shell bypass 403
package Pod::Readme::Plugin::changes;
use Moo::Role;
our $VERSION = 'v1.2.3';
use CPAN::Changes 0.30;
use Path::Tiny;
use Types::Standard qw/ Bool Str /;
use Pod::Readme::Types qw/ File HeadingLevel /;
=head1 NAME
Pod::Readme::Plugin::changes - Include latest Changes in README
=for readme plugin changes
This is a plugin for L<Pod::Readme> that includes the latest release
of a F<Changes> file that conforms to the L<CPAN::Changes::Spec>.
Defaults can be overridden with optional arguments.
Note that changing arguments may change later calls to this plugin.
=head2 C<file>
=for readme plugin changes file='Changes'
If the F<Changes> file has a non-standard name or location in the
distribution, you can specify an alternative name. But note that it
I<must> conform the the L<CPAN::Changes::Spec>.
=head2 C<heading-level>
=for readme plugin changes heading-level=1
This changes the heading level. (The default is 1.)
=head2 C<title>
=for readme plugin changes title='RECENT CHANGES'
This option allows you to change the title of the heading.
=head2 C<verbatim>
=for readme plugin changes verbatim
If you prefer, you can display a verbatim section of the F<Changes>
By default, the F<Changes> file will be parsed and reformatted as POD
(equivalent to the C<no-verbatim> option).
requires 'parse_cmd_args';
has 'changes_file' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => File,
coerce => sub { File->coerce(@_) },
default => 'Changes',
lazy => 1,
has 'changes_title' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => Str,
default => 'RECENT CHANGES',
lazy => 1,
has 'changes_verbatim' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => Bool,
default => 0,
lazy => 1,
has 'changes_heading_level' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => HeadingLevel,
default => 1,
lazy => 1,
has 'changes_run' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => Bool,
default => 0,
lazy => 1,
around 'depends_on' => sub {
my ($orig, $self) = @_;
return ($self->changes_file, $self->$orig);
sub cmd_changes {
my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
die "The changes plugin can only be used once" if $self->changes_run;
my $res = $self->parse_cmd_args(
[qw/ file title verbatim no-verbatim heading-level /], @args );
foreach my $key ( keys %{$res} ) {
( my $name = "changes_${key}" ) =~ s/-/_/g;
if ( my $method = $self->can($name) ) {
$self->$method( $res->{$key} );
else {
die "Invalid key: '${key}'";
my $file = path( $self->base_dir, $self->changes_file );
my %opts;
if ($self->zilla) {
$opts{next_token} = qr/\{\{\$NEXT}}/;
my $changes = CPAN::Changes->load($file, %opts);
my $latest = ( $changes->releases )[-1];
my $heading = $self->can( "write_head" . $self->changes_heading_level )
or die "Invalid heading level: " . $self->changes_heading_level;
$self->$heading( $self->changes_title );
if ( $self->changes_verbatim ) {
$self->write_verbatim( $latest->serialize );
else {
foreach my $group ( $latest->groups ) {
if ( $group ne '' );
foreach my $items ( $latest->get_group($group)->changes ) {
foreach my $item ( @{$items} ) {
$self->write_item('* ');
sprintf( 'See the F<%s> file for a longer revision history.',
$file->basename )
use namespace::autoclean;