shell bypass 403
package Module::ScanDeps::Cache;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $has_DMD5;
eval { require Digest::MD5 };
$has_DMD5 = 1 unless $@;
my $has_Storable;
eval { require Storable };
$has_Storable = 1 unless $@;
my $cache;
my $cache_file;
my $cache_dirty;
sub prereq_missing{
my @missing;
push @missing, 'Digest::MD5' unless $has_DMD5;
push @missing, 'Storable' unless $has_Storable;
return @missing;
sub init_from_file{
my $c_file = shift;
return 0 if prereq_missing();
eval{$cache = Storable::retrieve($c_file)};
#warn $@ if ($@);
unless ($cache){
warn "Couldn't retrieve data from file $c_file. Building new cache.\n";
$cache = {};
$cache_file = $c_file;
return 1;
sub store_cache{
my $c_file = shift || $cache_file;
# no need to store to the file we retrieved from
# unless we have seen changes written to the cache
return unless ($cache_dirty
|| $c_file ne $cache_file);
Storable::nstore($cache, $c_file)
or warn "Could not store cache to file $c_file!";
sub get_cache_cb{
return sub{
my %args = @_;
if ( $args{action} eq 'read' ){
return _read_cache( %args );
elsif ( $args{action} eq 'write' ){
return _write_cache( %args );
die "action in cache_cb must be read or write!";
### check for existence of the entry
### check for identity of the file
### pass cached value in $mod_aref
### return true in case of a hit
sub _read_cache{
my %args = @_;
my ($key, $file, $mod_aref) = @args{qw/key file modules/};
return 0 unless (exists $cache->{$key});
my $entry = $cache->{$key};
my $checksum = _file_2_md5($file);
if ($entry->{checksum} eq $checksum){
@$mod_aref = @{$entry->{modules}};
return 1;
return 0;
sub _write_cache{
my %args = @_;
my ($key, $file, $mod_aref) = @args{qw/key file modules/};
my $entry = $cache->{$key} ||= {};
my $checksum = _file_2_md5($file);
$entry->{checksum} = $checksum;
$entry->{modules} = [@$mod_aref];
$cache_dirty = 1;
return 1;
sub _file_2_md5{
my $file = shift;
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "can't open $file: $!";
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
close $fh or die "can't close $file: $!";
return $md5->hexdigest;