shell bypass 403
# #
# File: Net/STOMP/Client/ #
# #
# Description: Peer support for Net::STOMP::Client #
# #
# module definition
package Net::STOMP::Client::Peer;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "2.5";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 2.2 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use Params::Validate qw(validate :types);
# constants
use constant I_PROTO => 0;
use constant I_HOST => 1;
use constant I_PORT => 2;
use constant I_ADDR => 3;
# #
# constructor #
# #
my %new_options = (
"proto" => {
type => SCALAR,
regex => qr/^(tcp|ssl|stomp|stomp\+ssl)$/,
"host" => {
type => SCALAR,
regex => qr/^[a-z0-9\.\-\:]+$/,
"port" => {
type => SCALAR,
regex => qr/^\d+$/,
"addr" => {
optional => 1,
type => SCALAR,
regex => qr/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/,
sub new : method {
my($class, %option, $object);
$class = shift(@_);
%option = validate(@_, \%new_options);
$object = [ @option{ qw(proto host port addr) } ];
return(bless($object, $class));
# #
# getters #
# #
sub proto : method {
my($self) = @_;
sub host : method {
my($self) = @_;
sub port : method {
my($self) = @_;
sub addr : method {
my($self) = @_;
sub uri : method {
my($self) = @_;
return(sprintf("%s://%s:%s", @{ $self }[I_PROTO, I_HOST, I_PORT]));
=head1 NAME
Net::STOMP::Client::Peer - Peer support for Net::STOMP::Client
use Net::STOMP::Client;
$stomp = Net::STOMP::Client->new(host => "", port => 61613);
$peer = $stomp->peer();
if ($peer) {
# we are indeed connected to a STOMP server
printf("server uri is %s\n", $peer->uri());
This module is used internally by L<Net::STOMP::Client> before connection
and also afterwards to expose information about the STOMP server that the
client is connected to.
=head1 METHODS
This module provides the following methods:
=item new([OPTIONS])
return a new Net::STOMP::Client::Peer object (class method)
=item proto([STRING])
get the protocol
=item host([STRING])
get the host name or address
=item port([STRING])
get the port number
=item addr([STRING])
get the host numerical IP address
=item uri()
get the host URI in the form C<PROTO://HOST:PORT>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<>
Copyright (C) CERN 2010-2021