shell bypass 403
# RDF::Query::Plan::Aggregate
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Query::Plan::Aggregate - Executable query plan for Aggregates.
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::Plan::Aggregate version 2.918.
=head1 METHODS
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the
L<RDF::Query::Plan> class.
=over 4
package RDF::Query::Plan::Aggregate;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(RDF::Query::Plan);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use RDF::Query::Error qw(:try);
use RDF::Query::Node qw(literal);
our ($VERSION);
$VERSION = '2.918';
=item C<< new ( $pattern, \@group_by, expressions => [ [ $alias, $op, \%options, @attributes ], ... ] ) >>
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $plan = shift;
my $groupby = shift;
my %args = @_;
my @ops = @{ $args{ 'expressions' } || [] };
my $self = $class->SUPER::new( $plan, $groupby, \@ops );
$self->[0]{referenced_variables} = [
map {
? $_->name
: $_->isa('RDF::Query::Node')
? ()
: $_->referenced_variables
} @$groupby)
return $self;
=item C<< execute ( $execution_context ) >>
sub execute ($) {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
$self->[0]{delegate} = $context->delegate;
if ($self->state == $self->OPEN) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "AGGREGATE plan can't be executed while already open";
my $plan = $self->[1];
$plan->execute( $context );
my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.plan.aggregate");
if ($plan->state == $self->OPEN) {
my $query = $context->query;
my $bridge = $context->model;
my %seen;
my %groups;
my %group_data;
my @groupby = $self->groupby;
my @ops = @{ $self->[3] };
local($RDF::Query::Node::Literal::LAZY_COMPARISONS) = 1;
ROW: while (my $row = $plan->next) {
$l->debug("aggregate on $row");
my @group;
foreach my $g (@groupby) {
my $v = $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $g, $context );
if ($g->isa('RDF::Query::Expression::Alias')) {
$row->{ $g->name } = $v;
push(@group, $v);
# my @group = map { $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $_ ) } @groupby;
my $group = join('<<<', map { blessed($_) ? $_->as_string : '' } map { blessed($_) ? $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $_, $context ) : '' } @group);
push( @{ $group_data{ 'rows' }{ $group } }, $row );
$group_data{ 'groups' }{ $group } = \@group;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#groupby) {
my $g = $groupby[$i];
$group_data{ 'groupby_sample' }{ $group } = $row;
my @groups = values %{ $group_data{'groups'} };
if (scalar(@groups) == 0) {
$group_data{'rows'}{''} = [];
$group_data{'groups'}{''} = [];
my @rows;
GROUP: foreach my $group (keys %{ $group_data{ 'rows' } }) {
$l->debug( "group: $group" );
my %options;
my %aggregates;
my %passthrough_data;
my @group = @{ $group_data{ 'groups' }{ $group } };
my $row_sample = $group_data{ 'groupby_sample' }{ $group };
foreach my $g (@groupby) {
if ($g->isa('RDF::Query::Expression::Alias') or $g->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Variable')) {
my $name = $g->name;
$passthrough_data{ $name } = $row_sample->{ $name };
} elsif ($g->isa('RDF::Query::Expression')) {
my @names = $g->referenced_variables;
foreach my $name (@names) {
$passthrough_data{ $name } = $row_sample->{ $name };
} else {
my $name = $g->sse;
$passthrough_data{ $name } = $row_sample->{ $name };
my @operation_data = (map { [ @{ $_ }, \%aggregates ] } @ops);
foreach my $data (@operation_data) {
my $aggregate_data = pop(@$data);
my ($alias, $op, $opts, @cols) = @$data;
$options{ $alias } = $opts;
my $distinct = ($op =~ /^(.*)-DISTINCT$/);
$op =~ s/-DISTINCT$//;
my $col = $cols[0];
my %agg_group_seen;
try {
foreach my $row (@{ $group_data{ 'rows' }{ $group } }) {
my @proj_rows = map { (blessed($col)) ? $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $col, $context ) : '*' } @cols;
if ($distinct) {
next if ($agg_group_seen{ join('<<<', @proj_rows) }++);
$l->debug( "- row: $row" );
# $groups{ $group } ||= { map { $_ => $row->{ $_ } } @groupby };
if ($op eq 'COUNT') {
$l->debug("- aggregate op: COUNT");
my $should_inc = 0;
if (not(blessed($col)) and $col eq '*') {
$should_inc = 1;
} else {
my $value = $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $col, $context );
$should_inc = (defined $value) ? 1 : 0;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[0] = $op;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] += $should_inc;
} elsif ($op eq 'SUM') {
$l->debug("- aggregate op: SUM");
my $value = $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $col, $context );
my $type = _node_type( $value );
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[0] = $op;
my $strict = 1;
unless ($value->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $value->is_numeric_type) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::TypeError -text => "Cannot compute SUM aggregate with a non-numeric term: " . $value->as_ntriples;
# if ($value->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal')) {
my $v = $value->numeric_value;
if (scalar( @{ $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group } } ) > 1) {
if ($type ne $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] and not($value->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $value->is_numeric_type and blessed($aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]) and $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]->is_numeric_type)) {
if ($context->strict_errors) {
delete $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group };
throw RDF::Query::Error::ComparisonError -text => "Cannot compute SUM aggregate over nodes of multiple, non-numeric types";
} else {
$strict = 0;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] += $v;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = RDF::Query::Expression::Binary->promote_type('+', $type, $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2]);
} else {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $v;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
# }
} elsif ($op eq 'MAX') {
$l->debug("- aggregate op: MAX");
my $value = $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $col, $context );
my $type = _node_type( $value );
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[0] = $op;
my $strict = 1;
if (scalar( @{ $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group } } ) > 1) {
if ($type ne $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] and not($value->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $value->is_numeric_type and blessed($aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]) and $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]->is_numeric_type)) {
if ($context->strict_errors) {
delete $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group };
throw RDF::Query::Error::ComparisonError -text => "Cannot compute MAX aggregate over nodes of multiple, non-numeric types";
} else {
$strict = 0;
if ($strict) {
if ($value > $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]) {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $value;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
} else {
if ("$value" gt "$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]") {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $value;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
} else {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $value;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
} elsif ($op eq 'MIN') {
$l->debug("- aggregate op: MIN");
my $value = $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $col, $context );
my $type = _node_type( $value );
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[0] = $op;
my $strict = 1;
if (scalar( @{ $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group } } ) > 1) {
if ($type ne $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] and not($value->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $value->is_numeric_type and blessed($aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]) and $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]->is_numeric_type)) {
if ($context->strict_errors) {
delete $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group };
throw RDF::Query::Error::ComparisonError -text => "Cannot compute MIN aggregate over nodes of multiple, non-numeric types";
} else {
$strict = 0;
if ($strict) {
if ($value < $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]) {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $value;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
} else {
if ("$value" lt "$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]") {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $value;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
} else {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $value;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
} elsif ($op eq 'SAMPLE') {
### this is just the MIN code from above, without the strict comparison checking
$l->debug("- aggregate op: SAMPLE");
my $value = $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $col, $context );
my $type = _node_type( $value );
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[0] = $op;
if (scalar( @{ $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group } } ) > 1) {
if ("$value" lt "$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]") {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $value;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
} else {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] = $value;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] = $type;
} elsif ($op eq 'AVG') {
$l->debug("- aggregate op: AVG");
my $value = $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $col, $context );
my $type = _node_type( $value );
# warn "AVG\t$group\t" . $value->as_string . "\n";
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[0] = $op;
unless (blessed($value) and $value->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $value->is_numeric_type) {
delete $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group };
throw RDF::Query::Error::ComparisonError -text => "Cannot compute AVG aggregate over non-numeric nodes";
if (blessed($value) and $value->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal') and $value->is_numeric_type) {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1]++;
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[2] += $value->numeric_value;
if ($aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[3]) {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[3] = RDF::Query::Expression::Binary->promote_type('+', $type, $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[3]);
} else {
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[3] = $type;
} elsif ($op eq 'GROUP_CONCAT') {
$l->debug("- aggregate op: GROUP_CONCAT");
$aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[0] = $op;
my $str = RDF::Query::Node::Resource->new('sparql:str');
my @values = map {
my $expr = RDF::Query::Expression::Function->new( $str, $query->var_or_expr_value( $row, $_, $context ) );
my $val = $expr->evaluate( $context->query, $row );
blessed($val) ? $val->literal_value : '';
} @cols;
# warn "adding '$string' to group_concat aggregate";
push( @{ $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group }[1] }, @values );
} else {
throw RDF::Query::Error -text => "Unknown aggregate operator $op";
} catch RDF::Query::Error::ComparisonError with {
delete $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group };
} catch RDF::Query::Error::TypeError with {
delete $aggregate_data->{ $alias }{ $group };
my %row = %passthrough_data;
foreach my $agg (keys %aggregates) {
if (defined($aggregates{$agg}{$group})) {
my $op = $aggregates{ $agg }{ $group }[0];
if ($op eq 'AVG') {
my $value = ($aggregates{ $agg }{ $group }[2] / $aggregates{ $agg }{ $group }[1]);
my $type = $aggregates{ $agg }{ $group }[3];
if ($type eq '') {
$type = '';
$row{ $agg } = (blessed($value) and $value->isa('RDF::Trine::Node')) ? $value : RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new( $value, undef, $type, 1 );
} elsif ($op eq 'GROUP_CONCAT') {
my $j = (exists $options{$agg}{seperator}) ? $options{$agg}{seperator} : ' ';
$row{ $agg } = RDF::Query::Node::Literal->new( join($j, @{ $aggregates{ $agg }{ $group }[1] }) );
} elsif ($op =~ /COUNT/) {
my $value = $aggregates{ $agg }{ $group }[1];
$row{ $agg } = (blessed($value) and $value->isa('RDF::Trine::Node')) ? $value : RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new( $value, undef, '', 1 );
} else {
if (defined($aggregates{$agg}{$group})) {
my $value = $aggregates{ $agg }{ $group }[1];
$row{ $agg } = (blessed($value) and $value->isa('RDF::Trine::Node')) ? $value : RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new( $value, undef, $aggregates{ $agg }{ $group }[2], 1 );
my $vars = RDF::Query::VariableBindings->new( \%row );
$l->debug("aggregate row: $vars");
push(@rows, $vars);
$self->[0]{rows} = \@rows;
$self->state( $self->OPEN );
} else {
warn "could not execute plan in distinct";
=item C<< next >>
sub next {
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->state == $self->OPEN) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "next() cannot be called on an un-open AGGREGATE";
my $bindings = shift(@{ $self->[0]{rows} });
if (my $d = $self->delegate) {
$d->log_result( $self, $bindings );
return $bindings;
=item C<< close >>
sub close {
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->state == $self->OPEN) {
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "close() cannot be called on an un-open AGGREGATE";
delete $self->[0]{rows};
if (defined($self->[1])) {
=item C<< pattern >>
Returns the query plan that will be used to produce the aggregated data.
sub pattern {
my $self = shift;
return $self->[1];
=item C<< groupby >>
Returns the grouping arguments that will be used to produce the aggregated data.
sub groupby {
my $self = shift;
return @{ $self->[2] || [] };
=item C<< plan_node_name >>
Returns the string name of this plan node, suitable for use in serialization.
sub plan_node_name {
return 'aggregate';
=item C<< plan_node_data >>
Returns the data for this plan node that corresponds to the values described by
the signature returned by C<< plan_prototype >>.
sub plan_node_data {
my $self = shift;
return ($self->pattern, $self->groupby);
=item C<< sse ( $context, $indent ) >>
sub sse {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $more = ' ';
my $psse = $self->pattern->sse( $context, "${indent}${more}" );
my @group = map { $_->sse($context, "${indent}${more}") } $self->groupby;
my $gsse = join(' ', @group);
my @ops;
foreach my $p (@{ $self->[3] }) {
my ($alias, $op, $options, @cols) = @$p;
my $cols = '(' . join(' ', map { ref($_) ? $_->sse($context, "${indent}${more}") : '*' } @cols) . ')';
my @opts_keys = keys %$options;
if (@opts_keys) {
my $opt_string = '(' . join(' ', map { $_, qq["$options->{$_}"] } @opts_keys) . ')';
push(@ops, qq[("$alias" "$op" $cols $opt_string)]);
} else {
push(@ops, qq[("$alias" "$op" $cols)]);
my $osse = join(' ', @ops);
return sprintf(
# =item C<< plan_prototype >>
# Returns a list of scalar identifiers for the type of the content (children)
# nodes of this plan node. See L<RDF::Query::Plan> for a list of the allowable
# identifiers.
# =cut
# sub plan_prototype {
# my $self = shift;
# return qw(P \E *\ssW);
# }
# =item C<< plan_node_data >>
# Returns the data for this plan node that corresponds to the values described by
# the signature returned by C<< plan_prototype >>.
# =cut
# sub plan_node_data {
# my $self = shift;
# my @group = $self->groupby;
# my @ops = @{ $self->[3] };
# return ($self->pattern, \@group, map { [@$_] } @ops);
# }
=item C<< distinct >>
Returns true if the pattern is guaranteed to return distinct results.
sub distinct {
my $self = shift;
return $self->pattern->distinct;
=item C<< ordered >>
Returns true if the pattern is guaranteed to return ordered results.
sub ordered {
my $self = shift;
my $sort = [ $self->groupby ];
return []; # XXX aggregates are actually sorted, so figure out what should go here...
sub _node_type {
my $node = shift;
if (blessed($node)) {
if ($node->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Literal')) {
if (my $type = $node->literal_datatype) {
return $type;
} else {
return 'literal';
} elsif ($node->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Resource')) {
return 'resource';
} elsif ($node->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Blank')) {
return 'blank';
} else {
return '';
} else {
return '';
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams <>