shell bypass 403
# RDF::Trine::Graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Trine::Graph - Materialized RDF Graphs for testing isomorphism
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Trine::Graph version 1.019
use RDF::Trine::Graph;
my $a = RDF::Trine::Graph->new( $model_a );
my $b = RDF::Trine::Graph->new( $model_b );
print "graphs are " . ($a->equals( $b ) ? "the same" : "different");
RDF::Trine::Graph provdes a mechanism for testing graph isomorphism based on
graph triples from either a RDF::Trine::Model or a RDF::Trine::Iterator.
Isomorphism testing requires materializing all of a graph's triples in memory,
and so should be used carefully in situations with large graphs.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
package RDF::Trine::Graph;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'redefine';
use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(permutations);
our ($VERSION, $debug, $AUTOLOAD);
$debug = 0;
$VERSION = '1.019';
use overload
'==' => \&RDF::Trine::Graph::_eq,
'eq' => \&RDF::Trine::Graph::_eq,
'le' => \&RDF::Trine::Graph::_le,
'ge' => \&RDF::Trine::Graph::_ge,
'lt' => \&RDF::Trine::Graph::_lt,
'gt' => \&RDF::Trine::Graph::_gt,
sub _eq {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
return $x->equals($y);
sub _le {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
return $x->is_subgraph_of($y);
sub _ge {
return _le(@_[1,0]);
sub _lt {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
# Test::More::diag(sprintf('%s // %s', ref($x), ref($y)));
return ($x->size < $y->size) && ($x->is_subgraph_of($y));
sub _gt {
return _lt(@_[1,0]);
use Data::Dumper;
use Log::Log4perl;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use RDF::Trine::Node;
use RDF::Trine::Store;
=item C<< new ( $model ) >>
=item C<< new ( $iterator ) >>
Returns a new graph from the given RDF::Trine::Model or RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph object.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
unless (blessed($_[0])) {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::MethodInvocationError -text => "RDF::Trine::Graph::new must be called with a Model or Iterator argument";
my %data;
if ($_[0]->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph')) {
my $iter = shift;
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new( RDF::Trine::Store->temporary_store() );
while (my $st = $iter->next) {
$model->add_statement( $st );
$data{ model } = $model;
} elsif ($_[0]->isa('RDF::Trine::Model')) {
$data{ model } = shift;
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::MethodInvocationError -text => "RDF::Trine::Graph::new must be called with a Model or Iterator argument";
my $self = bless(\%data, $class);
=item C<< equals ( $graph ) >>
Returns true if the invocant and $graph represent two equal RDF graphs (e.g.
there exists a bijection between the RDF statements of the invocant and $graph).
sub equals {
my $self = shift;
my $graph = shift;
return $self->_check_equality($graph) ? 1 : 0;
sub _check_equality {
my $self = shift;
my $graph = shift;
unless (blessed($graph) and $graph->isa('RDF::Trine::Graph')) {
$self->{error} = "RDF::Trine::Graph::equals must be called with a Graph argument";
throw RDF::Trine::Error::MethodInvocationError -text => $self->{error};
my @graphs = ($self, $graph);
my ($ba, $nba) = $self->split_blank_statements;
my ($bb, $nbb) = $graph->split_blank_statements;
if (scalar(@$nba) != scalar(@$nbb)) {
my $nbac = scalar(@$nba);
my $nbbc = scalar(@$nbb);
$self->{error} = "count of non-blank statements didn't match ($nbac != $nbbc)";
return 0;
my $bac = scalar(@$ba);
my $bbc = scalar(@$bb);
if ($bac != $bbc) {
$self->{error} = "count of blank statements didn't match ($bac != $bbc)";
return 0;
for ($nba, $nbb) {
@$_ = sort map { $_->as_string } @$_;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#{ $nba }) {
unless ($nba->[$i] eq $nbb->[$i]) {
$self->{error} = "non-blank triples don't match: " . Dumper($nba->[$i], $nbb->[$i]);
return 0;
return _find_mapping($self, $ba, $bb);
=item C<< is_subgraph_of ( $graph ) >>
Returns true if the invocant is a subgraph of $graph. (i.e. there exists an
injection of RDF statements from the invocant to $graph.)
sub is_subgraph_of {
my $self = shift;
my $graph = shift;
return $self->_check_subgraph($graph) ? 1 : 0;
=item C<< injection_map ( $graph ) >>
If the invocant is a subgraph of $graph, returns a mapping of blank node
identifiers from the invocant graph to $graph as a hashref. Otherwise
returns false. The solution is not always unique; where there exist multiple
solutions, the solution returned is arbitrary.
sub injection_map {
my $self = shift;
my $graph = shift;
my $map = $self->_check_subgraph($graph);
return $map if $map;
sub _check_subgraph {
my $self = shift;
my $graph = shift;
unless (blessed($graph) and $graph->isa('RDF::Trine::Graph')) {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::MethodInvocationError -text => "RDF::Trine::Graph::equals must be called with a Graph argument";
my @graphs = ($self, $graph);
my ($ba, $nba) = $self->split_blank_statements;
my ($bb, $nbb) = $graph->split_blank_statements;
if (scalar(@$nba) > scalar(@$nbb)) {
$self->{error} = "invocant had too many blank node statements to be a subgraph of argument";
return 0;
} elsif (scalar(@$ba) > scalar(@$bb)) {
$self->{error} = "invocant had too many non-blank node statements to be a subgraph of argument";
return 0;
my %NBB = map { $_->as_string => 1 } @$nbb;
foreach my $st (@$nba) {
unless ($NBB{ $st->as_string }) {
return 0;
return _find_mapping($self, $ba, $bb);
sub _find_mapping {
my ($self, $ba, $bb) = @_;
if (scalar(@$ba) == 0) {
return {};
my %blank_ids_a;
foreach my $st (@$ba) {
foreach my $n (grep { $_->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Blank') } $st->nodes) {
$blank_ids_a{ $n->blank_identifier }++;
my %blank_ids_b;
foreach my $st (@$bb) {
foreach my $n (grep { $_->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Blank') } $st->nodes) {
$blank_ids_b{ $n->blank_identifier }++;
my %bb_master = map { $_->as_string => 1 } @$bb;
my @ka = keys %blank_ids_a;
my @kb = keys %blank_ids_b;
my $kbp = permutations( \@kb );
my $count = 0;
MAPPING: while (my $mapping = $kbp->next) {
my %mapping;
@mapping{ @ka } = @$mapping;
warn "trying mapping: " . Dumper(\%mapping) if ($debug);
my %bb = %bb_master;
foreach my $st (@$ba) {
my @nodes;
foreach my $method ($st->node_names) {
my $n = $st->$method();
if ($n->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Blank')) {
my $id = $mapping{ $n->blank_identifier };
warn "mapping " . $n->blank_identifier . " to $id\n" if ($debug);
push(@nodes, RDF::Trine::Node::Blank->new( $id ));
} else {
push(@nodes, $n);
my $class = ref($st);
my $mapped_st = $class->new( @nodes )->as_string;
warn "checking for '$mapped_st' in " . Dumper(\%bb) if ($debug);
if ($bb{ $mapped_st }) {
delete $bb{ $mapped_st };
} else {
$self->{error} = "found mapping: " . Dumper(\%mapping) if ($debug);
return \%mapping;
$self->{error} = "didn't find blank node mapping\n";
return 0;
=item C<< split_blank_statements >>
Returns two array refs, containing triples with blank nodes and triples without
any blank nodes, respectively.
sub split_blank_statements {
my $self = shift;
my $iter = $self->get_statements;
my (@blanks, @nonblanks);
while (my $st = $iter->next) {
if ($st->has_blanks) {
push(@blanks, $st);
} else {
push(@nonblanks, $st);
return (\@blanks, \@nonblanks);
=item C<< get_statements >>
Returns a RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph object for the statements in this graph.
# The code below actually goes further now and makes RDF::Trine::Graph
# into a subclass of RDF::Trine::Model via object delegation. This feature
# is undocumented as it's not clear whether this is desirable or not.
=begin private
=item C<< isa >>
sub isa {
my ($proto, $queried) = @_;
$proto = ref($proto) if ref($proto);
return UNIVERSAL::isa($proto, $queried) || RDF::Trine::Model->isa($queried);
=item C<< can >>
sub can {
my ($proto, $queried) = @_;
$proto = ref($proto) if ref($proto);
return UNIVERSAL::can($proto, $queried) || RDF::Trine::Model->can($queried);
my $self = shift;
return if $AUTOLOAD =~ /::DESTROY$/;
$AUTOLOAD =~ s/^(.+)::([^:]+)$/$2/;
return $self->{model}->$AUTOLOAD(@_);
=end private
=item C<< error >>
Returns an error string explaining the last failed C<< equal >> call.
sub error {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{error};
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface
at L<>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams C<< <> >>
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Gregory Todd Williams. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.