shell bypass 403
package Module::Install::Compiler;
use strict;
use File::Basename ();
use Module::Install::Base ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
$VERSION = '1.19';
@ISA = 'Module::Install::Base';
$ISCORE = 1;
sub ppport {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->is_admin ) {
return $self->admin->ppport(@_);
} else {
# Fallback to just a check
my $file = shift || 'ppport.h';
unless ( -f $file ) {
die "Packaging error, $file is missing";
sub cc_files {
require Config;
my $self = shift;
OBJECT => join ' ', map { substr($_, 0, -2) . $Config::Config{_o} } @_
sub cc_inc_paths {
my $self = shift;
INC => join ' ', map { "-I$_" } @_
sub cc_lib_paths {
my $self = shift;
LIBS => join ' ', map { "-L$_" } @_
sub cc_lib_links {
my $self = shift;
LIBS => join ' ', $self->makemaker_args->{LIBS}, map { "-l$_" } @_
sub cc_optimize_flags {
my $self = shift;
OPTIMIZE => join ' ', @_
=head1 NAME
Module::Install::Compiler - Commands for interacting with the C compiler
To be completed
Many Perl modules that contains C and XS code have fiendishly complex
F<Makefile.PL> files, because L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> doesn't itself provide
a huge amount of assistance and automation in this area.
B<Module::Install::Compiler> provides a number of commands that take care
of common utility tasks, and try to take some of intricacy out of creating
C and XS modules.
To be completed
=head1 TO DO
The current implementation is relatively fragile and minimalistic.
It only handles some very basic wrapper around L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>.
It is currently undergoing extensive refactoring to provide a more
generic compiler flag generation capability. This may take some time,
and if anyone who maintains a Perl module that makes use of the compiler
would like to help out, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Module::Install>, L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>
=head1 AUTHORS
Refactored by Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
Mostly by Audrey Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>
Based on original works by Brian Ingerson E<lt>ingy@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 by Adam Kennedy, Audrey Tang, Brian Ingerson.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See L<>