version`;
my ($version) = $res =~ /(?:\(GCC\)|g?cc \([^)]+\)) ([0-9.]+)/;
no warnings 'numeric', 'uninitialized';
return sprintf '%g', $version;
sub _cc_warnings {
my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
my @flags;
if ( $self->_is_gcc() ) {
push @flags, qw(-Wall);
my $gccversion = $self->_gcc_version();
if ( $gccversion >= 4.0 ) {
push @flags, qw(-Wextra);
if ( !( $args->{needs_compiler_c99} or $args->{needs_compiler_cpp} ) ) {
# Note: MSVC++ doesn't support C99,
# so -Wdeclaration-after-statement helps
# ensure C89 specs.
push @flags, qw(-Wdeclaration-after-statement);
if ( $gccversion >= 4.1 && !$args->{needs_compiler_cpp} ) {
push @flags, qw(-Wc++-compat);
else {
push @flags, qw(-W -Wno-comment);
elsif ( $self->_is_msvc() ) {
push @flags, qw(-W3);
else {
# TODO: support other compilers
return @flags;
sub _add_extra_compiler_flags {
my ( $self, @flags ) = @_;
$self->extra_compiler_flags( @{ $self->extra_compiler_flags }, @flags );
sub _add_extra_linker_flags {
my ( $self, @flags ) = @_;
$self->extra_linker_flags( @{ $self->extra_linker_flags }, @flags );
sub _xshelper_h {
my $h = <<'XSHELPER_H';
:=head1 NAME
:xshelper.h - Helper C header file for XS modules
: // This includes all the perl header files and ppport.h
: #include "xshelper.h"
:=head1 SEE ALSO
:L<Module::Install::XSUtil>, where this file is distributed as a part of
:=head1 AUTHOR
:Fuji, Goro (gfx) E<lt>gfuji at cpan.orgE<gt>
:=head1 LISENCE
:Copyright (c) 2010, Fuji, Goro (gfx). All rights reserved.
:This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
:it under the same terms as Perl itself.
:#ifdef __cplusplus
:extern "C" {
:#define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT /* we want efficiency */
:#include <EXTERN.h>
:#include <perl.h>
:#define NO_XSLOCKS /* for exceptions */
:#include <XSUB.h>
:#ifdef __cplusplus
:} /* extern "C" */
:#include "ppport.h"
:/* portability stuff not supported by ppport.h yet */
:#ifndef STATIC_INLINE /* from 5.13.4 */
:# if defined(__cplusplus) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L))
:# define STATIC_INLINE static inline
:# else
:# define STATIC_INLINE static
:# endif
:#endif /* STATIC_INLINE */
:#ifndef __attribute__format__
:#define __attribute__format__(a,b,c) /* nothing */
:#ifndef LIKELY /* they are just a compiler's hint */
:#define LIKELY(x) (!!(x))
:#define UNLIKELY(x) (!!(x))
:#ifndef newSVpvs_share
:#define newSVpvs_share(s) Perl_newSVpvn_share(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(s), 0U)
:#ifndef get_cvs
:#define get_cvs(name, flags) get_cv(name, flags)
:#ifndef GvNAME_get
:#define GvNAME_get GvNAME
:#ifndef GvNAMELEN_get
:#define GvNAMELEN_get GvNAMELEN
:#ifndef CvGV_set
:#define CvGV_set(cv, gv) (CvGV(cv) = (gv))
:/* general utility */
:#if PERL_BCDVERSION >= 0x5008005
:#define LooksLikeNumber(x) looks_like_number(x)
:#define LooksLikeNumber(x) (SvPOKp(x) ? looks_like_number(x) : (I32)SvNIOKp(x))
:#define newAV_mortal() (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newAV())
:#define newHV_mortal() (HV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newHV())
:#define newRV_inc_mortal(sv) sv_2mortal(newRV_inc(sv))
:#define newRV_noinc_mortal(sv) sv_2mortal(newRV_noinc(sv))
:#define DECL_BOOT(name) EXTERN_C XS(CAT2(boot_, name))
:#define CALL_BOOT(name) STMT_START { \
: CALL_FPTR(CAT2(boot_, name))(aTHX_ cv); \
$h =~ s/^://xmsg;
$h =~ s/\$VERSION\b/$VERSION/xms;
return $h;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Module::Build::XSUtil - A Module::Build class for building XS modules
Use in your Build.PL
use strict;
use warnings;
use Module::Build::XSUtil;
my $builder = Module::Build::XSUtil->new(
dist_name => 'Your-XS-Module',
license => 'perl',
dist_author => 'Your Name <>',
dist_version_from => 'lib/Your/XS/Module',
generate_ppport_h => 'lib/Your/XS/ppport.h',
generate_xshelper_h => 'lib/Your/XS/xshelper.h',
needs_compiler_c99 => 1,
Use in custom builder module.
package builder::MyBuilder;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Module::Build::XSUtil';
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(
generate_ppport_h => 'lib/Your/XS/ppport.h',
generate_xshelper_h => 'lib/Your/XS/xshelper.h',
needs_compiler_c99 => 1,
return $self;
Module::Build::XSUtil is subclass of L<Module::Build> for support building XS modules.
This is a list of a new parameters in the Module::Build::new method:
=item needs_compiler_c99
This option checks C99 compiler's availability. If it's not available, Build.PL exits by 0.
=item needs_compiler_cpp
This option checks C++ compiler's availability. If it's not available, Build.PL exits by 0.
In addition, append 'extra_compiler_flags' and 'extra_linker_flags' for C++.
=item generate_ppport_h
Genereate ppport.h by L<Devel::PPPort>.
=item generate_xshelper_h
Genereate xshelper.h which is a helper header file to include EXTERN.h, perl.h, XSUB.h and ppport.h,
and defines some portability stuff which are not supported by ppport.h.
It is porting from L<Module::Install::XSUtil>.
=item cc_warnings
Enable compiler warnings flag. It is enable by default.
=item -g options
If invoke Build.PL with '-g' option, It will build with debug options.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) Hideaki Ohno.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Hideaki Ohno E<lt>hide.o.j55 {at} gmail.comE<gt>