shell bypass 403
# #
# File: No/Worries/ #
# #
# Description: symbol exporting without worries #
# #
# module definition
package No::Worries::Export;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.7";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.7 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use Params::Validate qw(validate_with :types);
# simple yet powerful export control
sub export_control ($$$@) {
my($callpkg, $pkg, $exported, @names) = @_;
my($name, $regexp, $ref);
params => \@_,
spec => [ { type => SCALAR }, { type => SCALAR }, { type => HASHREF } ],
allow_extra => 1,
while (@names) {
$name = shift(@names);
# special case for * and /.../ and x.y
if ($name eq "*") {
unshift(@names, grep(!ref($exported->{$_}), keys(%{ $exported })));
} elsif ($name =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/) {
$regexp = $1;
unshift(@names, grep(/$regexp/, grep(!ref($exported->{$_}),
keys(%{ $exported }))));
} elsif ($name =~ /^\d/) {
# version checking via UNIVERSAL
die("\"$name\" is not exported by the $pkg module\n")
unless defined($exported->{$name});
$ref = ref($exported->{$name});
if ($ref eq "") {
# normal symbol
if ($name =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
# function
no strict qw(refs);
no warnings qw(once prototype);
*{"${callpkg}::${1}"} = \&{"${pkg}::${1}"};
} elsif ($name =~ /^\$(\w+)$/) {
# scalar
no strict qw(refs);
*{"${callpkg}::${1}"} = \${"${pkg}::${1}"};
} elsif ($name =~ /^\@(\w+)$/) {
# array
no strict qw(refs);
*{"${callpkg}::${1}"} = \@{"${pkg}::${1}"};
} elsif ($name =~ /^\%(\w+)$/) {
# hash
no strict qw(refs);
*{"${callpkg}::${1}"} = \%{"${pkg}::${1}"};
} else {
die("unsupported export by the $pkg module: $name\n");
} elsif ($ref eq "CODE") {
# special symbol
} else {
die("unsupported export by the $pkg module: $name=$ref\n");
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
grep($exported{$_}++, qw(export_control));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
=head1 NAME
No::Worries::Export - symbol exporting without worries
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
sub foo () { ... }
our $bar = 42;
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
grep($exported{$_}++, qw(foo $bar));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
This module eases symbol exporting by providing a simple yet powerful
alternative to the L<Exporter> module.
The symbols that can be imported are defined in a hash (the third
argument of export_control()), the key being the symbol name and the
value being:
=item * a scalar: indicating a normal symbol
=item * a code reference: to be called at import time
The normal symbols can be functions (such as C<foo>), scalars
(<$foo>), arrays (<@foo>) or hashes (<%foo>).
All the normal symbols can be imported at once by using an asterisk in
the import code:
use Foo qw(*);
Alternatively, a regular expression can be given to filter what to
# import "foo" and all the normal symbols starting with "bar"
use Foo qw(foo /^bar/);
The special symbols can be used to execute any code. For instance:
# exporting module
our $backend = "stdout";
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
$exported{syslog} = sub { $backend = "syslog" };
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
# importing code
use Foo qw(syslog);
Finally, anything looking like a number will trigger a version check:
use Foo qw(1.2);
# will trigger
See L<UNIVERSAL> for more information on the VERSION() mthod.
This module provides the following function (not exported by default):
=item export_control(CALLERPKG, PKG, EXPORT, NAMES...)
control the symbols exported by the module; this should be called from
an C<import> method
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<>
Copyright (C) CERN 2012-2019