shell bypass 403
# #
# File: No/Worries/ #
# #
# Description: process handling without worries #
# #
# module definition
package No::Worries::Proc;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.005; # need the four-argument form of substr()
our $VERSION = "1.7";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.26 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use Config qw(%Config);
use IO::Select qw();
use No::Worries qw($_IntegerRegexp $_NumberRegexp);
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Dir qw(dir_change);
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
use Params::Validate qw(validate validate_with :types);
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h :errno_h setsid);
use Time::HiRes qw();
# global variables
our(@SigName, $Transient);
# check a command to be executed
sub _chk_cmd (@) {
my(@cmd) = @_;
if ($cmd[0] =~ /\//) {
dief("invalid command: %s", $cmd[0]) unless -f $cmd[0] and -x _;
} else {
$path = $ENV{PATH} || "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin";
foreach my $dir (split(/:/, $path)) {
next unless length($dir) and -d $dir;
next unless -f "$dir/$cmd[0]" and -x _;
$cmd[0] = "$dir/$cmd[0]";
dief("command not found: %s", $cmd[0]) unless $cmd[0] =~ /\//;
# definition of the process structure
my $nbre = "(\\d+\\.)?\\d+"; # fractional number pattern
my $ksre = "([A-Z]+\\/${nbre}\\s+)*[A-Z]+\\/${nbre}"; # kill spec. pattern
my %proc_structure = (
# public
command => { optional => 0, type => ARRAYREF },
pid => { optional => 0, type => SCALAR, regex => $_IntegerRegexp },
start => { optional => 0, type => SCALAR, regex => $_NumberRegexp },
stop => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => $_NumberRegexp },
status => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^-?\d+$/ },
timeout => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => $_NumberRegexp },
# private
kill => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^${ksre}$/ },
maxtime => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => $_NumberRegexp },
fhin => { optional => 1, type => GLOBREF },
fhout => { optional => 1, type => GLOBREF },
fherr => { optional => 1, type => GLOBREF },
bufin => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR },
cbout => { optional => 1, type => CODEREF },
cberr => { optional => 1, type => CODEREF },
sub _chk_proc ($) {
my($proc) = @_;
params => $proc,
spec => \%proc_structure,
on_fail => sub { dief("invalid process structure: %s", $_[0]) },
return(); # so that validate_with() is called in void context
# close a file handle used for IPC
sub _close ($$$$) {
my($proc, $fh, $what, $ios) = @_;
$ios->remove($fh) if $ios;
close($fh) or dief("cannot close(): %s", $!);
# try to read from a dead process in case we called _is_alive() on it
# before all its output pipes got emptied...
sub _read_zombie ($$$) {
my($proc, $iosr, $iosw) = @_;
my($fh, $buf, $done);
foreach my $what (qw(in)) {
next unless $proc->{"fh$what"} and $proc->{"cb$what"};
$fh = $proc->{"fh$what"};
# no write, simply close
_close($proc, $fh, $what, $iosw);
foreach my $what (qw(out err)) {
next unless $proc->{"fh$what"} and $proc->{"cb$what"};
$fh = $proc->{"fh$what"};
# read until EOF then close
$done = 1;
while ($done) {
last if $iosr and not grep($fh eq $_, $iosr->can_read(1));
$buf = "";
$done = sysread($fh, $buf, 8192);
dief("cannot sysread(): %s", $!) unless defined($done);
$proc->{"cb$what"}($proc, $buf);
_close($proc, $fh, $what, $iosr);
# check if a process is alive, record its status if not
sub _is_alive ($$$) {
my($proc, $iosr, $iosw) = @_;
# check if it recently died
if (waitpid($proc->{pid}, WNOHANG) == $proc->{pid}) {
$proc->{status} = $?;
$proc->{stop} = Time::HiRes::time();
_read_zombie($proc, $iosr, $iosw);
return(0); # no
# check if we can kill it
if (kill(0, $proc->{pid}) or $! == EPERM) {
return(1); # yes
# ooops
return(); # don't know
# prepare I/O before creating a process
sub _prepare_stdin ($$) {
my($proc, $stdin) = @_;
my($ref, $rdrin, $wrtin);
return() unless defined($stdin);
$ref = ref($stdin);
if ($ref eq "") {
if ($stdin eq "") {
dief("unexpected stdin: empty string");
} else {
## no critic 'InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen'
open($rdrin, "<", $stdin)
or dief("cannot open(<, %s): %s", $stdin, $!);
} elsif ($ref eq "SCALAR") {
pipe($rdrin, $wrtin)
or dief("cannot pipe(): %s", $!);
$proc->{fhin} = $wrtin;
$proc->{bufin} = ${ $stdin };
} else {
dief("unexpected stdin: ref(%s)", $ref);
return($rdrin, $wrtin);
sub _prepare_stdout ($$) {
my($proc, $stdout) = @_;
my($ref, $rdrout, $wrtout);
return() unless defined($stdout);
$ref = ref($stdout);
if ($ref eq "") {
if ($stdout eq "") {
dief("unexpected stdout: empty string");
} else {
## no critic 'InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen'
open($wrtout, ">", $stdout)
or dief("cannot open(>, %s): %s", $stdout, $!);
} elsif ($ref eq "CODE" or $ref eq "SCALAR") {
pipe($rdrout, $wrtout)
or dief("cannot pipe(): %s", $!);
$proc->{fhout} = $rdrout;
if ($ref eq "CODE") {
$proc->{cbout} = $stdout;
} else {
${ $stdout } = "";
$proc->{cbout} = sub {
my($_proc, $_buf) = @_;
${ $stdout } .= $_buf;
} else {
dief("unexpected stdout: ref(%s)", $ref);
return($rdrout, $wrtout);
sub _prepare_stderr ($$) {
my($proc, $stderr) = @_;
my($ref, $rdrerr, $wrterr, $merge);
return() unless defined($stderr);
$ref = ref($stderr);
if ($ref eq "") {
if ($stderr eq "") {
# special case: stderr will be merged with stdout
$merge = 1;
} else {
## no critic 'InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen'
open($wrterr, ">", $stderr)
or dief("cannot open(>, %s): %s", $stderr, $!);
} elsif ($ref eq "CODE" or $ref eq "SCALAR") {
pipe($rdrerr, $wrterr)
or dief("cannot pipe(): %s", $!);
$proc->{fherr} = $rdrerr;
if ($ref eq "CODE") {
$proc->{cberr} = $stderr;
} else {
${ $stderr } = "";
$proc->{cberr} = sub {
my($_proc, $_buf) = @_;
${ $stderr } .= $_buf;
} else {
dief("unexpected stderr: ref(%s)", $ref);
return($rdrerr, $wrterr, $merge);
# redirect I/O after creating a process
sub _redirect_io ($$$$) {
my($rdrin, $wrtout, $wrterr, $merge) = @_;
# handle stdin
if ($rdrin) {
$fd = fileno($rdrin);
if (fileno(*STDIN) != $fd) {
open(*STDIN, "<&=$fd")
or dief("cannot redirect stdin: %s", $!);
# handle stdout
if ($wrtout) {
$fd = fileno($wrtout);
if (fileno(*STDOUT) != $fd) {
open(*STDOUT, ">&=$fd")
or dief("cannot redirect stdout: %s", $!);
# handle stderr
if ($wrterr or $merge) {
$fd = $merge ? fileno(*STDOUT) : fileno($wrterr);
if (fileno(*STDERR) != $fd) {
open(*STDERR, ">&=$fd")
or dief("cannot redirect stderr: %s", $!);
# fork a new process, setup its environment and exec() the command
my %proc_create_options = (
command => { optional => 0, type => ARRAYREF },
cwd => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR },
timeout => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => $_NumberRegexp },
kill => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^${ksre}$/ },
stdin => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR | SCALARREF },
stdout => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR | SCALARREF | CODEREF },
stderr => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR | SCALARREF | CODEREF },
sub proc_create (@) {
my(%option, %proc, $merge);
my($rdrin, $wrtin, $rdrout, $wrtout, $rdrerr, $wrterr);
# preparation
%option = validate(@_, \%proc_create_options);
$proc{command} = _chk_cmd(@{ $option{command} });
# check the "current working directory" option
if (defined($option{cwd})) {
dief("invalid directory: %s", $option{cwd}) unless -d $option{cwd};
# prepare I/O
($rdrin, $wrtin) = _prepare_stdin(\%proc, $option{stdin});
($rdrout, $wrtout) = _prepare_stdout(\%proc, $option{stdout});
($rdrerr, $wrterr, $merge) = _prepare_stderr(\%proc, $option{stderr});
# fork
$proc{pid} = fork();
dief("cannot fork(): %s", $!) unless defined($proc{pid});
# handle the child
unless ($proc{pid}) {
# we are about to exec() or die()
$Transient = 1;
# handle the "current working directory"
dir_change($option{cwd}) if defined($option{cwd});
# make sure the STD* file handles are "normal"
foreach my $glob (*STDIN, *STDOUT, *STDERR) {
next unless tied($glob);
no warnings qw(untie); ## no critic 'ProhibitNoWarnings'
# handle the pipe ends to close
foreach my $fh ($wrtin, $rdrout, $rdrerr) {
next unless $fh;
close($fh) or dief("cannot close pipe: %s", $!);
# redirect I/O
_redirect_io($rdrin, $wrtout, $wrterr, $merge);
# execute the command
exec({ $proc{command}[0] } @{ $proc{command} })
or dief("cannot execute %s: %s", $proc{command}[0], $!);
# handle the father
# record the "start" time
$proc{start} = Time::HiRes::time();
# record the maximum running time
if (defined($option{timeout})) {
$proc{maxtime} = $proc{start} + $option{timeout};
# record the kill specification
$proc{kill} = $option{kill} if $option{kill};
# handle the pipe ends to close
foreach my $fh ($rdrin, $wrtout, $wrterr) {
next unless $fh;
close($fh) or dief("cannot close pipe: %s", $!);
# so far so good
# terminate a process
my %proc_terminate_options = (
kill => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^${ksre}$/ },
_iosr => { optional => 1, type => UNDEF|OBJECT },
_iosw => { optional => 1, type => UNDEF|OBJECT },
sub proc_terminate ($@) {
my($proc, %option, $pid, $sig, $grace, $maxtime);
# setup
$proc = shift(@_);
if (ref($proc) eq "") {
dief("unexpected pid: %s", $proc) unless $proc =~ /^\d+$/;
$proc = { pid => $proc };
} elsif (ref($proc) eq "HASH") {
} else {
dief("unexpected process: %s", $proc);
%option = validate(@_, \%proc_terminate_options) if @_;
$option{kill} ||= $proc->{kill} || "TERM/1 INT/1 QUIT/1";
$pid = $proc->{pid};
# gentle kill
foreach my $spec (split(/\s+/, $option{kill})) {
if ($spec =~ /^([A-Z]+)\/(${nbre})$/) {
($sig, $grace) = ($1, $2);
} else {
dief("unexpected kill specification: %s", $spec);
unless (kill($sig, $pid)) {
dief("cannot kill(%s, %d): %s", $sig, $pid, $!) unless $! == ESRCH;
$maxtime = Time::HiRes::time() + $grace;
while (Time::HiRes::time() < $maxtime) {
return unless _is_alive($proc, $option{_iosr}, $option{_iosw});
return unless _is_alive($proc, $option{_iosr}, $option{_iosw});
# hard kill
$sig = "KILL";
unless (kill($sig, $pid)) {
dief("cannot kill(%s, %d): %s", $sig, $pid, $!) unless $! == ESRCH;
# setup monitoring
sub _monitor_setup ($) {
my($procs) = @_;
my(%process, %map, $iosr, $iosw, $fh);
# store the processes to monitor in a hash
foreach my $proc (@{ $procs }) {
$process{$proc->{pid}} = $proc;
# record the file handles to monitor
$iosr = IO::Select->new();
$iosw = IO::Select->new();
foreach my $proc (values(%process)) {
foreach my $what (qw(in out err)) {
$fh = $proc->{"fh$what"};
next unless $fh;
if ($what eq "in") {
} else {
$map{"$fh"} = [ $proc->{pid}, $what ];
$iosr = undef unless $iosr->count();
$iosw = undef unless $iosw->count();
return(\%process, \%map, $iosr, $iosw);
# monitor I/O
sub _monitor_reading ($$$$$) {
my($process, $map, $iosr, $bufsize, $timeout) = @_;
my($buf, $done, $proc, $what);
foreach my $fh ($iosr->can_read($timeout)) {
$timeout = 0;
$buf = "";
$done = sysread($fh, $buf, $bufsize);
dief("cannot sysread(): %s", $!) unless defined($done);
$proc = $process->{$map->{"$fh"}[0]};
$what = $map->{"$fh"}[1];
$proc->{"cb$what"}($proc, $buf);
unless ($done) {
_close($proc, $fh, $what, $iosr);
sub _monitor_writing ($$$$$) {
my($process, $map, $iosw, $bufsize, $timeout) = @_;
my($buf, $done, $proc, $what);
foreach my $fh ($iosw->can_write($timeout)) {
$timeout = 0;
$proc = $process->{$map->{"$fh"}[0]};
$what = $map->{"$fh"}[1];
$buf = $proc->{"buf$what"};
if (length($buf)) {
$done = syswrite($fh, $buf, length($buf));
dief("cannot syswrite(): %s", $!) unless defined($done);
substr($proc->{"buf$what"}, 0, $done, "");
} else {
_close($proc, $fh, $what, $iosw);
# monitor termination (death and timeout)
sub _monitor_termination ($$$$) {
my($process, $iosr, $iosw, $timeout) = @_;
# check if some processes finished
foreach my $proc (grep(!defined($_->{status}), values(%{ $process }))) {
next if _is_alive($proc, $iosr, $iosw);
$timeout = 0;
# check if some processes timed out
$now = Time::HiRes::time();
foreach my $proc (grep($_->{maxtime}, values(%{ $process }))) {
next unless $now > $proc->{maxtime};
$timeout = 0;
$proc->{timeout} = $now;
proc_terminate($proc, _iosr => $iosr, _iosw => $iosw);
# monitor one or more processes
my %proc_monitor_options = (
timeout => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => $_NumberRegexp },
bufsize => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => $_IntegerRegexp },
deaths => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => $_IntegerRegexp },
sub proc_monitor ($@) {
my($procs, %option, $process, $map, $iosr, $iosw);
my($maxtime, $timeout, $zombies);
# preparation
$procs = shift(@_);
if (ref($procs) eq "HASH") {
$procs = [ $procs ];
} elsif (ref($procs) ne "ARRAY") {
dief("unexpected processes: %s", $procs);
%option = validate(@_, \%proc_monitor_options) if @_;
$option{bufsize} ||= 8192;
($process, $map, $iosr, $iosw) = _monitor_setup($procs);
# count the number of processes which are already dead
$zombies = grep(defined($_->{status}), values(%{ $process }));
# work
$maxtime = Time::HiRes::time() + $option{timeout}
if defined($option{timeout});
while ($iosr or $iosw
or grep(!defined($_->{status}), values(%{ $process }))) {
$timeout = 0.01;
# read what can be read
$timeout = _monitor_reading($process, $map, $iosr, $option{bufsize},
$timeout) if $iosr;
# write what can be written
$timeout = _monitor_writing($process, $map, $iosw, $option{bufsize},
$timeout) if $iosw;
# check if some processes finished or timed out
$timeout = _monitor_termination($process, $iosr, $iosw, $timeout);
# or if we timed out
last if $maxtime and Time::HiRes::time() > $maxtime;
# or if enough processes died
last if $option{deaths}
and grep(defined($_->{status}), values(%{ $process }))
>= $zombies + $option{deaths};
# sleep a bit if needed (= if we have not worked before in the loop)
Time::HiRes::sleep($timeout) if $timeout;
# update the IO::Select objects
$iosr = undef unless $iosr and $iosr->count();
$iosw = undef unless $iosw and $iosw->count();
# run the given command
sub proc_run (@) {
my(@args) = @_;
# create the process
$proc = proc_create(@args);
# monitor it until it ends
# return what is expected
return(%{ $proc }) if wantarray();
# execute the given command, check its status and return its output
sub proc_output (@) {
my(@command) = @_;
my($output, $status);
$output = "";
$status = proc_run(command => \@command, stdout => \$output);
dief("%s failed: %d", $command[0], $status) if $status;
# detach ourself and go in the background
my %proc_detach_options = (
callback => { optional => 1, type => CODEREF },
sub proc_detach (@) {
my(%option, $pid, $sid);
%option = validate(@_, \%proc_detach_options) if @_;
# change directory to a known place
# fork and let dad die
$pid = fork();
dief("cannot fork(): %s", $!) unless defined($pid);
if ($pid) {
# we are about to exit()
$Transient = 1;
$option{callback}->($pid) if $option{callback};
# create a new session
$sid = setsid();
dief("cannot setsid(): %s", $!) if $sid == -1;
# detach std* from anything but plain files (i.e. allow: cmd --detach > log)
unless (-f STDIN) {
open(STDIN, "<", "/dev/null")
or dief("cannot re-open stdin: %s", $!);
unless (-f STDOUT) {
open(STDOUT, ">", "/dev/null")
or dief("cannot re-open stdout: %s", $!);
unless (-f STDERR) {
open(STDERR, ">", "/dev/null")
or dief("cannot re-open stderr: %s", $!);
# return a string representation of the process status
sub proc_status ($) {
my($status) = @_;
my($signum, @list);
return("ok") unless $status;
$signum = $status & 127;
push(@list, sprintf("code=%d", $status >> 8));
push(@list, sprintf("signal=%s", $SigName[$signum] || $signum))
if $signum;
push(@list, "(core dumped)")
if $status & 128;
return(join(" ", @list));
# module initialization
@SigName[split(/\s+/, $Config{sig_num})] = split(/\s+/, $Config{sig_name});
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
map("proc_$_", qw(create detach monitor output run status terminate)));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
=head1 NAME
No::Worries::Proc - process handling without worries
use No::Worries::Proc qw(proc_run proc_create proc_monitor proc_detach);
# simple interface to execute a command
$status = proc_run(command => [ "foo", "-x", 7 ]);
printf("foo exited with %d\n", $status);
# idem but with output redirection and more information
%proc = proc_run(command => [ qw(uname -a) ], stdout => \$output);
printf("process %d output is %s\n", $proc->{pid}, $output);
# start two process and wait for them to finish
$p1 = proc_create(
command => \@cmd1,
timeout => 5, # to be killed if still running after 5s
stderr => "/dev/null", # discard stderr
$p2 = proc_create(
command => \@cmd2,
stdout => \$output, # get stdout+stderr in $output
stderr => "", # merge stderr with stdout
proc_monitor([ $p1, $p2 ], timeout => 10);
printf("%d finished\n", $p1->{pid}) if $p1->{stop};
printf("%d finished\n", $p2->{pid}) if $p2->{stop};
# detach ourself to run as a daemon
proc_detach(callback => sub { print("started with pid $_[0]\n")});
This module eases process handling by providing high level functions to start,
monitor and stop processes. All the functions die() on error.
It also provides the $No::Worries::Proc::Transient variable that indicates,
after a fork(), which process is transient and is about to exec() or exit().
This is useful for instance in an END block:
# remove our pid file unless we are transient
pf_unset($pidfile) unless $No::Worries::Proc::Transient;
This module provides the following functions (none of them being exported by
=item proc_output(COMMAND...)
execute the given command, capture its output (stdout only), check its exit
code (report an error if it is not zero) and return the captured output; this
is similar to Perl's qx() operator but bypassing the shell and always checking
the exit code
=item proc_create(OPTIONS)
create a new process that will execute the given command and return a hash
reference representing this process (see the L</"PROCESS STRUCTURE"> sections
for more information), to be given to proc_monitor() or proc_terminate()
afterwards; supported options:
=item * C<command>: the command to execute, it must be an array reference
=item * C<cwd>: the current working directory of the new process
=item * C<timeout>: the maximum number of seconds that the process is allowed
to take to run (can be fractional); after this, it may be killed by
=item * C<kill>: how to "gently" kill the process, see below
=item * C<stdin>: what to do with stdin, see below
=item * C<stdout>: what to do with stdout, see below
=item * C<stderr>: what to do with stderr, see below
=item proc_terminate(PROC[, OPTIONS])
terminate the given process (PROC can be either a process structure or simply
a process id) by sending signals and waiting for the process to finish;
supported options:
=item * C<kill>: how to "gently" kill the process, see below
=item proc_monitor(PROCS[, OPTIONS])
monitor the given process(es) (as created by proc_create()); PROCS can be
either a single process or a reference to a list of processes; supported
=item * C<timeout>: the maximum number of seconds that proc_monitor() should
take, can be fractional
=item * C<bufsize>: the buffer size to use for I/O operations (default: 8192)
=item * C<deaths>: the minimum number of process deaths that proc_monitor()
will wait for before returning
=item proc_run(OPTIONS)
execute the given process (i.e. create and monitor it until termination) and
return its status (i.e. $?) in scalar context or the whole process structure
in list context; supported options: the ones of proc_create()
=item proc_detach([OPTIONS])
detach the current process so that it becomes a daemon running in the
background (this implies forking and re-opening std*); supported options:
=item proc_status(STATUS)
return a string representation of the given process status (i.e. $?)
=item * C<callback>: code reference that will be executed by the parent
process just before exiting and will be given the child pid
The process structure (hash) used in this module has the following fields:
=item * C<command>: the command being executed, as an array reference
=item * C<pid>: the process id
=item * C<start>: the start time, in fractional seconds
=item * C<stop>: the stop time, in fractional seconds
=item * C<status>: the status (i.e. $?)
=item * C<timeout>: true if the process has been killed because of timeout
When using the C<stdin> option of proc_create(), the value can be:
=item * a string: input will be read from the given file name
=item * a scalar reference: input will be the scalar itself
When using the C<stdout> and C<stderr> options of proc_create(), the value can
=item * a string: output will be written to the given file name
=item * a scalar reference: output will be stored in the scalar
=item * a code reference: each time new output is available, the code will be
called with two parameters: the process structure and the new output
In addition, C<stderr> can also be given an empty string that means that
stderr should be merged with stdout.
Both proc_create() and proc_terminate() can be given a C<kill> option that
specifies how the process should be killed.
The specification is a string containing a space separated list of
I<signal>/I<grace> couples, meaning: send the given signal and wait a bit for
the process to finish.
If not specified, the default is C<TERM/1 INT/1 QUIT/1>, meaning:
=item * send SIGTERM and wait up to 1 second for the process to finish
=item * if the process is still alive, send SIGINT and wait up to 1 second
=item * if the process is still alive, send SIGQUIT and wait up to 1 second
=item * if the process is still alive, send SIGKILL (implicit)
This module uses the following global variables (none of them being exported):
=item $Transient
true if the process is about to exec() or exit(), there is usually no need to
perform any cleanup (e.g. in an END block) for this kind of process
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<>
Copyright (C) CERN 2012-2019