shell bypass 403
package Pegex::Parser;
use Pegex::Base;
no warnings qw( recursion );
use Pegex::Input;
use Pegex::Optimizer;
use Scalar::Util;
has grammar => (required => 1);
has receiver => ();
has input => ();
has recursion_count => 0;
has iteration_count => 0;
has debug => ();
has debug_indent => ();
has debug_color => ();
has debug_got_color => ();
has debug_not_color => ();
has recursion_limit => ();
has recursion_warn_limit => ();
has iteration_limit => ();
sub BUILD {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{throw_on_error} ||= 1;
$self->{debug} =
defined($Pegex::Parser::Debug) ? $Pegex::Parser::Debug : 0
unless defined($self->{debug});
$self->{debug_indent} =
defined($Pegex::Parser::DebugIndent) ? $Pegex::Parser::DebugIndent : 1
unless defined($self->{debug_indent});
$self->{debug_indent} = 1 if (
not length $self->{debug_indent}
or $self->{debug_indent} =~ tr/0-9//c
or $self->{debug_indent} < 0
if ($self->{debug}) {
$self->{debug_color} =
defined($Pegex::Parser::DebugColor) ? $Pegex::Parser::DebugColor : 1
unless defined($self->{debug_color});
my ($got, $not);
($self->{debug_color}, $got, $not) =
split / *, */, $self->{debug_color};
$got ||= 'bright_green';
$not ||= 'bright_red';
$_ = [split ' ', $_] for ($got, $not);
$self->{debug_got_color} = $got;
$self->{debug_not_color} = $not;
my $c = defined($self->{debug_color}) ? $self->{debug_color} : 1;
$self->{debug_color} =
$c eq 'always' ? 1 :
$c eq 'auto' ? (-t STDERR ? 1 : 0) :
$c eq 'never' ? 0 :
$c =~ /^\d+$/ ? $c : 0;
if ($self->{debug_color}) {
require Term::ANSIColor;
if ($Term::ANSIColor::VERSION < 3.00) {
s/^bright_// for
$self->{recursion_limit} =
defined($Pegex::Parser::RecursionLimit) ? $Pegex::Parser::RecursionLimit : 0
unless defined($self->{recursion_limit});
$self->{recursion_warn_limit} =
defined($Pegex::Parser::RecursionWarnLimit) ? $Pegex::Parser::RecursionWarnLimit : 0
unless defined($self->{recursion_warn_limit});
$self->{iteration_limit} =
defined($Pegex::Parser::IterationLimit) ? $Pegex::Parser::IterationLimit : 0
unless defined($self->{iteration_limit});
# XXX Add an optional $position argument. Default to 0. This is the position
# to start parsing. Set position and farthest below to this value. Allows for
# sub-parsing. Need to somehow return the finishing position of a subparse.
# Maybe this all goes in a subparse() method.
sub parse {
my ($self, $input, $start) = @_;
$start =~ s/-/_/g if $start;
$self->{position} = 0;
$self->{farthest} = 0;
$self->{input} = (not ref $input)
? Pegex::Input->new(string => $input)
: $input;
unless $self->{input}{_is_open};
$self->{buffer} = $self->{input}->read;
$self->{last_line_pos} = 0;
$self->{last_line} = 1;
$self->{grammar}{tree} ||= $self->{grammar}->make_tree;
my $start_rule_ref = $start ||
$self->{grammar}{tree}{'+toprule'} ||
$self->{grammar}{tree}{'TOP'} & 'TOP' or
die "No starting rule for Pegex::Parser::parse";
die "No 'receiver'. Can't parse"
unless $self->{receiver};
my $optimizer = Pegex::Optimizer->new(
parser => $self,
grammar => $self->{grammar},
receiver => $self->{receiver},
# Add circular ref and weaken it.
$self->{receiver}{parser} = $self;
if ($self->{receiver}->can("initial")) {
$self->{rule} = $start_rule_ref;
$self->{parent} = {};
local *match_next;
no warnings 'redefine';
*match_next = (
$self->{recursion_warn_limit} or
$self->{recursion_limit} or
) ? \&match_next_with_limit :
my $match = $self->debug ? do {
my $method = $optimizer->make_trace_wrapper(\&match_ref);
$self->$method($start_rule_ref, {'+asr' => 0});
} : $self->match_ref($start_rule_ref, {});
if (not $match or $self->{position} < length ${$self->{buffer}}) {
$self->throw_error("Parse document failed for some reason");
return; # In case $self->throw_on_error is off
if ($self->{receiver}->can("final")) {
$self->{rule} = $start_rule_ref;
$self->{parent} = {};
$match = [ $self->{receiver}->final(@$match) ];
sub match_next_normal {
my ($self, $next) = @_;
my ($rule, $method, $kind, $min, $max, $assertion) =
@{$next}{'rule', 'method', 'kind', '+min', '+max', '+asr'};
my ($position, $match, $count) =
($self->{position}, [], 0);
while (my $return = $method->($self, $rule, $next)) {
$position = $self->{position} unless $assertion;
push @$match, @$return;
last if $max == 1;
if (not $count and $min == 0 and $kind eq 'all') {
$match = [[]];
if ($max != 1) {
if ($next->{-flat}) {
$match = [ map { (ref($_) eq 'ARRAY') ? (@$_) : ($_) } @$match ];
else {
$match = [$match]
my $result = ($count >= $min and (not $max or $count <= $max))
^ ($assertion == -1);
if (not($result) or $assertion) {
$self->{farthest} = $position
if ($self->{position} = $position) > $self->{farthest};
($result ? $next->{'-skip'} ? [] : $match : 0);
sub match_next_with_limit {
my ($self, $next) = @_;
sub limit_msg {
"Deep recursion ($_[0] levels) on Pegex::Parser::match_next\n";
if (
$self->{recursion_limit} and
$self->{recursion_count} >= $self->{recursion_limit}
) { die limit_msg $self->{recursion_count} }
elsif (
$self->{recursion_warn_limit} and
not ($self->{recursion_count} % $self->{recursion_warn_limit})
) { warn limit_msg $self->{recursion_count} }
elsif (
$self->{iteration_limit} and
$self->{iteration_count} > $self->{iteration_limit}
) { die "Pegex iteration limit of $self->{iteration_limit} reached." }
my $result = $self->match_next_normal($next);
return $result;
sub match_rule {
my ($self, $position, $match) = (@_, []);
$self->{position} = $position;
$self->{farthest} = $position
if $position > $self->{farthest};
$match = [ $match ] if @$match > 1;
my ($ref, $parent) = @{$self}{'rule', 'parent'};
my $rule = $self->{grammar}{tree}{$ref}
or die "No rule defined for '$ref'";
[ $rule->{action}->($self->{receiver}, @$match) ];
sub match_ref {
my ($self, $ref, $parent) = @_;
my $rule = $self->{grammar}{tree}{$ref}
or die "No rule defined for '$ref'";
my $match = $self->match_next($rule) or return;
return $Pegex::Constant::Dummy unless $rule->{action};
@{$self}{'rule', 'parent'} = ($ref, $parent);
# XXX Possible API mismatch.
# Not sure if we should "splat" the $match.
[ $rule->{action}->($self->{receiver}, @$match) ];
sub match_rgx {
my ($self, $regexp) = @_;
my $buffer = $self->{buffer};
pos($$buffer) = $self->{position};
$$buffer =~ /$regexp/g or return;
$self->{position} = pos($$buffer);
$self->{farthest} = $self->{position}
if $self->{position} > $self->{farthest};
no strict 'refs';
my $captures = [ map $$_, 1..$#+ ];
$captures = [ $captures ] if $#+ > 1;
return $captures;
sub match_all {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my $position = $self->{position};
my $set = [];
my $len = 0;
for my $elem (@$list) {
if (my $match = $self->match_next($elem)) {
if (not ($elem->{'+asr'} or $elem->{'-skip'})) {
push @$set, @$match;
else {
$self->{farthest} = $position
if ($self->{position} = $position) > $self->{farthest};
$set = [ $set ] if $len > 1;
return $set;
sub match_any {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
for my $elem (@$list) {
if (my $match = $self->match_next($elem)) {
return $match;
sub match_err {
my ($self, $error) = @_;
sub trace {
my ($self, $action) = @_;
my $indent = ($action =~ /^try_/) ? 1 : 0;
$self->{indent} ||= 0;
$self->{indent}-- unless $indent;
$action = (
$action =~ m/got_/ ?
Term::ANSIColor::colored($self->{debug_got_color}, $action) :
$action =~ m/not_/ ?
Term::ANSIColor::colored($self->{debug_not_color}, $action) :
) if $self->{debug_color};
print STDERR ' ' x ($self->{indent} * $self->{debug_indent});
$self->{indent}++ if $indent;
my $snippet = substr(${$self->{buffer}}, $self->{position});
$snippet = substr($snippet, 0, 30) . "..."
if length $snippet > 30;
$snippet =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
print STDERR sprintf("%-30s", $action) .
($indent ? " >$snippet<\n" : "\n");
sub throw_error {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
$@ = $self->{error} = $self->format_error($msg);
return undef unless $self->{throw_on_error};
require Carp;
sub format_error {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
my $buffer = $self->{buffer};
my $position = $self->{farthest};
my $real_pos = $self->{position};
my $line = $self->line($position);
my $column = $position - rindex($$buffer, "\n", $position);
my $pretext = substr(
$position < 50 ? 0 : $position - 50,
$position < 50 ? $position : 50
my $context = substr($$buffer, $position, 50);
$pretext =~ s/.*\n//gs;
$context =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
return <<"...";
Error parsing Pegex document:
msg: $msg
line: $line
column: $column
context: $pretext$context
${\ (' ' x (length($pretext) + 10) . '^')}
position: $position ($real_pos pre-lookahead)
# TODO Move this to a Parser helper role/subclass
sub line_column {
my ($self, $position) = @_;
$position ||= $self->{position};
my $buffer = $self->{buffer};
my $line = $self->line($position);
my $column = $position - rindex($$buffer, "\n", $position);
return [$line, $column];
sub line {
my ($self, $position) = @_;
$position ||= $self->{position};
my $buffer = $self->{buffer};
my $last_line = $self->{last_line};
my $last_line_pos = $self->{last_line_pos};
my $len = $position - $last_line_pos;
if ($len == 0) {
return $last_line;
my $line;
if ($len < 0) {
$line = $last_line - scalar substr($$buffer, $position, -$len) =~ tr/\n//;
} else {
$line = $last_line + scalar substr($$buffer, $last_line_pos, $len) =~ tr/\n//;
$self->{last_line} = $line;
$self->{last_line_pos} = $position;
return $line;
# XXX Need to figure out what uses this. (sample.t)
package Pegex::Constant;
our $Null = [];
our $Dummy = [];