shell bypass 403
package Module::Load::Util;
our $DATE = '2020-06-16'; # DATE
our $DIST = 'Module-Load-Util'; # DIST
our $VERSION = '0.003'; # VERSION
use strict 'subs', 'vars';
use Regexp::Pattern::Perl::Module ();
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
sub load_module_with_optional_args {
my $opts = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
my $module_with_optional_args = shift;
my $target_package =
defined $opts->{target_package} ? $opts->{target_package} :
defined $opts->{caller} ? $opts->{caller} :
# check because we will use eval ""
$target_package =~ $Regexp::Pattern::Perl::Module::RE{perl_modname}{pat}
or die "Invalid syntax in target package '$target_package'";
my ($module, $args) = @_;
if (ref $module_with_optional_args eq 'ARRAY') {
die "array form or module/class name must have 2 elements"
unless @$module_with_optional_args == 2;
$module = $module_with_optional_args->[0];
$args = $module_with_optional_args->[1];
$args = [%$args] if ref $args eq 'HASH';
die "In array form of module/class name, the 2nd element must be ".
"arrayref or hashref" unless ref $args eq 'ARRAY';
} elsif (ref $module_with_optional_args) {
die "module/class name must be string or 2-element array, not ".
} elsif ($module_with_optional_args =~ /(.+?)=(.*)/) {
$module = $1;
$args = [split /,/, $2];
} else {
$module = $module_with_optional_args;
$args = [];
if (defined $opts->{ns_prefix}) {
$module =
$opts->{ns_prefix} . ($opts->{ns_prefix} =~ /::\z/ ? '':'::') .
# XXX option load=0?
(my $modulepm = "$") =~ s!::!/!g;
require $modulepm;
my $do_import = defined $opts->{import} ? $opts->{import} : 1;
if ($do_import) {
eval "package $target_package; $module->import(\@{\$args});";
die if $@;
{module=>$module, args=>$args};
sub instantiate_class_with_optional_args {
my $opts = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? {%{shift()}} : {}; # shallow copy
my $class_with_optional_args = shift;
$opts->{import} = 0;
$opts->{target_package} = caller(0);
my $res = load_module_with_optional_args($opts, $class_with_optional_args);
my $class = $res->{module};
my $args = $res->{args};
my $do_construct = defined $opts->{construct} ? $opts->{construct} : 1;
if ($do_construct) {
my $constructor = defined $opts->{constructor} ?
$opts->{constructor} : 'new';
my $obj = $class->$constructor(@$args);
return $obj;
} else {
return +{class=>$class, args=>$args};
# ABSTRACT: Some utility routines related to module loading
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Module::Load::Util - Some utility routines related to module loading
=head1 VERSION
This document describes version 0.003 of Module::Load::Util (from Perl distribution Module-Load-Util), released on 2020-06-16.
=head2 load_module_with_optional_args
load_module_with_optional_args( [ \%opts , ] $module_with_optional_args );
load_module_with_optional_args("Color::RGB::Util"); # default imports, equivalent to runtime version of 'use Color::RGB::Util'
load_module_with_optional_args(["Color::RGB::Util", []]); # ditto
load_module_with_optional_args(["Color::RGB::Util", {}]); # ditto
load_module_with_optional_args("Color::RGB::Util=rgb2hsv"); # imports rgb2hsv. equivalent to runtime version of 'use Color::RGB::Util qw(rgb2hsv)'
load_module_with_optional_args(["Color::RGB::Util", ["rgb2hsv"]]); # ditto
load_module_with_optional_args(["Foo::Bar", {arg1=>1, arg2=>2}]); # equivalent to runtime version of 'use Foo::Bar qw(arg1 1 arg2 2)'. hashref will be list-ified
load_module_with_optional_args({import=>0}, "Color::RGB::Util"); # do not import, equivalent to runtime version of 'use Color::RGB::Util ()'
load_module_with_optional_args({ns_prefix=>"Color"}, "RGB::Util=rgb2hsv"); # equivalent to runtime version of 'use Color::RGB::Util qw(rgb2hsv)'
load_module_with_optional_args({ns_prefix=>"Color"}, ["RGB::Util", ["rgb2hsv"]]); # ditto
Load a module with C<require()> followed by calling the module's C<import()>
(unless instructed to skip importing). Main feature of this function is the
flexibility in the C<$module_with_optional_args> argument, as well as some
options like namespace prefix. Suitable to be used to load plugins for your
application, for example, where you can specify the plugin to load as simply a
string or a 2-element array.
C<$module_with_optional_args> can be a string containing module name (e.g.
C<"Foo::Bar">), or a string containing module name string followed by C<=>,
followed by comma-separated list of imports, a la perl's C<-M> (e.g.
C<"Foo::Bar=arg1,arg2">), or a 2-element array where the first element is the
module name and the second element is an arrayref or hashref containing import
arguments (e.g. C<< ["Foo::Bar", ["arg1","arg2"]] >> or C<< ["Foo::Bar",
{arg1=>"val",arg2=>"val"]] >>). Hashref list of arguments will still be passed
as a list to C<import()>.
Will die on require() or import() failure.
Will return a hashref containing module name and arguments, e.g. C<<
{module=>"Foo", args=>["arg1",1,"arg2",2]} >>.
Known options:
=item * import
Bool. Defaults to true. Can be set to false to avoid import()-ing.
=item * ns_prefix
Str. Namespace to use. For example, if you set this to C<WordList> then with
C<$module_with_optional_args> set to C<ID::KBBI>, the module
L<WordList::ID::KBBI> will be loaded.
=item * target_package
Str. Target package to import() to. Default is caller(0).
=head2 instantiate_class_with_optional_args
instantiate_class_with_optional_args( [ \%opts , ] $class_with_optional_args );
my $obj = instantiate_class_with_optional_args("WordList::Color::Any"); # equivalent to: require WordList::Color::Any; WordList::Color::Any->new;
my $obj = instantiate_class_with_optional_args(["WordList::Color::Any"], []]); # ditto
my $obj = instantiate_class_with_optional_args(["WordList::Color::Any"], {}]); # ditto
my $obj = instantiate_class_with_optional_args("WordList::Color::Any=theme,Foo"); # equivalent to: require WordList::Color::Any; WordList::Color::Any->new(theme=>"Foo");
my $obj = instantiate_class_with_optional_args(["WordList::Color::Any",{theme=>"Foo"}); # ditto
my $obj = instantiate_class_with_optional_args(["WordList::Color::Any",[theme=>"Foo"]); # ditto
my $obj = instantiate_class_with_optional_args(["Foo::Bar",[{arg1=>1, arg2=>2}]); # equivalent to: require Foo::Bar; Foo::Bar->new({arg1=>1, arg2=>2});
my $obj = instantiate_class_with_optional_args({ns_prefix=>"WordList"}, "Color::Any=theme,Foo"); # equivalent to: require WordList::Color::Any; WordList::Color::Any->new(theme=>"Foo");
This is like L</load_module_with_optional_args> but the constructor arguments
specified after C<=> will be passed to the class constructor instead of used as
import arguments.
When you use the 2-element array form of C<$class_with_optional_args>, the
hashref and arrayref constructor arguments will be converted to a list.
Known options:
=item * construct
Bool. Default to true. If set to false, constructor will not be called and the
function will just return the hashref containing class name and arguments, e.g.
C<< {class=>"Foo", args=>["arg1",1,"args2",2]} >>.
=item * constructor
Str. Select constructor name. Defaults to C<new>.
=item * ns_prefix
Str. Like in L</load_module_with_optional_args>.
Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.
=head1 SOURCE
Source repository is at L<>.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
perlancar <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.