shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
Net::OpenID::URIFetch - fetch and cache content from HTTP URLs
=head1 VERSION
version 1.20
This is roughly based on Ben Trott's URI::Fetch module, but
URI::Fetch doesn't cache enough headers that Yadis can be implemented
with it, so this is a lame copy altered to allow Yadis support.
Hopefully one day URI::Fetch can be modified to do what we need and
this can go away.
This module is tailored to the needs of Net::OpenID::Consumer and probably
isn't much use outside of it. See URI::Fetch for a more general module.
package Net::OpenID::URIFetch;
$Net::OpenID::URIFetch::VERSION = '1.20';
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Status;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp();
use constant URI_OK => 200;
use constant URI_MOVED_PERMANENTLY => 301;
use constant URI_NOT_MODIFIED => 304;
use constant URI_GONE => 410;
# Fetch a document, either from cache or from a server
# URI -- location of document
# CONSUMER -- where to find user-agent and cache
# CONTENT_HOOK -- applied to freshly-retrieved document
# to normalize it into some particular format/structure
# PREFIX -- used as part of the cache key, distinguishes
# different content formats and must change whenever
# CONTENT_HOOK is switched to a new format; this way,
# cache entries from a previous run of this server that
# are using a different content format will not kill us.
sub fetch {
my ($class, $uri, $consumer, $content_hook, $prefix) = @_;
$prefix ||= '';
if ($uri eq 'x-xrds-location') {
my $ua = $consumer->ua;
my $cache = $consumer->cache;
my $ref;
my $cache_key = "URIFetch:${prefix}:${uri}";
if ($cache) {
if (my $blob = $cache->get($cache_key)) {
$ref = Storable::thaw($blob);
my $cached_response = sub {
return Net::OpenID::URIFetch::Response->new(
status => 200,
content => $ref->{Content},
last_modified => $ref->{LastModified},
headers => $ref->{Headers},
final_uri => $ref->{FinalURI},
# We just serve anything from the last 60 seconds right out of the cache,
# thus avoiding doing several requests to the same URL when we do
# Yadis, then HTML discovery.
# TODO: Make this tunable?
if ($ref && $ref->{CacheTime} > (time() - 60)) {
$consumer->_debug("Cache HIT for $uri");
return $cached_response->();
else {
$consumer->_debug("Cache MISS for $uri");
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri);
$req->header('Accept-Encoding', scalar HTTP::Message::decodable());
if ($ref) {
if (my $etag = ($ref->{Headers}->{etag})) {
$req->header('If-None-Match', $etag);
if (my $ts = $ref->{LastModified}) {
my $res = $ua->request($req);
# There are only a few headers that OpenID/Yadis care about
my @useful_headers = qw(last-modified etag content-type x-yadis-location x-xrds-location);
my %response_fields;
if ($res->code == HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_MODIFIED()) {
$consumer->_debug("Server says it's not modified. Serving from cache.");
return $cached_response->();
else {
my $final_uri = $res->request->uri->as_string();
my $final_cache_key = "URIFetch:${prefix}:${final_uri}";
my $content = $res->decoded_content # Decode content-encoding and charset
|| $res->decoded_content(charset => 'none') # Decode content-encoding
|| $res->content; # Undecoded content
if ($content_hook) {
my $headers = {};
foreach my $k (@useful_headers) {
$headers->{$k} = $res->header($k);
my $ret = Net::OpenID::URIFetch::Response->new(
status => $res->code,
last_modified => $res->last_modified,
content => $content,
headers => $headers,
final_uri => $final_uri,
if ($cache && $res->code == 200) {
my $cache_data = {
LastModified => $ret->last_modified,
Headers => $ret->headers,
Content => $ret->content,
CacheTime => time(),
FinalURI => $final_uri,
my $cache_blob = Storable::freeze($cache_data);
$cache->set($final_cache_key, $cache_blob);
$cache->set($cache_key, $cache_blob);
return $ret;
package Net::OpenID::URIFetch::Response;
$Net::OpenID::URIFetch::Response::VERSION = '1.20';
use strict;
use constant FIELDS => [qw(final_uri status content headers last_modified)];
use fields @{FIELDS()};
use Carp();
sub new {
my ($class, %opts) = @_;
my $self = fields::new($class);
@{$self}{@{FIELDS()}} = delete @opts{@{FIELDS()}};
Carp::croak("Unknown option(s): " . join(", ", keys %opts)) if %opts;
return $self;
foreach my $field_name (@{FIELDS()}) {
no strict 'refs';
*{__PACKAGE__ . '::' . $field_name}
= sub { return $_[0]->{$field_name}; };
sub header {
return $_[0]->{headers}{lc($_[1])};