shell bypass 403
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab
# This test simply dumps some debug info to the console
use strict;
sub POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT () { 1 }
eval "sub POE::Kernel::TRACE_DEFAULT () { 1 }" if (
exists $INC{'Devel/'}
use Test::More;
plan tests => 2;
use_ok( "POE" );
use_ok( "POE::Test::Loops" );
# idea from Test::Harness, thanks!
"Testing POE $POE::VERSION, ",
"POE::Test::Loops $POE::Test::Loops::VERSION, ",
"Using Loop(",
"), Perl $], ",
"$^X on $^O"
# TODO <@dngor> If it can glean the loop from the test generator, it could compare them to make sure they match.
# This would require parsing the "=for poe_tests" block and trying to extract the loop out of it...