shell bypass 403
package Module::Refresh;
use strict;
use vars qw( $VERSION %CACHE );
$VERSION = "0.17";
# Turn on the debugger's symbol source tracing
$^P |= 0x10;
# Work around bug in pre-5.8.7 perl where turning on $^P
# causes caller() to be confused about eval {}'s in the stack.
# (See for more info.)
eval 'sub DB::sub' if $] < 5.008007;
=head1 NAME
Module::Refresh - Refresh %INC files when updated on disk
# During each request, call this once to refresh changed modules:
# Each night at midnight, you automatically download the latest
# Acme::Current from CPAN. Use this snippet to make your running
# program pick it up off disk:
This module is a generalization of the functionality provided by
L<Apache::StatINC> and L<Apache::Reload>. It's designed to make it
easy to do simple iterative development when working in a persistent
It does not require mod_perl.
=head2 new
Initialize the module refresher.
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $self = ref($proto) || $proto;
$self->update_cache($_) for keys %INC;
return ($self);
=head2 refresh
Refresh all modules that have mtimes on disk newer than the newest ones we've got.
Calls C<new> to initialize the cache if it had not yet been called.
Specifically, it will renew any module that was loaded before the previous call
to C<refresh> (or C<new>) and has changed on disk since then. If a module was
both loaded for the first time B<and> changed on disk between the previous call
and this one, it will B<not> be reloaded by this call (or any future one); you
will need to update the modification time again (by using the Unix C<touch> command or
making a change to it) in order for it to be reloaded.
sub refresh {
my $self = shift;
return $self->new if !%CACHE;
foreach my $mod ( sort keys %INC ) {
return ($self);
=head2 refresh_module_if_modified $module
If $module has been modified on disk, refresh it. Otherwise, do nothing
sub refresh_module_if_modified {
my $self = shift;
return $self->new if !%CACHE;
my $mod = shift;
if (!$INC{$mod}) {
} elsif ( !$CACHE{$mod} ) {
} elsif ( $self->mtime( $INC{$mod} ) ne $CACHE{$mod} ) {
=head2 refresh_module $module
Refresh a module. It doesn't matter if it's already up to date. Just do it.
Note that it only accepts module names like C<Foo/>, not C<Foo::Bar>.
sub refresh_module {
my $self = shift;
my $mod = shift;
local $@;
eval { require $mod; 1 } or warn $@;
return ($self);
=head2 unload_module $module
Remove a module from C<%INC>, and remove all subroutines defined in it.
sub unload_module {
my $self = shift;
my $mod = shift;
my $file = $INC{$mod};
delete $INC{$mod};
delete $CACHE{$mod};
return ($self);
=head2 mtime $file
Get the last modified time of $file in seconds since the epoch;
sub mtime {
return join ' ', ( stat( $_[1] ) )[ 1, 7, 9 ];
=head2 update_cache $file
Updates the cached "last modified" time for $file.
sub update_cache {
my $self = shift;
my $module_pm = shift;
$CACHE{$module_pm} = $self->mtime( $INC{$module_pm} );
=head2 unload_subs $file
Wipe out subs defined in $file.
sub unload_subs {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
foreach my $sym ( grep { index( $DB::sub{$_}, "$file:" ) == 0 }
keys %DB::sub )
warn "Deleting $sym from $file" if ( $sym =~ /freeze/ );
eval { undef &$sym };
warn "$sym: $@" if $@;
delete $DB::sub{$sym};
{ no strict 'refs';
if ($sym =~ /^(.*::)(.*?)$/) {
delete *{$1}->{$2};
return $self;
# "Anonymize" all our subroutines into unnamed closures; so we can safely
# refresh this very package.
no strict 'refs';
foreach my $sym ( sort keys %{ __PACKAGE__ . '::' } ) {
if $sym eq
'VERSION'; # Skip the version sub, inherited from UNIVERSAL
my $code = __PACKAGE__->can($sym) or next;
delete ${ __PACKAGE__ . '::' }{$sym};
*$sym = sub { goto &$code };
=head1 BUGS
When we walk the symbol table to whack reloaded subroutines, we don't
have a good way to invalidate the symbol table properly, so we mess up
on things like global variables that were previously set.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Apache::StatINC>, L<Module::Reload>
Copyright 2004,2011 by Jesse Vincent E<lt>jesse@bestpractical.comE<gt>,
Audrey Tang E<lt>audreyt@audreyt.orgE<gt>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See L<>