shell bypass 403
package Net::BGP::ASPath::AS;
use bytes;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Exporter;
use vars qw(
use overload
'<=>' => \&compare,
'""' => \&as_string,
'fallback' => 1;
# DO NOT OVERLOAD @{} - it's an array - we need this!
$VERSION = '0.18';
use Net::BGP::Notification qw( :errors );
@Net::BGP::ASPath::AS_SEQUENCE::ISA = qw( Exporter );
## BGP AS_PATH Path Attribute Type Classes ##
undef, # unused
## Public Class Methods ##
sub new {
my ($class, $value) = (shift, shift);
return $value->clone if (ref $value) =~ /^Net::BGP::ASPath::AS_/;
my ($this, $realclass);
$value = '' unless defined($value);
if (ref $value eq 'HASH') {
# Construct SET from HASH
croak "Hash argument given for a non-set AS_PATH element"
unless $class =~ /_SET$/;
$this->{ keys %{$value} } = values(%{$value});
bless($this, $class);
return $this;
if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
# Construct SET from HASH
if ($class =~ /_SEQUENCE$/) {
push(@{$this}, @{$value});
} else {
$this = {};
foreach my $a (@{$value}) { $this->{$a} = 1; }
bless($this, $class);
return $this;
croak "Unknown argument type ("
. (ref $value)
. ") parsed as argument to AS_PATH construtor."
if (ref $value);
# Only a scalar left - Parse string!
my $confed = '';
if ( ($value =~ /^\((.*)\)$/)
|| ($value eq '' && $class =~ /_CONFED_/))
$value = $1 if defined($1);
$confed = '_CONFED';
if ( ($value =~ /^\{([0-9,]*)\}$/)
|| ($value eq '' && $class =~ /_SET$/))
my $set = defined $1 ? $1 : $value;
$realclass = 'Net::BGP::ASPath::AS' . $confed . '_SET';
$this = {};
foreach my $a (split(/,/, $set)) { $this->{$a} = 1; }
} elsif ($value =~ /^[0-9 ]*$/) {
$realclass = 'Net::BGP::ASPath::AS' . $confed . '_SEQUENCE';
$this = [ split(' ', $value) ];
} else {
croak "$value is not a valid AS_PATH segment";
croak "AS_PATH segment is a $realclass but was constructed as $class"
if $class !~ /::AS$/ && $class ne $realclass;
bless($this, $realclass);
return ($this);
sub _new_from_msg
# Constructor - returns object AND buffer with data removed
my ($class, $buffer, $args) = @_;
if (!defined($args)) { $args = {}; }
$args->{as4} ||= 0;
my $size = $args->{as4} ? 4 : 2;
my ($type, $len) = unpack('CC', $buffer);
if ( ($len * $size + 2) > length($buffer)) {
my @list;
if ($args->{as4}) {
@list = unpack('N*', substr($buffer,2,(4*$len)) );
} else {
@list = unpack('n*', substr($buffer,2,(2*$len)) );
$class = $BGP_PATH_ATTR_CLASS[$type];
if (length($buffer) > 2+($size*$len)) {
$buffer = substr($buffer, 2+($size*$len));
} else {
$buffer = '';
return ($class->new(\@list), $buffer);
# This encodes the standard AS Path
# TODO: Note that if AS4 != True, then there is an issue with this code.
# In particular, it will stick 23456 into the confederation types. In
# theory, no confederation using AS4 should be transmitting confed types
# to any node that is NOT using AS4, per RFC4893.
# But when this breaks the internet, it's not my fault.
sub _encode {
my ($this, $args) = @_;
if (!defined($args)) { $args = {}; }
$args->{as4} ||= 0;
my $list = $this->asarray;
my $len = scalar @{$list};
my $type = $this->type;
my $msg;
if (!($args->{as4})) {
$msg = pack('CC', $type, $len);
foreach my $as ( @{$list} ) {
$msg .= ($as <= 65535) ? pack('n', $as) : pack('n', 23456);
} else {
$msg = pack('CCN*', $type, $len, @{$list});
return $msg;
# Determines if the path element has any ASNs > 23456
sub _has_as4 {
my ($this) = @_;
if ( ref($this) =~ /_CONFED_/) {
# No confeds in AS4_ paths
return 0;
my $list = $this->asarray;
foreach my $as ( @{$list} ) {
if ($as > 65535) { return 1; }
return 0;
sub compare {
my ($this, $other) = @_;
return undef unless defined($other);
return $this->length <=> $other->length;
sub clone {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
$proto = shift unless ref $proto;
my $clone;
if ($class =~ /_SET$/) {
return $class->new([ keys %{$proto} ]);
} else {
return $class->new([ @{$proto} ]); # Unblessed!
sub asstring {
my $this = shift;
return $this->as_string(@_);
sub as_string {
my $this = shift;
croak 'Instance of ASPath::AS should not exist!'
if (ref $this eq 'Net::BGP::ASPath::AS');
return $this->as_string;
sub asarray {
my $this = shift;
croak 'Instance of ASPath::AS should not exist!'
if (ref $this eq 'Net::BGP::ASPath::AS');
return $this->asarray;