shell bypass 403
# event loop bridge for POE::Kernel.
# Empty package to appease perl.
package POE::Loop::Event;
use strict;
# Include common signal handling. Signals should be safe now, and for
# some reason Event isn't dispatching SIGCHLD to me circa POE r2084.
use POE::Loop::PerlSignals;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.305'; # NOTE - Should be #.### (three decimal places)
=for poe_tests
sub skip_tests {
return "Event tests require the Event module" if (
do { eval "use Event"; $@ }
my $test_name = shift;
if ($test_name eq "k_signals_rerun" and $^O eq "MSWin32") {
return "This test crashes Perl when run with Tk on $^O";
if ($test_name eq "wheel_readline" and $^O eq "darwin") {
return "Event skips two of its own tests for the same reason";
# Everything plugs into POE::Kernel.
package POE::Kernel;
use strict;
use Event;
my $_watcher_timer;
my @fileno_watcher;
my %signal_watcher;
# Loop construction and destruction.
sub loop_initialize {
my $self = shift;
$_watcher_timer = Event->timer(
cb => \&_loop_event_callback,
desc => 'dispatch_timer',
after => 0,
sub loop_finalize {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $fd (0..$#fileno_watcher) {
next unless defined $fileno_watcher[$fd];
foreach my $mode (MODE_RD, MODE_WR, MODE_EX) {
"Mode $mode watcher for fileno $fd is defined during loop finalize"
) if defined $fileno_watcher[$fd]->[$mode];
# Signal handler maintenance functions.
sub loop_attach_uidestroy {
# does nothing
# Maintain time watchers.
sub loop_resume_time_watcher {
my ($self, $next_time) = @_;
($_watcher_timer and $next_time) or return;
sub loop_reset_time_watcher {
my ($self, $next_time) = @_;
$_watcher_timer or return;
sub loop_pause_time_watcher {
$_watcher_timer or return;
# Maintain filehandle watchers.
sub loop_watch_filehandle {
my ($self, $handle, $mode) = @_;
my $fileno = fileno($handle);
# Overwriting a pre-existing watcher?
if (defined $fileno_watcher[$fileno]->[$mode]) {
undef $fileno_watcher[$fileno]->[$mode];
$fileno_watcher[$fileno]->[$mode] = Event->io(
fd => $fileno,
desc => "io_watcher $handle $fileno $mode",
poll => (
( $mode == MODE_RD )
? 'r'
: (
( $mode == MODE_WR )
? 'w'
: 'e'
cb => \&_loop_select_callback,
sub loop_ignore_filehandle {
my ($self, $handle, $mode) = @_;
my $fileno = fileno($handle);
# Don't bother removing a select if none was registered.
if (defined $fileno_watcher[$fileno]->[$mode]) {
undef $fileno_watcher[$fileno]->[$mode];
sub loop_pause_filehandle {
my ($self, $handle, $mode) = @_;
my $fileno = fileno($handle);
sub loop_resume_filehandle {
my ($self, $handle, $mode) = @_;
my $fileno = fileno($handle);
# Timer callback to dispatch events.
my $last_time = time();
sub _loop_event_callback {
my $self = $poe_kernel;
# TODO - I'm pretty sure the startup time will count as an unfair
# amount of idleness.
# TODO - Introducing many new time() syscalls. Bleah.
$self->_data_stat_add('idle_seconds', time() - $last_time);
# Transferring control back to Event; this is idle time.
$last_time = time() if TRACE_STATISTICS;
# Event filehandle callback to dispatch selects.
sub _loop_select_callback {
my $self = $poe_kernel;
my $event = shift;
my $watcher = $event->w;
my $fileno = $watcher->fd;
my $mode = (
( $event->got eq 'r' )
: (
( $event->got eq 'w' )
: (
( $event->got eq 'e' )
: return
$self->_data_handle_enqueue_ready($mode, $fileno);
# The event loop itself.
sub loop_do_timeslice {
sub loop_run {
my $self = shift;
# Avoid a hang when trying to run an idle Kernel.
while ($self->_data_ses_count()) {
sub loop_halt {
$_watcher_timer = undef;
=head1 NAME
POE::Loop::Event - a bridge that allows POE to be driven by
See L<POE::Loop>.
POE::Loop::Event implements the interface documented in L<POE::Loop>.
Therefore it has no documentation of its own. Please see L<POE::Loop>
for more details.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<POE>, L<POE::Loop>, L<Event>, L<POE::Loop::PerlSignals>
POE::Loop::Event is Copyright 1998-2013 Rocco Caputo. All rights
reserved. POE::Loop::Event is free software; you may redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# rocco // vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab
# TODO - Edit.