shell bypass 403
package PPI::HTML;
=head1 NAME
PPI::HTML - Generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
use PPI;
use PPI::HTML;
# Load your Perl file
my $Document = PPI::Document->load( '' );
# Create a reusable syntax highlighter
my $Highlight = PPI::HTML->new( line_numbers => 1 );
# Spit out the HTML
print $Highlight->html( $Document );
PPI::HTML converts Perl documents into syntax highlighted HTML pages.
=head1 HISTORY
PPI::HTML is the successor to the now-redundant PPI::Format::HTML.
While early on it was thought that the same formatting code might be able
to be used for a variety of different types of things (ANSI and HTML for
example) later developments with the here-doc code and the need for
independantly written serializers meant that this idea had to be discarded.
In addition, the old module only made use of the Tokenizer, and had a
pretty shit API to boot.
=head2 API Overview
The new module is much cleaner. Simply create an object with the options
you want, pass L<PPI::Document> objects to the C<html> method,
and you get strings of HTML that you can do whatever you want with.
=head1 METHODS
use 5.005;
use strict;
use CSS::Tiny ();
use PPI::Document ();
use PPI::HTML::Fragment ();
use Params::Util '_HASH', '_INSTANCE';
use vars qw{$VERSION};
$VERSION = '1.08';
# Constructor and Accessors
=head2 new %args
The C<new> constructor takes a simple set of key/value pairs to define
the formatting options for the HTML.
=item page
Is the C<page> option is enabled, the generator will wrap the generated
HTML fragment in a basic but complete page.
=item line_numbers
At the present time, the only option available. If set to true, line
numbers are added to the output.
=item colors | colours
For cases where you don't want to use an external stylesheet, you
can provide C<colors> as a hash reference where the keys are CSS classes
(generally matching the token name) and the values are colours.
This allows basic colouring without the need for a whole stylesheet.
=item css
The C<css> option lets you provide a custom L<CSS::Tiny> object containing
any CSS you want to apply to the page (if you are using page mode).
If both the C<colors> and C<css> options are used, the colour CSS entries
will overwrite anything contained in the L<CSS::Tiny> object. The object
will also be cloned if it to be modified, to prevent destroying any CSS
objects passed in.
Returns a new L<PPI::HTML> object
sub new {
my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;
my %args = @_;
# Create the basic object
my $self = bless {
line_numbers => !! $args{line_numbers},
page => !! $args{page},
# colors => undef,
# css => undef,
}, $class;
# Manually specify the class colours and custom CSS
$args{colors} = delete $args{colours} if $args{colours};
$self->{colors} = $args{colors} if _HASH($args{colors});
$self->{css} = $args{css} if _INSTANCE($args{css}, 'CSS::Tiny');
=head2 css
The C<css> accessor returns the L<CSS::Tiny> object originally provided
to the constructor.
sub css { $_[0]->{css} }
# Main Methods
=head2 html $Document | $file | \$source
The main method for the class, the C<html> method takes a single
L<PPI::Document> object, or anything that can be turned into a
L<PPI::Document> via its C<new> method, and returns a string of HTML
formatted based on the arguments given to the C<PPI::HTML> constructor.
Returns a string, or C<undef> on error.
sub html {
my $self = shift;
my $Document = $self->_Document(shift) or return undef;
# Build the basic set of fragments
$self->_build_fragments($Document) or return undef;
# Interleave the line numbers
$self->_build_line_numbers or return undef;
# Optimise
$self->_optimize_fragments or return undef;
# Merge and stringify the fragments
$self->_build_html or return undef;
# Return the final HTML
delete $self->{html};
# Create the basic list of fragments
sub _build_fragments {
my ($self, $Document) = @_;
# Convert the list of tokens to a list of fragments
$self->{fragments} = [];
$self->{heredoc_buffer} = undef;
foreach my $Token ( $Document->tokens ) {
# Find the Fragments for the token
my @fragments = ();
if ( _INSTANCE($Token, 'PPI::Token::HereDoc') ) {
@fragments = $self->_heredoc_fragments($Token) or return undef;
} else {
@fragments = $self->_simple_fragments($Token) or return undef;
# Add the fragments
foreach my $Fragment ( @fragments ) {
$self->_add_fragment( $Fragment ) or return undef;
# Are there any trailing heredoc lines to add?
if ( $self->{heredoc_buffer} ) {
# Unless the last line ends in a newline, add one
unless ( $self->{fragments}->[-1]->ends_line ) {
my $Fragment = PPI::HTML::Fragment->new( "\n" ) or return undef;
push @{$self->{fragments}}, $Fragment;
# Add the remaining buffer lines
push @{$self->{fragments}}, @{$self->{heredoc_buffer}};
# We don't need the heredoc buffer any more
delete $self->{heredoc_buffer};
sub _simple_fragments {
my ($self, $Token) = @_;
# Split the token content into strings
my @strings = grep { defined $_ and length $_ } split /(?<=\n)/, $Token->content;
# Convert each string to a fragment
my @fragments = ();
my $css_class = $self->_css_class( $Token );
foreach my $string ( @strings ) {
my $Fragment = PPI::HTML::Fragment->new( $string, $css_class ) or return ();
push @fragments, $Fragment;
sub _heredoc_fragments {
my ($self, $Token) = @_;
# First, create the heredoc content lines and add them
# to the buffer
foreach my $line ( $Token->heredoc ) {
$self->_add_heredoc( $line,
'heredoc_content' ) or return ();
# Add the terminator line
$self->_add_heredoc( $Token->terminator . "\n",
'heredoc_terminator' ) or return ();
# Return a single fragment for the main content part
my $Fragment = PPI::HTML::Fragment->new( $Token->content,
$self->_css_class( $Token ) ) or return ();
sub _build_line_numbers {
my $self = shift;
return 1 unless $self->{line_numbers};
# Find the width of the highest line number, so that
# we can pad the line numbers
my $max = 1 + scalar map { $_->ends_line } @{$self->{fragments}};
my $width = length("$max");
my $pattern = "\%${width}s: ";
# Iterate over the existing array, and insert new line
# fragments after each newline.
my $line = 1;
my @fragments = map {
? ($_, $self->_line_fragment( sprintf($pattern, ++$line) ))
: ($_)
} @{$self->{fragments}};
# Add the fragment for line 1 to the beginning
unshift @fragments, $self->_line_fragment( sprintf($pattern, 1) );
$self->{fragments} = \@fragments;
sub _build_html {
my $self = shift;
# Iterate over the loop, stringifying and merging
my $html = '';
foreach my $Fragment ( @{$self->{fragments}} ) {
$html .= $Fragment->html;
# Page wrap if needed
if ( $self->{page} ) {
my $css = $self->_css_html;
$html = <<END_HTML;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="robots" content="noarchive">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"><pre>$html</pre></body>
# Replace the fragments array with the HTML
$self->{html} = $html;
delete $self->{fragments};
sub _optimize_fragments {
my $self = shift;
# Iterate through and do the simplest optimisation layer,
# when is joining identical adjacent fragments.
my $current = $self->{fragments};
my @fragments = ( shift @$current );
foreach my $Fragment ( @$current ) {
if ( $Fragment->css and $fragments[-1]->css and $Fragment->css eq $fragments[-1]->css ) {
$fragments[-1]->concat( $Fragment->string );
} else {
push @fragments, $Fragment;
# Remove the class from all whitespace
foreach my $Fragment ( @fragments ) {
my $css = $Fragment->css or next;
$Fragment->clear if $css eq 'whitespace';
# If we know what classes are coloured, strip the style
# from everything that doesn't have a colour.
if ( $self->{colors} ) {
my $colors = $self->{colors};
foreach my $Fragment ( @fragments ) {
my $css = $Fragment->css or next;
next if $colors->{$css};
# Overwrite the fragments list
$self->{fragments} = \@fragments;
# For a set of colors, generate the relevant CSS
sub _css_html {
my $self = shift;
# Create and fill a CSS object
my $css = $self->{css}
? $self->{css}->clone
: CSS::Tiny->new;
foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$self->{colors}} ) {
$css->{".$key"}->{color} = $self->{colors}->{$key};
keys %$css ? $css->html : '';
# Support Methods
# Create a Document from anything we can
sub _Document {
my $class = shift;
_INSTANCE( $_[0], 'PPI::Document' )
? $_[0] # Already a Document
: PPI::Document->new( @_ ); # Make a Document
# Create a Fragment from anything we can
sub _Fragment {
my $class = shift;
_INSTANCE( $_[0], 'PPI::HTML::Fragment' )
? $_[0]
: PPI::HTML::Fragment->new( @_ );
sub _add_fragment {
my $self = shift;
my $Fragment = $self->_Fragment(@_) or return undef;
# Add the fragment itself
push @{$self->{fragments}}, $Fragment;
# If the fragment ends a line, add
# anything that is in the heredoc buffer.
if ( $self->{heredoc_buffer} and $Fragment->ends_line ) {
push @{$self->{fragments}}, @{$self->{heredoc_buffer}};
$self->{heredoc_buffer} = undef;
sub _add_heredoc {
my $self = shift;
my $Fragment = $self->_Fragment(@_) or return undef;
$self->{heredoc_buffer} ||= [];
push @{$self->{heredoc_buffer}}, $Fragment;
sub _line_fragment {
my ($self, $line) = @_;
PPI::HTML::Fragment->new( $line, 'line_number' );
sub _css_class {
my ($self, $Token) = @_;
if ( $Token->isa('PPI::Token::Word') ) {
# There are some words we can be very confident are
# being used as keywords
my $content = $Token->content;
unless ( $Token->snext_sibling and $Token->snext_sibling->content eq '=>' ) {
if ( $content eq 'sub' ) {
return 'keyword';
} elsif ( $content eq 'return' ) {
return 'keyword';
} elsif ( $content eq 'undef' ) {
return 'core';
} elsif ( $content eq 'shift' ) {
return 'core';
} elsif ( $content eq 'defined' ) {
return 'core';
my $parent = $Token->parent;
if ( $parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') ) {
if ( $content =~ /^(?:use|no)$/ ) {
return 'keyword';
if ( $content eq $parent->pragma ) {
return 'pragma';
} elsif ( $parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Variable') ) {
if ( $content =~ /^(?:my|local|our)$/ ) {
return 'keyword';
} elsif ( $parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound') ) {
if ( $content =~ /^(?:if|else|elsif|unless|for|foreach|while|my)$/ ) {
return 'keyword';
} elsif ( $parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Given') ) {
if ( $content eq 'given' ) {
return 'keyword';
} elsif ( $parent->isa('PPI::Statement::When') ) {
if ( $content =~ /^(?:when|default)$/ ) {
return 'keyword';
} elsif ( $parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Package') ) {
if ( $content eq 'package' ) {
return 'keyword';
} elsif ( $parent->isa('PPI::Statement::Scheduled') ) {
return 'keyword';
# Normal colouring
my $css = lc ref $Token;
$css =~ s/^.+:://;
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs should always be submitted via the CPAN bug tracker
For other issues, contact the maintainer
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
Funding provided by The Perl Foundation
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<>, L<PPI>
Copyright 2005 - 2009 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.