shell bypass 403
# RDF::Query::ServiceDescription
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Query::ServiceDescription - Class for describing federated query data sources.
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::ServiceDescription version 2.918.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
package RDF::Query::ServiceDescription;
our ($VERSION);
$VERSION = '2.918';
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'redefine';
use URI::file;
use RDF::Trine::Iterator qw(smap swatch);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;
=item C<< new ( $service_uri, %data ) >>
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $uri = shift;
my %data = @_;
unless ($data{capabilities}) {
$data{capabilities} = [ { type => RDF::Query::Node::Resource->new('') } ];
my $data = {
url => $uri,
label => "SPARQL Endpoint $uri",
definitive => 0,
my $self = bless( $data, $class );
return $self;
=item C<< new_from_uri ( $url ) >>
Creates a new service description object using the DARQ-style service description
data located at C<< $url >>.
sub new_from_uri {
my $class = shift;
my $uri = shift;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => "RDF::Query/$RDF::Query::VERSION" );
$ua->default_headers->push_header( 'Accept' => "application/rdf+xml;q=0.5,text/turtle;q=0.7,text/xml" );
my $resp = $ua->get( $uri );
unless ($resp->is_success) {
warn "No content available from $uri: " . $resp->status_line;
my $content = $resp->content;
my $store = RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->temporary_store();
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new( $store );
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new('turtle');
$parser->parse_into_model( $uri, $content, $model );
return $class->new_with_model( $model );
=item C<< new_with_model ( $model ) >>
Creates a new service description object using the DARQ-style service description
data loaded in the supplied C<< $model >> object.
sub new_with_model {
my $class = shift;
my $model = shift;
my ($label, $url, $triples, $definitive, @capabilities, @patterns);
my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.servicedescription");
my $infoquery = RDF::Query->new( <<"END" );
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
SELECT ?label ?url ?size ?def
?s a sd:Service ;
rdfs:label ?label ;
sd:url ?url .
OPTIONAL { ?s sd:totalTriples ?size . FILTER( ISLITERAL(?size) ) }
OPTIONAL { ?s sd:isDefinitive ?def . FILTER( ISLITERAL(?def) ) }
FILTER( ISLITERAL(?label) && ISURI(?url) ).
($label, $url, $triples, my $def) = $infoquery->get( $model );
return undef unless (defined $label);
$definitive = (defined($def) ? ($def->literal_value eq 'true' ? 1 : 0) : 0);
my $capquery = RDF::Query->new( <<"END" );
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX sd: <>
PREFIX sparql: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?pred ?type ?sofilter ?ssel ?osel ?triples
[] a sd:Service ;
sd:capability ?cap .
?cap sd:predicate ?pred .
?cap a ?type .
FILTER(?type = sparql:any_triple)
OPTIONAL { ?cap sd:sofilter ?sofilter }
OPTIONAL { ?cap sd:objectSelectivity ?osel }
OPTIONAL { ?cap sd:subjectSelectivity ?ssel }
OPTIONAL { ?cap sd:triples ?triples }
my $iter = $capquery->execute( $model );
while (my $row = $iter->next) {
my ($p, $type, $f, $ss, $os, $t) = @{ $row }{ qw(pred type sofilter ssel osel triples) };
my $data = ($p)
? { pred => $p }
: { type => $type };
$data->{ object_selectivity } = $os if (defined $os);
$data->{ subject_selectivity } = $ss if (defined $ss);
$data->{ size } = $t if (defined $t);
if (defined $f) {
my $base;
my $parser = RDF::Query::Parser::SPARQL->new();
my $expr = $parser->parse_expr( $f->literal_value, $base, {} );
$data->{ sofilter } = $expr;
push(@capabilities, $data);
my $var_id = 1;
my @statements;
my %patterns;
my %bnode_map;
my $patterns = $model->get_statements( undef, RDF::Trine::Node::Resource->new(''), undef );
while (my $st = $patterns->next) {
my $pattern = $st->object;
my @queue = ($pattern);
while (my $subj = shift(@queue)) {
my $stream = $model->get_statements( $subj, undef, undef );
while (my $st = $stream->next) {
push(@queue, $st->object);
my @nodes = ($subj, $st->predicate, $st->object);
foreach my $i (0 .. $#nodes) {
if ($nodes[$i]->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Blank')) {
if (exists($bnode_map{ $nodes[$i]->as_string })) {
$nodes[$i] = $bnode_map{ $nodes[$i]->as_string };
} else {
$nodes[$i] = $bnode_map{ $nodes[$i]->as_string } = RDF::Query::Node::Variable->new('p' . $var_id++);
my $st = RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple->new( @nodes );
push(@{ $patterns{ $pattern->as_string } }, $st );
foreach my $k (keys %patterns) {
my $bgp = RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern->new( @{ $patterns{ $k } } );
$l->debug("SERVICE BGP: " . $bgp->as_sparql({}, ''));
push( @patterns, $bgp );
my %data = (
label => (ref($label) ? $label->literal_value : ''),
size => (ref($triples) ? $triples->literal_value : ''),
definitive => $definitive,
capabilities => \@capabilities,
patterns => \@patterns,
return $class->new( $url->uri_value, %data );
=item C<< url >>
Returns the endpoint URL of the service.
sub url {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{url};
=item C<< size >>
Returns the number of triples the service claims to have.
sub size {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{size};
=item C<< label >>
Returns the label of the service.
sub label {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{label};
=item C<< definitive >>
Returns true if the endpoint claims to have definitive information.
sub definitive {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{definitive};
=item C<< capabilities >>
Returns an ARRAY reference of capabilities (as HASH references) of the service.
Each capability will contain information on size, selectivity, any subject-object
filter, and required predicate, with the following classes:
$capability->{object_selectivity} # RDF::Trine::Node::Literal xsd:double
$capability->{sofilter} # RDF::Query::Expression
$capability->{size} # RDF::Trine::Node::Literal xsd:integer
$capability->{pred} # RDF::Trine::Node::Resource
sub capabilities {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{capabilities};
=item C<< patterns >>
Returns an ARRAY reference of RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern objects
representing common patterns used by the endpoint.
sub patterns {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{patterns};
=item C<< computed_statement_generator >>
Returns a closure appropriate for passing to C<< RDF::Query->add_computed_statement_generator >>
to generate statement iterators for the remote service.
This closure takes C<< ($query, $bridge, \%bound, $subj, $pred, $obj [, $context ] ) >>
as arguments and returns either C<< undef >> if no statements can be generated given
the arguments, or a C<< RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph >> iterator containing
statements matching C<< $subj, $pred, $obj [, $context ] >>.
sub computed_statement_generator {
my $self = shift;
my $caps = $self->capabilities;
my %preds = map { $_->{pred}->uri_value => $_ } grep { exists $_->{pred} } @$caps;
my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.servicedescription");
return sub {
my $query = shift;
my $bridge = shift;
my $bound = shift;
my $_cast = $bridge->can('_cast_to_local');
my $cast = sub { my $n = shift; return unless $n; $n->isa('RDF::Query::Node') ? $n : $_cast->( $n ) };
my $s = $cast->( shift );
my $p = $cast->( shift );
my $o = $cast->( shift );
my $c = $cast->( shift );
return undef if ($c); # named statements can't be retrieved from another endpoint.
return undef unless ($p); # we need a predicate for matching against service capabilities.
my $puri = $p->uri_value;
my $cap = $preds{ $puri };
if ($self->definitive) {
return unless ($cap); # no capability matches this predicate.
} else {
$cap ||= {};
my $ok = 1;
my $sofilter = $cap->{ sofilter };
if ($sofilter) {
my %vars = map { $_ => 1 } $sofilter->referenced_variables;
my $runnable = 1;
if ($vars{ subject }) {
unless ($bound->{subject}) {
$runnable = 0;
$l->debug( "statement generator isn't runnable: subject is not bound" );
if ($vars{ object }) {
unless ($bound->{object}) {
$runnable = 0;
$l->debug( "statement generator isn't runnable: object is not bound" );
if ($runnable) {
my $bound = { subject => $s, object => $o };
my $bool = RDF::Query::Node::Resource->new( "sparql:ebv" );
my $filter = RDF::Query::Expression::Function->new( $bool, $sofilter );
my $value = $filter->evaluate( $query, $bound );
my $nok = ($value->literal_value eq 'false');
if ($nok) {
$ok = 0;
$l->debug( "statement generator didn't pass sofilter: " . $sofilter->sse({}, '') );
if ($ok) {
my @triple = ($s,$p,$o);
foreach my $i (0 .. $#triple) {
my $node = $triple[$i];
if ($node->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Blank')) {
# blank nodes need special handling, since we can't directly reference
# blank nodes on a remote endpoint.
# for now, we'll just assume that this is a losing battle, and no
# results are possible when trying to use a blank node to identify
# remote nodes (which is an acceptable reading of the spec). so return
# an empty iterator without actually making the remote call.
return RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings->new();
my $st = RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple->new( @triple );
$l->debug( "running statement generator for " . $st->sse({}, '') );
$l->debug( "running statement generator with pre-bound data: " . Dumper($bound) );
my $ggp = RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern->new( $st );
my $service = RDF::Query::Algebra::Service->new(
RDF::Query::Node::Resource->new( $self->url ),
my $context = RDF::Query::ExecutionContext->new(
bound => {},
my ($plan) = RDF::Query::Plan->generate_plans( $service, $context );
$plan->execute( $context );
my $bindings = RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings->new( sub {
my $vb = $plan->next;
return $vb;
} );
my $iter = smap {
my $bound = shift;
my $triple = $st->bind_variables( $bound );
$triple->label( origin => $self->url );
} $bindings;
return $iter;
} else {
return undef;
=item C<< answers_triple_pattern ( $triple ) >>
Returns true if the service described by this object can answer queries
comprised of the supplied triple pattern.
sub answers_triple_pattern {
my $self = shift;
my $triple = shift;
my $l = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("rdf.query.servicedescription");
$l->debug( 'checking triple for service compatability: ' . $triple->sse );
my $caps = $self->capabilities;
my @wildcards = grep { exists $_->{type} and $_->{type}->uri_value eq '' } @$caps;
if (@wildcards) {
# service can answer any triple pattern, so return true.
return 1;
my @pred_caps = grep { exists $_->{pred} } @$caps;
my $p = $triple->predicate;
if (not($p->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Variable'))) { # if predicate is bound (not a variable)
my $puri = $p->uri_value;
$l->trace(" service compatability based on predicate: $puri");
my %preds = map { $_->{pred}->uri_value => $_ } @pred_caps;
$l->trace(" service supports predicates: " . join(', ', keys %preds));
my $cap = $preds{ $puri };
unless ($cap) {
# no capability matches this predicate.
$l->debug("*** service doesn't support the predicate $puri");
return 0;
my $ok = 1;
my $sofilter = $cap->{ sofilter };
if ($sofilter) {
my %vars = map { $_ => 1 } $sofilter->referenced_variables;
my $runnable = 1;
if ($vars{ subject }) {
unless ($triple->subject) {
$l->debug( "triple pattern doesn't match the subject filter" );
$runnable = 0;
if ($vars{ object }) {
unless ($triple->object) {
$l->debug( "triple pattern doesn't match the object filter" );
$runnable = 0;
if ($runnable) {
my $bridge = RDF::Query->new_bridge;
my $bound = { subject => $triple->subject, object => $triple->object };
my $bool = RDF::Query::Node::Resource->new( "sparql:ebv" );
my $filter = RDF::Query::Expression::Function->new( $bool, $sofilter );
# XXX "ASK {}" is just a simple stand-in query allowing us to have a valid query
# XXX object to pass to $filter->evaluate below. evaluating a filter really
# XXX shouldn't require a query object in this case, since it's not going
# XXX to even touch a datastore, but the code needs to be changed to allow for that.
my $query = RDF::Query->new("ASK {}");
my $value = $filter->evaluate( $query, $bound );
my $nok = ($value->literal_value eq 'false');
if ($nok) {
$l->debug( "triple pattern doesn't match the sofilter" );
$ok = 0;
return $ok;
} else {
# predicate is a variable in the triple pattern. can we matchit based on sparql:pattern?
$l->trace("service doesn't handle triple patterns with unbound predicates");
return 0;
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams <>