shell bypass 403
# #
# File: No/Worries/ #
# #
# Description: stat() handling without worries #
# #
# module definition
package No::Worries::Stat;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.7";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.12 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use Fcntl qw(:mode);
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
use Params::Validate qw(validate :types);
# constants
use constant ST_DEV => 0; # ID of device containing file
use constant ST_INO => 1; # inode number
use constant ST_MODE => 2; # protection
use constant ST_NLINK => 3; # number of hard links
use constant ST_UID => 4; # user ID of owner
use constant ST_GID => 5; # group ID of owner
use constant ST_RDEV => 6; # device ID (if special file)
use constant ST_SIZE => 7; # total size, in bytes
use constant ST_ATIME => 8; # time of last access
use constant ST_MTIME => 9; # time of last modification
use constant ST_CTIME => 10; # time of last status change
use constant ST_BLKSIZE => 11; # blocksize for filesystem I/O
use constant ST_BLOCKS => 12; # number of 512B blocks allocated
use constant _IMODE => oct(7777); # all mode bits
use constant _IBITS => 12; # number of mode bits
# global variables
@_Mode2Type, # mode (shifted) to file type
%_CachedUid, # cached uid from getpwnam()
%_CachedGid, # cached gid from getgrnam()
# check user option and set uid and message accordingly
sub _check_user ($$) {
my($option, $message) = @_;
$user = $option->{user};
return unless defined($user);
if ($user =~ /^\d+$/) {
$option->{uid} = $user;
} else {
unless (exists($_CachedUid{$user})) {
$_CachedUid{$user} = getpwnam($user);
dief("unknown user: %s", $user)
unless defined($_CachedUid{$user});
$option->{uid} = $_CachedUid{$user};
$message->{user} = "user($user)";
# check group option and set gid and message accordingly
sub _check_group ($$) {
my($option, $message) = @_;
$group = $option->{group};
return unless defined($group);
if ($group =~ /^\d+$/) {
$option->{gid} = $group;
} else {
unless (exists($_CachedGid{$group})) {
$_CachedGid{$group} = getgrnam($group);
dief("unknown group: %s", $group)
unless defined($_CachedGid{$group});
$option->{gid} = $_CachedGid{$group};
$message->{group} = "group($group)";
# check the mode option and set mode_set, mode_clear and message accordingly
sub _check_mode ($$) {
my($option, $message) = @_;
my($mode, $action, $number);
$mode = $option->{mode};
return unless defined($mode);
if ($mode =~ /^([\+\-])?(\d+)$/) {
$action = $1 || "";
$number = substr($2, 0, 1) eq "0" ? oct($2) : ($2+0);
# use the canonical form for the message
$mode = sprintf("%s%05o", $action, $number);
if ($action eq "+") {
# check that at least these bits are set
$option->{mode_set} = $number;
$option->{mode_clear} = 0;
} elsif ($action eq "-") {
# check that at least these bits are cleared
$option->{mode_set} = 0;
$option->{mode_clear} = $number;
} else {
# check that these bits are exactly the ones set
$option->{mode_set} = $number;
$option->{mode_clear} = _IMODE;
} else {
dief("invalid mode: %s", $mode);
$message->{mode} = "mode($mode)";
# check the mtime option and set message accordingly
sub _check_mtime ($$) {
my($option, $message) = @_;
$mtime = $option->{mtime};
return unless defined($mtime);
$message->{mtime} = "mtime($mtime)";
# ensure proper ownership
sub _ensure_owner ($$$$) {
my($path, $stat, $option, $message) = @_;
@todo = ();
if ($message->{user} and $stat->[ST_UID] != $option->{uid}) {
$stat->[ST_UID] = $option->{uid};
push(@todo, $message->{user});
if ($message->{group} and $stat->[ST_GID] != $option->{gid}) {
$stat->[ST_GID] = $option->{gid};
push(@todo, $message->{group});
return(0) unless @todo and $option->{callback}->($path, "@todo");
chown($stat->[ST_UID], $stat->[ST_GID], $path)
or dief("cannot chown(%d, %d, %s): %s",
$stat->[ST_UID], $stat->[ST_GID], $path, $!);
# ensure proper permissions
sub _ensure_mode ($$$$) {
my($path, $stat, $option, $message) = @_;
$mode = $stat->[ST_MODE] & _IMODE;
$mode &= ~$option->{mode_clear};
$mode |= $option->{mode_set};
return(0) if ($stat->[ST_MODE] & _IMODE) == $mode;
return(0) unless $option->{callback}->($path, $message->{mode});
chmod($mode, $path)
or dief("cannot chmod(%05o, %s): %s", $mode, $path, $!);
# ensure proper modification time
sub _ensure_mtime ($$$$) {
my($path, $stat, $option, $message) = @_;
return(0) if $stat->[ST_MTIME] == $option->{mtime};
return(0) unless $option->{callback}->($path, $message->{mtime});
utime($stat->[ST_ATIME], $option->{mtime}, $path)
or dief("cannot utime(%d, %d, %s): %s",
$stat->[ST_ATIME], $option->{mtime}, $path, $!);
# make sure the the file status is what is expected
my %stat_ensure_options = (
user => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^[\w\-]+$/ },
group => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^[\w\-]+$/ },
mode => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^[\+\-]?\d+$/ },
mtime => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^\d+$/ },
follow => { optional => 1, type => BOOLEAN },
callback => { optional => 1, type => CODEREF },
sub stat_ensure ($@) {
my($path, %option, %message, @stat, $changed);
$path = shift(@_);
%option = validate(@_, \%stat_ensure_options) if @_;
_check_user(\%option, \%message);
_check_group(\%option, \%message);
_check_mode(\%option, \%message);
_check_mtime(\%option, \%message);
$option{callback} ||= sub { return(1) };
dief("no options given") unless keys(%message);
if ($option{follow}) {
@stat = stat($path);
dief("cannot stat(%s): %s", $path, $!) unless @stat;
} else {
@stat = lstat($path);
dief("cannot lstat(%s): %s", $path, $!) unless @stat;
# we do not try to change symbolic links
return(undef) if -l _;
$changed = 0;
# first ensure owner
$changed += _ensure_owner($path, \@stat, \%option, \%message)
if $message{user} or $message{group};
# then ensure mode
$changed += _ensure_mode($path, \@stat, \%option, \%message)
if $message{mode};
# finally ensure mtime
$changed += _ensure_mtime($path, \@stat, \%option, \%message)
if $message{mtime};
# return the file type as a string from stat[ST_MODE]
sub stat_type ($) {
my($mode) = @_;
unless (@_Mode2Type) {
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFREG() >> _IBITS] = "plain file" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFDIR() >> _IBITS] = "directory" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFIFO() >> _IBITS] = "pipe" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFSOCK() >> _IBITS] = "socket" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFBLK() >> _IBITS] = "block device" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFCHR() >> _IBITS] = "character device" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFLNK() >> _IBITS] = "symlink" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFDOOR() >> _IBITS] = "door" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFPORT() >> _IBITS] = "event port" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFNWK() >> _IBITS] = "network file" };
eval { $_Mode2Type[S_IFWHT() >> _IBITS] = "whiteout" };
$mode &= S_IFMT;
$mode >>= _IBITS;
return($_Mode2Type[$mode] || "unknown");
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
grep($exported{$_}++, grep(/^ST?_[A-Z]+$/, keys(%No::Worries::Stat::)));
grep($exported{$_}++, qw(stat_ensure stat_type));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
=head1 NAME
No::Worries::Stat - stat() handling without worries
use No::Worries::Stat qw(*);
@stat = stat($path) or die;
printf("type is %s\n", stat_type($stat[ST_MODE]));
printf("size is %d\n", $stat[ST_SIZE]);
printf("user can read\n") if $stat[ST_MODE] & S_IRUSR;
# make sure "/bin/ls" is owned by root and has the right permissions
stat_ensure("/bin/ls", user => "root", mode => 0755);
# make sure "/var/log" is not group or world writable
stat_ensure("/var/log", mode => "-022");
# idem but using the S_* constants
stat_ensure("/var/log", mode => "-" . (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH));
This module eases file status handling by providing convenient constants and
functions to get, set and manipulate file status information. All the
functions die() on error.
This module provides the following constants to ease access to stat() fields
(none of them being exported by default):
=item C<ST_DEV>
ID of device containing file
=item C<ST_INO>
inode number
=item C<ST_MODE>
=item C<ST_NLINK>
number of hard links
=item C<ST_UID>
user ID of owner
=item C<ST_GID>
group ID of owner
=item C<ST_RDEV>
device ID (if special file)
=item C<ST_SIZE>
total size, in bytes
=item C<ST_ATIME>
time of last access
=item C<ST_MTIME>
time of last modification
=item C<ST_CTIME>
time of last status change
blocksize for filesystem I/O
=item C<ST_BLOCKS>
number of 512B blocks allocated
In addition, it also optionally exports all the ":mode" constants from L<Fcntl>.
This way, all the stat() related constants can be imported in a uniform way.
This module provides the following functions (none of them being
exported by default):
=item stat_type(MODE)
given the file mode (C<ST_MODE> field), return the file type as a string;
possible return values are: "block device", "character device", "directory",
"door", "event port", "network file", "pipe", "plain file", "socket",
"symlink", "unknown" and "whiteout".
=item stat_ensure(PATH[, OPTIONS])
make sure the given path has the expected file "status" (w.r.t. stat()) and
call chown(), chmod() or utime() if needed, returning the number of changes
performed; supported options:
=item * C<user>: expected user name or uid
=item * C<group>: expected group name or gid
=item * C<mode>: expected mode specification (see below)
=item * C<mtime>: expected modification time
=item * C<follow>: follow symbolic links (default is to skip them)
=item * C<callback>: code to be executed before changing something (see below)
The C<mode> option of stat_ensure() can be given:
=item I<NUMBER>
an absolute value like 0755, meaning that mode must be equal to it
=item +I<NUMBER>
a list of bits that must be set, e.g. "+0111" for "executable for all"
=item -I<NUMBER>
a list of bits that must be clear, e.g. "-022" for not writable by group or
Note: the number after "+" or "-" will be interpreted as being octal only if
it starts with "0". You should therefore use "+0111" or "+".oct(111) to
enable the executable bits but not "+111" which is the same as "+0157".
The C<callback> option of stat_ensure() will receive the given path and a
string describing what is about to be changed. It must return true to tell
stat_ensure() to indeed perform the changes.
Here is for insatnce how a "noaction" option could be implemented:
sub noaction ($$) {
my($path, $change) = @_;
printf("did not change %s of %s\n", $change, $path);
foreach my $path (@paths) {
stat_ensure($path, user => "root", mode => 0755, callback => \&noaction);
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<>
Copyright (C) CERN 2012-2019