shell bypass 403
package PPI::Token::Quote::Double;
=head1 NAME
PPI::Token::Quote::Double - A standard "double quote" token
isa PPI::Token::Quote
isa PPI::Token
isa PPI::Element
A C<PPI::Token::Quote::Double> object represents a double-quoted
interpolating string.
The string is treated as a single entity, L<PPI> will not try to
understand what is in the string during the parsing process.
=head1 METHODS
There are several methods available for C<PPI::Token::Quote::Double>, beyond
those provided by the parent L<PPI::Token::Quote>, L<PPI::Token> and
L<PPI::Element> classes.
use strict;
use Params::Util qw{_INSTANCE};
use PPI::Token::Quote ();
use PPI::Token::_QuoteEngine::Simple ();
our $VERSION = '1.270'; # VERSION
our @ISA = qw{
# PPI::Token::Quote::Double Methods
=head2 interpolations
The interpolations method checks to see if the double quote actually
contains any interpolated variables.
Returns true if the string contains interpolations, or false if not.
# Upgrade: Return the interpolated substrings.
# Upgrade: Returns parsed expressions.
sub interpolations {
# Are there any unescaped $things in the string
!! ($_[0]->content =~ /(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*[\$\@]/);
=head2 simplify
For various reasons, some people find themselves compelled to have
their code in the simplest form possible.
The C<simplify> method will, if possible, modify a simple double-quoted
string token in place, turning it into the equivalent single-quoted
string. If the token is modified, it is reblessed into the
L<PPI::Token::Quote::Single> package.
Because the length of the content is not changed, there is no need
to call the document's C<flush_locations> method.
The object itself is returned as a convenience.
sub simplify {
# This only works on EXACTLY this class
my $self = _INSTANCE(shift, 'PPI::Token::Quote::Double') or return undef;
# Don't bother if there are characters that could complicate things
my $content = $self->content;
my $value = substr($content, 1, length($content) - 2);
return $self if $value =~ /[\\\$@\'\"]/;
# Change the token to a single string
$self->{content} = "'$value'";
bless $self, 'PPI::Token::Quote::Single';
# PPI::Token::Quote Methods
sub string {
my $str = $_[0]->{content};
substr( $str, 1, length($str) - 2 );
=head1 SUPPORT
See the L<support section|PPI/SUPPORT> in the main module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.