shell bypass 403
# -*- perl -*-
# Net::Server::Proto::UDP - Net::Server Protocol module
# Copyright (C) 2001-2017
# Paul Seamons <>
# Modified 2005 by Timothy Watt
# Added ability to deal with broadcast packets.
# This package may be distributed under the terms of either the
# GNU General Public License
# or the
# Perl Artistic License
# All rights reserved.
package Net::Server::Proto::UDP;
use strict;
use base qw(Net::Server::Proto::TCP);
my @udp_args = qw(
sub NS_proto { 'UDP' }
sub NS_recv_len { my $sock = shift; ${*$sock}{'NS_recv_len'} = shift if @_; return ${*$sock}{'NS_recv_len'} }
sub NS_recv_flags { my $sock = shift; ${*$sock}{'NS_recv_flags'} = shift if @_; return ${*$sock}{'NS_recv_flags'} }
sub NS_broadcast { my $sock = shift; ${*$sock}{'NS_broadcast'} = shift if @_; return ${*$sock}{'NS_broadcast'} }
sub object {
my ($class, $info, $server) = @_;
# we cannot do this at compile time because we have not yet read the configuration then
# (this is the height of rudeness changing another's class on their behalf)
@Net::Server::Proto::TCP::ISA = qw(IO::Socket::INET6) if $Net::Server::Proto::TCP::ISA[0] eq 'IO::Socket::INET' && Net::Server::Proto->requires_ipv6($server);
my $udp = $server->{'server'}->{'udp_args'} ||= do {
my %temp = map {$_ => undef} @udp_args;
$server->configure({map {$_ => \$temp{$_}} @udp_args});
my $len = defined($info->{'udp_recv_len'}) ? $info->{'udp_recv_len'}
: defined($udp->{'udp_recv_len'}) ? $udp->{'udp_recv_len'}
: 4096;
$len = ($len =~ /^(\d+)$/) ? $1 : 4096;
my $flg = defined($info->{'udp_recv_flags'}) ? $info->{'udp_recv_flags'}
: defined($udp->{'udp_recv_flags'}) ? $udp->{'udp_recv_flags'}
: 0;
$flg = ($flg =~ /^(\d+)$/) ? $1 : 0;
my @sock = $class->SUPER::new(); # it is possible that multiple connections will be returned if INET6 is in effect
foreach my $sock (@sock) {
$sock->NS_ipv( $info->{'ipv'} );
$sock->NS_broadcast(exists($info->{'udp_broadcast'}) ? $info->{'udp_broadcast'} : $udp->{'upd_broadcast'});
${*$sock}{'NS_orig_port'} = $info->{'orig_port'} if defined $info->{'orig_port'};
return wantarray ? @sock : $sock[0];
sub connect {
my ($sock, $server) = @_;
my $host = $sock->NS_host;
my $port = $sock->NS_port;
my $ipv = $sock->NS_ipv;
LocalPort => $port,
Proto => 'udp',
ReuseAddr => 1,
Reuse => 1, # may not be needed on UDP
(($host ne '*') ? (LocalAddr => $host) : ()), # * is all
($sock->isa("IO::Socket::INET6") ? (Domain => ($ipv eq '6') ? Socket6::AF_INET6() : ($ipv eq '4') ? Socket::AF_INET() : Socket::AF_UNSPEC()) : ()),
($sock->NS_broadcast ? (Broadcast => 1) : ()),
}) or $server->fatal("Cannot bind to UDP port $port on $host [$!]");
if ($port eq 0 and $port = $sock->sockport) {
$server->log(2, " Bound to auto-assigned port $port");
${*$sock}{'NS_orig_port'} = $sock->NS_port;
} elsif ($port =~ /\D/ and $port = $sock->sockport) {
$server->log(2, " Bound to service port ".$sock->NS_port()."($port)");
${*$sock}{'NS_orig_port'} = $sock->NS_port;
=head1 NAME
Net::Server::Proto::UDP - Net::Server UDP protocol.
See L<Net::Server::Proto>.
Protocol module for Net::Server. This module implements the
SOCK_DGRAM socket type under INET (also known as UDP).
See L<Net::Server::Proto>.
The following paramaters may be specified in addition to
normal command line parameters for a Net::Server. See
L<Net::Server> for more information on reading arguments.
=over 4
=item udp_recv_len
Specifies the number of bytes to read from the UDP connection
handle. Data will be read into $self->{'server'}->{'udp_data'}.
Default is 4096. See L<IO::Socket::INET> and L<recv>.
=item udp_recv_flags
See L<recv>. Default is 0.
=item udp_broadcast
Default is undef.
Key Value Default
## UDP protocol parameters
udp_recv_len \d+ 4096
udp_recv_flags \d+ 0
udp_broadcast bool undef
=over 4
=item C<object>
Returns an object with parameters suitable for eventual creation of
a IO::Socket::INET object listining on UDP.
=item C<connect>
Called when actually binding the port. Handles default parameters
before calling parent method.
=head1 LICENCE
Distributed under the same terms as Net::Server