shell bypass 403
# To Do:
# - Make preface part of parsed code, since it might contain `package`
# statements or other scoping stuff.
# - Build code into an AST.
use strict; use warnings;
package Module::Compile;
our $VERSION = '0.38';
use Digest::SHA1();
# A lexical hash to keep track of which files have already been filtered
my $filtered = {};
# A map of digests to code blocks
my $digest_map = {};
# All subroutines are prefixed with pmc_ so subclasses don't
# accidentally override things they didn't intend to.
# Determine which stack frame points to the code we are filtering.
# This is a method in case it needs to be overridden.
sub pmc_caller_stack_frame { 0 };
# This is called while parsing source code to determine if the
# module/class in a use/no line is part of the Module::Compile game.
# Return true if this class supports PMC compilation.
# The hope is that this will allow interoperability with modules that
# do not inherit from Module::Compile but still want to do this sort
# of thing.
sub pmc_is_compiler_module { 1 };
sub new {
return bless {}, shift;
# This is called to determine whether the meaning of use/no is reversed.
sub pmc_use_means_no { 0 }
# This is called to determine whether the use line means a one line section.
sub pmc_use_means_now { 0 }
# All Module::Compile based modules inherit this import routine.
sub import {
my ($class) = @_;
return if $class->pmc_use_means_no;
goto &{$class->can('pmc_import')};
# Treat unimport like import if use means no
sub unimport {
my ($class) = @_;
return unless $class->pmc_use_means_no;
goto &{$class->can('pmc_import')};
sub pmc_import {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
# Handler modules can do `use Module::Compile -base;`. Make them ISA
# Module::Compile and get the hell out of Dodge.
$class->pmc_set_base(@args) and return;
my ($module, $line) = (caller($class->pmc_caller_stack_frame))[1, 2];
return if $filtered->{$module}++;
my $callback = sub {
my ($class, $content, $data) = @_;
my $output = $class->pmc_template($module, $content, $data);
$class->pmc_output($module, $output);
$class->pmc_filter($module, $line, $callback);
# Is there a meaningful return value here?
# File might not be a module (.pm) and might be compiled already.
# If so, run the compiled file.
sub pmc_check_compiled_file {
my ($class, $file) = @_;
if (defined $file and $file !~ /\.pm$/i) {
# Do the freshness check ourselves
my $pmc = $file.'c';
$class->pmc_run_compiled_file($pmc), die
if -s $pmc and (-M $pmc <= -M $file);
sub pmc_run_compiled_file {
my ($class, $pmc) = @_;
my ($package) = caller($class->pmc_file_caller_frame());
eval "package $package; do \$pmc";
die $@ if $@;
exit 0;
sub pmc_file_caller_frame { 2 }
# Set up inheritance
sub pmc_set_base {
my ($class, $flag) = @_;
# Handle the `use Module::Compile -base;` command.
if ($class->isa(__PACKAGE__) and defined $flag and $flag eq '-base') {
my $descendant = (caller 1)[0];;
no strict 'refs';
push @{$descendant . '::ISA'}, $class;
return 1;
return 0;
# Generate the actual code that will go into the .pmc file.
sub pmc_template {
my ($class, $module, $content, $data) = @_;
my $base = __PACKAGE__;
my $check = $class->freshness_check($module);
my $version = $class->VERSION || '0';
return join "\n",
"# Generated by $class $version ($base $VERSION) - do not edit!",
# This returns a piece of Perl code to do a runtime check to see if the
# .pmc file is fresh. By default we use a 32-bit running checksum.
sub freshness_check {
my ($class, $module) = @_;
my $sum = sprintf('%08X', do {
local $/;
open my $fh, "<", $module
or die "Cannot open $module: $!";
binmode($fh, ':crlf'); # normalize CRLF for consistent checksum
unpack('%32N*', <$fh>);
return << "...";
################((( 32-bit Checksum Validator III )))################
#line 1
BEGIN { use 5.006; local (*F, \$/); (\$F = __FILE__) =~ s!c\$!!; open(F)
or die "Cannot open \$F: \$!"; binmode(F, ':crlf'); if (unpack('%32N*',
\$F=readline(*F)) != 0x$sum) { use Filter::Util::Call; my \$f = \$F;
filter_add(sub { filter_del(); 1 while &filter_read; \$_ = \$f; 1; })}}
#line 1
# Write the output to the .pmc file
sub pmc_output {
my ($class, $module, $output) = @_;
or return 0;
my $pmc = $module . 'c';
# If we can't open the file, just return. The filtering will not be cached,
# but that might be ok.
open my $fh, ">", $pmc
or return 0;
# Protect against disk full or whatever else.
local $@;
eval {
print $fh $output
or die;
close $fh
or die;
if ( my $e = $@ ) {
# close $fh? die if unlink?
if ( -e $pmc ) {
unlink $pmc
or die "Can't delete errant $pmc: $!";
return 0;
return 1;
# Check whether output can be written.
sub pmc_can_output {
my ($class, $file_path) = @_;
return 1;
# return $file_path =~ /\.pm$/;
# We use a source filter to get all the code for compiling.
sub pmc_filter {
my ($class, $module, $line_number, $post_process) = @_;
# Read original module source code instead of taking from filter,
# because we need all the lines including the ones before the `use`
# statement, so we can parse Perl into packages and such.
open my $fh, $module
or die "Can't open $module for input:\n$!";
my $module_content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
# Find the real __DATA__ or __END__ line. (Not one hidden in a Pod
# section or heredoc).
my $folded_content = $class->pmc_fold_blocks($module_content);
my $folded_data = '';
if ($folded_content =~ s/^((?:__(?:DATA|END)__$).*)//ms) {
$folded_data = $1;
my $real_content = $class->pmc_unfold_blocks($folded_content);
my $real_data = $class->pmc_unfold_blocks($folded_data);
# Calculate the number of lines to skip in the source filter, since
# we already have them in $real_content.
my @lines = ($real_content =~ /(.*\n)/g);
my $lines_to_skip = @lines;
$lines_to_skip -= $line_number;
# Use filter to skip past that many lines
# Leave __DATA__ section intact
my $done = 0;
require Filter::Util::Call;
Filter::Util::Call::filter_add(sub {
return 0 if $done;
my $data_line = '';
while (1) {
my $status = Filter::Util::Call::filter_read();
last unless $status;
return $status if $status < 0;
# Skip lines up to the DATA section.
next if $lines_to_skip-- > 0;
if (/^__(?:END|DATA)__$/) {
# Don't filter the DATA section, or else the DATA file
# handle becomes invalid.
# XXX - Maybe there is a way to simply recreate the DATA
# file handle, or at least seek back to the start of it.
# Needs investigation.
# For now this means that we only allow compilation on
# the module content; not the DATA section. Because we
# want to make sure that the program runs the same way
# as both a .pm and a .pmc.
$data_line = $_;
continue {
$_ = '';
$real_content =~ s/\r//g;
my $filtered_content = $class->pmc_process($real_content);
$class->$post_process($filtered_content, $real_data);
$filtered_content =~ s/(.*\n){$line_number}//;
$_ = $filtered_content . $data_line;
$done = 1;
use constant TEXT => 0;
use constant CONTEXT => 1;
use constant CLASSES => 2;
# Break the code into blocks. Compile the blocks.
# Fold out heredocs etc
# Parse the code into packages, blocks and subs
# Parse the code by `use/no *::Compiler`
# Build an AST
# Reduce the AST until fully reduced
# Return the result
sub pmc_process {
my $class = shift;
my $data = shift;
my @blocks = $class->pmc_parse_blocks($data);
while (@blocks = $class->pmc_reduce(@blocks)) {
if (@blocks == 1 and @{$blocks[0][CLASSES]} == 0) {
my $content = $blocks[0][TEXT];
$content .= "\n" unless $content =~ /\n\z/;
return $content;
die "How did I get here?!?";
# Analyze the remaining blocks and determine which compilers to call to reduce
# the problem.
# XXX This routine must do some kind of reduction each pass, or infinite loop
# will ensue. It is not yet certain if this is the case.
sub pmc_reduce {
my $class = shift;
my @blocks;
my $prev;
while (@_) {
my $block = shift;
my $next = $_[TEXT];
if ($next and "@{$block->[CLASSES]}" eq "@{$next->[CLASSES]}") {
$block->[TEXT] .= $next->[TEXT];
elsif (
(not $prev or @{$prev->[CLASSES]} < @{$block->[CLASSES]}) and
(not $next or @{$next->[CLASSES]} < @{$block->[CLASSES]})
) {
my $prev_len = $prev ? @{$prev->[CLASSES]} : 0;
my $next_len = $next ? @{$next->[CLASSES]} : 0;
my $offset = ($prev_len > $next_len) ? $prev_len : $next_len;
my $length = @{$block->[CLASSES]} - $offset;
$class->pmc_call($block, $offset, $length);
push @blocks, $block;
$prev = $block;
return @blocks;
# Call a set of compilers on a piece of source code.
sub pmc_call {
my $class = shift;
my $block = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $length = shift;
my $text = $block->[TEXT];
my $context = $block->[CONTEXT];
my @classes = splice(@{$block->[CLASSES]}, $offset, $length);
for my $klass (@classes) {
local $_ = $text;
my $return = $klass->pmc_compile($text, ($context->{$klass} || {}));
$text = (defined $return and $return !~ /^\d+\z/)
? $return
: $_;
$block->[TEXT] = $text;
# Divide a Perl module into blocks. This code divides a module based on
# lines that use/no a Module::Compile subclass.
sub pmc_parse_blocks {
my $class = shift;
my $data = shift;
my @blocks = ();
my @classes = ();
my $context = {};
my $text = '';
my @parts = split /^([^\S\n]*(?:use|no)[^\S\n]+[\w\:\']+[^\n]*\n)/m, $data;
for my $part (@parts) {
if ($part =~ /^[^\S\n]*(use|no)[^\S\n]+([\w\:\']+)[^\n]*\n/) {
my ($use, $klass, $file) = ($1, $2, $2);
$file =~ s{(?:::|')}{/}g;
if ($klass =~ /^\d+$/) {
$text .= $part;
local $@;
eval { require "$" };
die $@ if $@ and "$@" !~ /^Can't locate /;
if ($klass->can('pmc_is_compiler_module') and
$klass->pmc_is_compiler_module) {
push @blocks, [$text, {%$context}, [@classes]];
$text = '';
@classes = grep {$_ ne $klass} @classes;
if (($use eq 'use') xor $klass->pmc_use_means_no) {
push @classes, $klass;
$context->{$klass} = {%{$context->{$klass} || {}}};
$context->{$klass}{use} = $part;
if ($klass->pmc_use_means_now) {
push @blocks, ['', {%$context}, [@classes]];
@classes = grep {$_ ne $klass} @classes;
delete $context->{$klass};
else {
delete $context->{$klass};
else {
$text .= $part;
else {
$text .= $part;
push @blocks, [$text, {%$context}, [@classes]]
if length $text;
return @blocks;
# Compile/Filter some source code into something else. This is almost
# always overridden in a subclass.
sub pmc_compile {
my ($class, $source_code_string, $context_hashref) = @_;
return $source_code_string;
# Regexp fragments for matching heredoc, pod section, comment block and
# data section.
my $re_here = qr/
(?: # Heredoc starting line
^ # Start of some line
((?-s:.*?)) # $2 - text before heredoc marker
<<(?!=) # heredoc marker
[\t\x20]* # whitespace between marker and quote
((?>['"]?)) # $3 - possible left quote
([\w\-\.]*) # $4 - heredoc terminator
(\3 # $5 - possible right quote
(?-s:.*\n)) # and rest of the line
(.*?\n) # $6 - Heredoc content
(?<!\n[0-9a-fA-F]{40}\n) # Not another digest
(\4\n) # $7 - Heredoc terminating line
my $re_pod = qr/
(?-s:^=(?!cut\b)\w+.*\n) # Pod starter line
.*? # Pod lines
(?:(?-s:^=cut\b.*\n)|\z) # Pod terminator
my $re_comment = qr/
(?m-s:^[^\S\n]*\#.*\n)+ # one or more comment lines
my $re_data = qr/
^(?:__END__|__DATA__)\n # DATA starter line
.* # Rest of lines
# Fold each heredoc, pod section, comment block and data section, each
# into a single line containing a digest of the original content.
# This makes further dividing of Perl code less troublesome.
sub pmc_fold_blocks {
my ($class, $source) = @_;
$source =~ s/(~{3,})/$1~/g;
$source =~ s/(^'{3,})/$1'/gm;
$source =~ s/(^`{3,})/$1`/gm;
$source =~ s/(^={3,})/$1=/gm;
while (1) {
no warnings;
$source =~ s/
$re_pod |
$re_comment |
$re_here |
my $result = $1;
$result =~ m{\A($re_data)} ? $class->pmc_fold_data() :
$result =~ m{\A($re_pod)} ? $class->pmc_fold_pod() :
$result =~ m{\A($re_comment)} ? $class->pmc_fold_comment() :
$result =~ m{\A($re_here)} ? $class->pmc_fold_here() :
die "'$result' didn't match '$re_comment'";
/ex or last;
$source =~ s/(?<!~)~~~(?!~)/<</g;
$source =~ s/^'''(?!') /__DATA__\n/gm;
$source =~ s/^```(?!`)/#/gm;
$source =~ s/^===(?!=)/=/gm;
$source =~ s/^(={3,})=/$1/gm;
$source =~ s/^('{3,})'/$1/gm;
$source =~ s/^(`{3,})`/$1/gm;
$source =~ s/(~{3,})~/$1/g;
return $source;
sub pmc_unfold_blocks {
my ($class, $source) = @_;
$source =~ s/
my $match = $1;
$match =~ s!.*?([0-9a-fA-F]{40}).*!$1!s or die;
return $source;
# Fold a heredoc's content but don't fold other heredocs from the
# same line.
sub pmc_fold_here {
my $class = shift;
my $result = "$2~~~$3$4$5";
my $preface = '';
my $text = $6;
my $stop = $7;
while (1) {
if ($text =~ s!^(([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\n.*\n)!!) {
if (defined $digest_map->{$2}) {
$preface .= $1;
else {
$text = $1 . $text;
my $digest = $class->pmc_fold($text);
$result = "$result$preface$digest\n$stop";
sub pmc_fold_pod {
my $class = shift;
my $text = $1;
my $digest = $class->pmc_fold($text);
return qq{===pod $digest\n===cut\n};
sub pmc_fold_comment {
my $class = shift;
my $text = $1;
my $digest = $class->pmc_fold($text);
return qq{``` $digest\n};
sub pmc_fold_data {
my $class = shift;
my $text = $1;
my $digest = $class->pmc_fold($text);
return qq{''' $digest\n};
# Fold a piece of code into a unique string.
sub pmc_fold {
require Digest::SHA1;
my ($class, $text) = @_;
my $digest = Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex($text);
$digest_map->{$digest} = $text;
return $digest;
# Expand folded code into original content.
sub pmc_unfold {
my ($class, $digest) = @_;
return $digest_map->{$digest};