shell bypass 403
package PPI::Token::End;
=head1 NAME
PPI::Token::End - Completely useless content after the __END__ tag
isa PPI::Token
isa PPI::Element
If you've read L<PPI::Token::Whitespace>, you should understand by now
the concept of documents "floating in a sea of PPI::Token::Whitespace".
Well it doesn't after the __END__ tag.
Once you __END__, it's all over. Anything after that tag isn't even fit
to be called whitespace. It just simply doesn't exist as far as perl
(the interpreter) is concerned.
That's not to say there isn't useful content. Most often people use
the __END__ tag to hide POD content, so that perl never has to see it,
and presumably providing some small speed up.
That's fine. PPI likes POD. Any POD after the __END__ tag is parsed
into valid L<PPI::Token::Pod> tags as normal. B<This> class, on the
other hand, is for "what's after __END__ when it isn't POD".
Basically, the completely worthless bits of the file :)
=head1 METHODS
This class has no method beyond what is provided by its L<PPI::Token> and
L<PPI::Element> parent classes.
use strict;
use PPI::Token ();
our $VERSION = '1.270'; # VERSION
our @ISA = "PPI::Token";
# Tokenizer Methods
### XS -> PPI/XS.xs:_PPI_Token_End__significant 0.900+
sub significant() { '' }
sub __TOKENIZER__on_char() { 1 }
sub __TOKENIZER__on_line_start {
my $t = $_[1];
# Can we classify the entire line in one go
if ( $t->{line} =~ /^=(\w+)/ ) {
# A Pod tag... change to pod mode
$t->_new_token( 'Pod', $t->{line} );
unless ( $1 eq 'cut' ) {
# Normal start to pod
$t->{class} = 'PPI::Token::Pod';
# This is an error, but one we'll ignore
# Don't go into Pod mode, since =cut normally
# signals the end of Pod mode
} else {
if ( defined $t->{token} ) {
# Add to existing token
$t->{token}->{content} .= $t->{line};
} else {
$t->_new_token( 'End', $t->{line} );
=head1 SUPPORT
See the L<support section|PPI/SUPPORT> in the main module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.