shell bypass 403
package Module::Install::Admin;
use strict 'vars';
use File::Path ();
use inc::Module::Install ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA};
$VERSION = '1.19';
@ISA = 'Module::Install';
=head1 NAME
Module::Install::Admin - Author-side manager for Module::Install
In a B<Module::Install> extension module:
sub extension_method {
my $self = shift;
As an one-liner:
% perl "-MModule::Install::Admin" -e'&some_method(@args);'
The two snippets above are really shorthands for
where C<$some_obj> is the singleton object of a class under the
C<Module::Install::Admin::*> namespace that provides the method
C<some_method>. See L</METHODS> for a list of built-in methods.
This module implements the internal mechanism for initializing,
including and managing extensions, and should only be of interest to
extension developers; it is I<never> included under a distribution's
F<inc/> directory, nor are any of the B<Module::Install::Admin::*>
For normal usage of B<Module::Install>, please see L<Module::Install>
and L<Module::Install/"COOKBOOK / EXAMPLES"> instead.
=head2 Bootstrapping
When someone runs a F<Makefile.PL> that has C<use inc::Module::Install>,
and there is no F<inc/> in the current directory, B<Module::Install>
will load this module bootstrap itself, through the steps below:
=over 4
=item *
First, F<Module/> is POD-stripped and copied from C<@INC> to
F<inc/>. This should only happen on the author's side, never on the
end-user side.
=item *
Reload F<inc/Module/> if the current file is somewhere else.
This ensures that the included version of F<inc/Module/> is
always preferred over the installed version.
=item *
Look at F<inc/Module/Install/*.pm> and load all of them.
=item *
Set up a C<main::AUTOLOAD> function to delegate missing function calls
to C<Module::Install::Admin::load> -- again, this should only happen
at the author's side.
=item *
Provide a C<Module::Install::purge_self> function for removing included
files under F<inc/>.
=head1 METHODS
sub import {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->new( _top => Module::Install->new, @_ );
local $^W;
*{caller(0) . "::AUTOLOAD"} = sub {
no strict 'vars';
$AUTOLOAD =~ /([^:]+)$/ or die "Cannot load";
return if uc($1) eq $1;
my $obj = $self->load($1) or return;
unshift @_, $obj;
goto &{$obj->can($1)};
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
return $class->SUPER::new(
%{$args{_top}}, %args,
extensions => undef,
pathnames => undef,
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->copy($INC{"$self->{path}.pm"} => $self->{file});
unless ( grep { $_ eq $self->{prefix} } @INC ) {
unshift @INC, $self->{prefix};
delete $INC{"$self->{path}.pm"};
local $^W;
do "$self->{path}.pm";
sub copy {
my ($self, $from, $to) = @_;
my @parts = split('/', $to);
File::Path::mkpath([ join('/', @parts[ 0 .. $#parts-1 ])])
if @parts > 1;
chomp $to;
local ($_);
open my $FROM, "<", $from or die "Can't open $from for input:\n$!";
open my $TO, ">", $to or die "Can't open $to for output:\n$!";
binmode $FROM;
binmode $TO;
print $TO "#line 1\n";
my $content;
my $in_pod;
while ( <$FROM> ) {
if ( /^=(?:b(?:egin|ack)|head\d|(?:po|en)d|item|(?:ove|fo)r)/ ) {
$in_pod = 1;
} elsif ( /^=cut\s*\z/ and $in_pod ) {
$in_pod = 0;
print $TO "#line $.\n";
} elsif ( ! $in_pod ) {
print $TO $_;
close $FROM or die "Can't close $from for input:\n$!";
close $TO or die "Can't close $to for output:\n$!";
print "include $to\n";
# scan through our target to find
sub load_all_extensions {
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->{extensions}) {
$self->{extensions} = [];
foreach my $inc (@INC) {
next if ref($inc) or $inc eq $self->{prefix};
$self->load_extensions("$inc/$self->{path}", $self->{_top});
return @{$self->{extensions}};
sub load {
my ($self, $method, $copy) = @_;
my @extobj;
foreach my $obj ($self->load_all_extensions) {
next unless defined &{ref($obj)."::$method"};
my $is_admin = (ref($obj) =~ /^\Q$self->{name}::$self->{dispatch}::/);
# Don't ever include admin modules, and vice versa.
# $copy = 0 if $XXX and $is_admin;
push @extobj, $obj if $copy xor $is_admin;
unless ( @extobj ) {
die "Cannot find an extension with method '$method'";
# XXX - do we need to reload $obj from the new location?
my $obj = $self->pick($method, \@extobj);
$self->copy_package(ref($obj)) if $copy;
return $obj;
# Copy a package to inc/, with its @ISA tree. $pathname is optional.
sub copy_package {
my ($self, $pkg, $pathname) = @_;
return unless ($pathname ||= $self->{pathnames}{$pkg});
my $file = $pkg; $file =~ s!::!/!g;
$file = "$self->{prefix}/$";
return if -f $file; # prevents infinite recursion
$self->copy($pathname => $file);
foreach my $pkg (@{"$pkg\::ISA"}) {
sub pick {
# determine which name to load
my ($self, $method, $objects) = @_;
# XXX this whole thing needs to be discussed
return $objects->[0] unless $#{$objects} > 0 and -t STDIN;
# sort by last modified time
@$objects = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map { [ $_ => -M $self->{pathnames}{ref($_)} ] } @$objects;
print "Multiple extensions found for method '$method':\n";
foreach my $i ( 1 .. @$objects ) {
print "\t$i. ", ref($objects->[$i-1]), "\n";
while ( 1 ) {
print "Please select one [1]: ";
chomp(my $choice = <STDIN>);
$choice ||= 1;
return $objects->[$choice-1] if $choice > 0 and $choice <= @$objects;
print "Invalid choice. ";
sub delete_package {
my ($self, $pkg) = @_;
# expand to full symbol table name if needed
unless ( $pkg =~ /^main::.*::$/ ) {
$pkg = "main$pkg" if $pkg =~ /^::/;
$pkg = "main::$pkg" unless $pkg =~ /^main::/;
$pkg .= '::' unless $pkg =~ /::$/;
my($stem, $leaf) = $pkg =~ m/(.*::)(\w+::)$/;
my $stem_symtab = *{$stem}{HASH};
return unless defined $stem_symtab and exists $stem_symtab->{$leaf};
# free all the symbols in the package
my $leaf_symtab = *{$stem_symtab->{$leaf}}{HASH};
foreach my $name (keys %$leaf_symtab) {
next if $name eq "$self->{dispatch}::";
undef *{$pkg . $name};
# delete the symbol table
foreach my $name (keys %$leaf_symtab) {
next if $name eq "$self->{dispatch}::";
delete $leaf_symtab->{$name};
goto &{shift->autoload};
sub DESTROY { }
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
Audrey Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2003, 2004 by Audrey Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See L<>