shell bypass 403
package Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Files;
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find::Object;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
use File::stat;
use ExtUtils::Manifest qw(maniskip);
$ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1;
our $VERSION = '0.99';
$VERSION =~ s/_//; ## no critic
our $RespectManiskip = 1; # for Test::Kwalitee and its friends
sub order { 15 }
# Analyse
sub analyse {
my $class = shift;
my $me = shift;
my $distdir = $me->distdir;
$distdir =~ s|\\|/|g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
# Respect no_index if possible
my $no_index_re = $class->_make_no_index_regex($me);
my $maniskip_file = "$distdir/MANIFEST.SKIP";
my $has_maniskip = -f $maniskip_file;
my $maniskip = maniskip($maniskip_file);
my (%files, %dirs);
my (@files_array, @dirs_array);
my $size = 0;
my $latest_mtime = 0;
my @base_dirs;
my $finder = File::Find::Object->new({
depth => 1,
followlink => 0,
}, $distdir);
my %seen; # GH-83
while(defined(my $name = $finder->next)) {
$name =~ s|\\|/|g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
(my $path = $name) =~ s!^\Q$distdir\E(?:/|$)!! or next;
next if $path eq '';
next if $seen{$path}++;
next if $RespectManiskip && $has_maniskip && $maniskip->($path);
if (-d $name) {
$dirs{$path} ||= {};
if (-l $name) {
$dirs{$path}{symlink} = 1;
push @dirs_array, $path;
if ($me->d->{is_local_distribution}) {
next if $path =~ m!/\.!;
if (my $stat = stat($name)) {
$files{$path}{size} = $stat->size || 0;
$size += $files{$path}{size};
my $mtime = $files{$path}{mtime} = $stat->mtime;
$latest_mtime = $mtime if $mtime > $latest_mtime;
} else {
$files{$path}{stat_error} = $!;
if (-l $name) {
$files{$path}{symlink} = 1;
if (!-r $name) {
$files{$path}{unreadable} = 1;
if ($no_index_re && $path =~ qr/$no_index_re/) {
$files{$path}{no_index} = 1;
# ignore files in dot directories (probably VCS stuff)
next if $path =~ m!(?:^|/)\.[^/]+/!;
push @files_array, $path;
# distribution may have several Makefile.PLs, thus
# several 'lib' or 't' directories to care
if ($path =~ m!/Makefile\.PL$! && $path !~ m!(^|/)x?t/!) {
(my $dir = $path) =~ s|/[^/]+$||;
push @base_dirs, $dir;
$me->d->{size_unpacked} = $size;
$me->d->{latest_mtime} = $latest_mtime;
my @symlinks = sort {$a cmp $b} (
grep({ $files{$_}{symlink} } keys %files),
grep({ $dirs{$_}{symlink} } keys %dirs)
if (@symlinks) {
$me->d->{error}{symlinks} = join ',', @symlinks;
$me->d->{base_dirs} = [sort @base_dirs] if @base_dirs;
my $base_dirs_re = join '|', '', map {quotemeta "$_/"} @base_dirs;
# find special files/dirs
my @special_files = sort (qw(Makefile.PL Build.PL META.yml META.json MYMETA.yml MYMETA.json dist.ini cpanfile SIGNATURE MANIFEST MANIFEST.SKIP LICENSE LICENCE));
my @special_dirs = sort (qw(lib t xt));
my %special_files_re = (
file_changelog => qr{^(?:$base_dirs_re)(?:chang|history)}i,
file_readme => qr{^(?:$base_dirs_re)readme(?:\.(?:txt|md|pod|mkdn|mdown|markdown))?}i,
for my $base_dir ('', @base_dirs) {
$base_dir = "$base_dir/" if $base_dir;
for my $name (@special_files) {
my $file = "$base_dir$name";
if (exists $files{$file}) {
(my $key = "file_".lc $name) =~ s/\./_/;
$me->d->{$key} = $me->d->{$key} ? $me->d->{$key}.",$file" : $file;
for my $name (@special_dirs) {
my $dir = "$base_dir$name";
if (exists $dirs{$dir}) {
my $key = "dir_$name";
$me->d->{$key} = $me->d->{$key} ? $me->d->{$key}.",$dir" : $dir;
for my $file (sort keys %files) {
next unless $file =~ m!^(?:$base_dirs_re)[^/]+$!;
while(my ($key, $re) = each %special_files_re) {
if ($file =~ /$re/) {
$me->d->{$key} = $me->d->{$key} ? $me->d->{$key}.",$file" : $file;
# store stuff
$me->d->{files} = scalar @files_array;
$me->d->{files_array} = \@files_array;
$me->d->{files_hash} = \%files;
$me->d->{dirs} = scalar @dirs_array;
$me->d->{dirs_array} = \@dirs_array;
my @ignored = grep {$files{$_}{no_index}} sort keys %files;
$me->d->{ignored_files_array} = \@ignored if @ignored;
# check STDIN in Makefile.PL and Build.PL
# objective: convince people to use prompt();
for my $type (qw/makefile_pl build_pl/) {
for my $path (split ',', $me->d->{"file_$type"} || '') {
next unless $path;
my $file = catfile($me->distdir, $path);
next if not -e $file;
open my $fh, '<', $file or next;
my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> } or next;
$me->d->{"stdin_in_$type"} = 1 if $content =~ /<STDIN>/;
sub _make_no_index_regex {
my ($class, $me) = @_;
my $meta = $me->d->{meta_yml};
return unless $meta && ref $meta eq ref {};
my $no_index = $meta->{no_index} || $meta->{private};
return unless $no_index && ref $no_index eq ref {};
my %map = (
file => '\z',
directory => '/',
my @ignore;
for my $type (qw/file directory/) {
next unless $no_index->{$type};
my $rest = $map{$type};
my @entries = ref $no_index->{$type} eq ref []
? @{ $no_index->{$type} }
: ( $no_index->{$type} );
# entries may possibly have escape chars; DAGOLDEN/Class-InsideOut-0.90_01.tar.gz
push @ignore, map {s/\\/\\\\/g; "^$_$rest"} @entries;
return unless @ignore;
$me->d->{no_index} = join ';', sort @ignore;
return '(?:' . (join '|', @ignore) . ')';
# Kwalitee Indicators
sub kwalitee_indicators {
return [
name => 'has_readme',
error => q{The file "README" is missing from this distribution. The README provides some basic information to users prior to downloading and unpacking the distribution.},
remedy => q{Add a README to the distribution. It should contain a quick description of your module and how to install it.},
code => sub { shift->{file_readme} ? 1 : 0 },
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return "README was not found.";
name => 'has_manifest',
error => q{The file "MANIFEST" is missing from this distribution. The MANIFEST lists all files included in the distribution.},
remedy => q{Add a MANIFEST to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it (eg "make manifest" or "./Build manifest")},
code => sub { shift->{file_manifest} ? 1 : 0 },
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return "MANIFEST was not found.";
name => 'has_meta_yml',
error => q{The file "META.yml" is missing from this distribution. META.yml is needed by people maintaining module collections (like CPAN), for people writing installation tools, or just people who want to know some stuff about a distribution before downloading it.},
remedy => q{Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.},
code => sub {
my $d = shift;
return 1 if $d->{file_meta_yml};
return 1 if $d->{is_local_distribution} && $d->{file_mymeta_yml};
return 0;
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return "META.yml was not found.";
name => 'has_meta_json',
error => q{The file "META.json" is missing from this distribution. META.json has better information than META.yml and is preferred by people maintaining module collections (like CPAN), for people writing installation tools, or just people who want to know some stuff about a distribution before downloading it.},
remedy => q{Add a META.json to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.},
code => sub {
my $d = shift;
return 1 if $d->{file_meta_json};
return 1 if $d->{is_local_distribution} && $d->{file_mymeta_json};
return 0;
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return "META.json was not found.";
is_extra => 1,
name => 'has_buildtool',
error => q{Makefile.PL and/or Build.PL are missing. This makes installing this distribution hard for humans and impossible for automated tools like CPAN/CPANPLUS/cpanminus.},
remedy => q{Add a Makefile.PL (for ExtUtils::MakeMaker/Module::Install) or a Build.PL (for Module::Build and its friends), or use a distribution builder such as Dist::Zilla, Dist::Milla, Minilla.},
code => sub {
my $d = shift;
return 1 if $d->{file_makefile_pl} || $d->{file_build_pl};
return 0;
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return "Neither Makefile.PL nor Build.PL was found.";
name => 'has_changelog',
error => q{The distribution hasn't got a Changelog (named something like m/^chang(es?|log)|history$/i). A Changelog helps people decide if they want to upgrade to a new version.},
remedy => q{Add a Changelog (best named 'Changes') to the distribution. It should list at least major changes implemented in newer versions.},
code => sub { shift->{file_changelog} ? 1 : 0 },
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return "Any Changelog file was not found.";
name => 'no_symlinks',
error => q{This distribution includes symbolic links (symlinks). This is bad, because there are operating systems that do not handle symlinks.},
remedy => q{Remove the symlinks from the distribution.},
code => sub {shift->{error}{symlinks} ? 0 : 1},
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return "The following symlinks were found: ".$d->{error}{symlinks};
name => 'has_tests',
error => q{This distribution doesn't contain either a file called '' or a directory called 't'. This indicates that it doesn't contain even the most basic test-suite. This is really BAD!},
remedy => q{Add tests!},
code => sub {
my $d = shift;
# TODO: make sure if .t files do exist in t/ directory.
return 1 if $d->{file_test_pl} || $d->{dir_t};
return 0;
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return q{Neither "" nor "t/" directory was not found.};
name => 'has_tests_in_t_dir',
is_extra => 1,
error => q{This distribution contains either a file called '' (the old test file) or is missing a directory called 't'. This indicates that it uses the old test mechanism or it has no test-suite.},
remedy => q{Add tests or move to the t/ directory!},
code => sub {
my $d = shift;
# TODO: make sure if .t files do exist in t/ directory.
return 1 if !$d->{file_test_pl} && $d->{dir_t};
return 0;
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return q{"" was found.} if $d->{file_test_pl};
return q{"t/" directory was not found.};
name => 'no_stdin_for_prompting',
error => q{This distribution is using direct call from STDIN instead of prompt(). Make sure STDIN is not used in Makefile.PL or Build.PL.},
is_extra => 1,
remedy => q{Use the prompt() method from ExtUtils::MakeMaker/Module::Build.},
code => sub {
my $d = shift;
if ($d->{stdin_in_makefile_pl}||$d->{stdin_in_build_pl}) {
return 0;
return 1;
details => sub {
my $d = shift;
return "<STDIN> was found in Makefile.PL" if $d->{stdin_in_makefile_pl};
return "<STDIN> was found in Build.PL" if $d->{stdin_in_build_pl};
q{Favourite record of the moment:
Fat Freddys Drop: Based on a true story};
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Files - Check for various files
Find various files and directories that should be part of every self-respecting distribution.
=head2 Methods
=head3 order
Defines the order in which Kwalitee tests should be run.
Returns C<15>, as data generated by C<MCK::Files> is used by all other tests.
=head3 analyse
C<MCK::Files> uses C<File::Find::Object> to get a list of all files and directories in a distribution. It checks if certain crucial files are there, and does some other file-specific stuff.
=head3 kwalitee_indicators
Returns the Kwalitee Indicators data structure.
=item * has_readme
=item * has_manifest
=item * has_meta_yml
=item * has_buildtool
=item * has_changelog
=item * no_symlinks
=item * has_tests
=item * has_tests_in_t_dir
=item * no_stdin_for_prompting
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
L<Thomas Klausner|>
Copyright © 2003–2006, 2009 L<Thomas Klausner|>
You may use and distribute this module according to the same terms
that Perl is distributed under.