shell bypass 403
# RDF::Trine::Parser
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Trine::Parser - RDF Parser class
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Trine::Parser version 1.019
use RDF::Trine::Parser;
RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model( $url, $model );
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new( 'turtle' );
$parser->parse_into_model( $base_uri, $rdf, $model );
$parser->parse_file_into_model( $base_uri, 'data.ttl', $model );
RDF::Trine::Parser is a base class for RDF parsers. It may be used as a factory
class for constructing parser objects by name or media type with the C<< new >>
method, or used to abstract away the logic of choosing a parser based on the
media type of RDF content retrieved over the network with the
C<< parse_url_into_model >> method.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
package RDF::Trine::Parser;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'redefine';
use Data::Dumper;
use Encode qw(decode);
use LWP::MediaTypes;
use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load];
our ($VERSION);
our %file_extensions;
our %parser_names;
our %canonical_media_types;
our %media_types;
our %format_uris;
our %encodings;
$VERSION = '1.019';
can_load( modules => {
'Data::UUID' => undef,
'UUID::Tiny' => undef,
} );
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use RDF::Trine::Error qw(:try);
use RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples;
use RDF::Trine::Parser::NQuads;
use RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFXML;
use RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFJSON;
use RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFa;
=item C<< media_type >>
Returns the canonical media type associated with this parser.
sub media_type {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
return $canonical_media_types{ $class };
=item C<< media_types >>
Returns the media types associated with this parser.
sub media_types {
my $self = shift;
my @types;
foreach my $type (keys %media_types) {
my $class = $media_types{ $type };
push(@types, $type) if ($self->isa($class));
return @types;
=item C<< parser_by_media_type ( $media_type ) >>
Returns the parser class appropriate for parsing content of the specified media type.
Returns undef if not appropriate parser is found.
sub parser_by_media_type {
my $proto = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $class = $media_types{ $type };
return $class;
=item C<< guess_parser_by_filename ( $filename ) >>
Returns the best-guess parser class to parse a file with the given filename.
Defaults to L<RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFXML> if not appropriate parser is found.
sub guess_parser_by_filename {
my $class = shift;
my $file = shift;
if ($file =~ m/[.](\w+)$/) {
my $ext = $1;
return $file_extensions{ $ext } if exists $file_extensions{ $ext };
return $class->parser_by_media_type( 'application/rdf+xml' ) || 'RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFXML';
=item C<< new ( $parser_name, @args ) >>
Returns a new RDF::Trine::Parser object for the parser with the specified name
(e.g. "rdfxml" or "turtle"). If no parser with the specified name is found,
throws a RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError exception.
Any C<< @args >> will be passed through to the format-specific parser
If C<< @args >> contains the key-value pair C<< (canonicalize => 1) >>, literal
value canonicalization will be attempted during parsing with warnings being
emitted for invalid lexical forms for recognized datatypes.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $key = lc($name);
$key =~ s/[^a-z]//g;
if ($name eq 'guess') {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::UnimplementedError -text => "guess parser heuristics are not implemented yet";
} elsif (my $class = $parser_names{ $key }) {
# re-add name for multiformat (e.g. Redland) parsers
return $class->new( name => $key, @_ );
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => "No parser known named $name";
=item C<< parse_url_into_model ( $url, $model [, %args] ) >>
Retrieves the content from C<< $url >> and attempts to parse the resulting RDF
into C<< $model >> using a parser chosen by the associated content media type.
If C<< %args >> contains a C<< 'content_cb' >> key with a CODE reference value,
that callback function will be called after a successful response as:
$content_cb->( $url, $content, $http_response_object )
If C<< %args >> contains a C<< 'useragent' >> key with a LWP::UserAgent object value,
that object is used to retrieve the requested URL without any configuration (such as
setting the Accept: header) which would ordinarily take place. Otherwise, the default
user agent (L<RDF::Trine/default_useragent>) is cloned and configured to retrieve
content that will be acceptable to any available parser.
sub parse_url_into_model {
my $class = shift;
my $url = shift;
my $model = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $base = $url;
if (defined($args{base})) {
$base = $args{base};
my $ua;
if (defined($args{useragent})) {
$ua = $args{useragent};
} else {
$ua = RDF::Trine->default_useragent->clone;
my $accept = $class->default_accept_header;
$ua->default_headers->push_header( 'Accept' => $accept );
my $resp = $ua->get( $url );
if ($url =~ /^file:/) {
my $type = guess_media_type($url);
$resp->header('Content-Type', $type);
unless ($resp->is_success) {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => $resp->status_line;
my $content = $resp->content;
if (my $cb = $args{content_cb}) {
$cb->( $url, $content, $resp );
my $type = $resp->header('content-type');
$type =~ s/^([^\s;]+).*/$1/;
my $pclass = $media_types{ $type };
if ($pclass and $pclass->can('new')) {
my $data = $content;
if (my $e = $encodings{ $pclass }) {
$data = decode( $e, $content );
# pass %args in here too so the constructor can take its pick
my $parser = $pclass->new(%args);
my $ok = 0;
try {
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $data, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;
} catch RDF::Trine::Error with {};
return 1 if ($ok);
my %options;
if (defined $args{canonicalize}) {
$options{ canonicalize } = $args{canonicalize};
my $ok = 0;
try {
if ($url =~ /[.](x?rdf|owl)$/ or $content =~ m/\x{FEFF}?<[?]xml /smo) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFXML->new(%options);
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $content, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]ttl$/ or $content =~ m/@(prefix|base)/smo) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle->new(%options);
my $data = decode('utf8', $content);
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $data, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]trig$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::Trig->new(%options);
my $data = decode('utf8', $content);
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $data, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]nt$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples->new(%options);
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $content, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]nq$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::NQuads->new(%options);
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $content, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]js(?:on)?$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFJSON->new(%options);
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $content, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]x?html?$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFa->new(%options);
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $content, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} else {
my @types = keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } values %media_types } };
foreach my $pclass (@types) {
my $data = $content;
if (my $e = $encodings{ $pclass }) {
$data = decode( $e, $content );
my $parser = $pclass->new(%options);
my $ok = 0;
try {
$parser->parse_into_model( $base, $data, $model, %args );
$ok = 1;
} catch RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError with {};
last if ($ok);
} catch RDF::Trine::Error with {
my $e = shift;
return 1 if ($ok);
if ($pclass) {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => "Failed to parse data of type $type from $url";
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => "Failed to parse data from $url";
=item C<< parse_url ( $url, \&handler [, %args] ) >>
Retrieves the content from C<< $url >> and attempts to parse the resulting RDF.
For each parsed RDF triple that is parsed, C<&handler> will be called with the
triple as an argument. Otherwise, this method acts just like
sub parse_url {
my $class = shift;
my $url = shift;
my $handler = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $base = $url;
if (defined($args{base})) {
$base = $args{base};
my $ua;
if (defined($args{useragent})) {
$ua = $args{useragent};
} else {
$ua = RDF::Trine->default_useragent->clone;
my $accept = $class->default_accept_header;
$ua->default_headers->push_header( 'Accept' => $accept );
my $resp = $ua->get( $url );
if ($url =~ /^file:/) {
my $type = guess_media_type($url);
$resp->header('Content-Type', $type);
unless ($resp->is_success) {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => $resp->status_line;
my $content = $resp->content;
if (my $cb = $args{content_cb}) {
$cb->( $url, $content, $resp );
my $type = $resp->header('content-type');
$type =~ s/^([^\s;]+).*/$1/;
my $pclass = $media_types{ $type };
if ($pclass and $pclass->can('new')) {
my $data = $content;
if (my $e = $encodings{ $pclass }) {
$data = decode( $e, $content );
# pass %args in here too so the constructor can take its pick
my $parser = $pclass->new(%args);
my $ok = 0;
try {
$parser->parse( $base, $data, $handler );
$ok = 1;
} catch RDF::Trine::Error with {};
return 1 if ($ok);
my %options;
if (defined $args{canonicalize}) {
$options{ canonicalize } = $args{canonicalize};
my $ok = 0;
try {
if ($url =~ /[.](x?rdf|owl)$/ or $content =~ m/\x{FEFF}?<[?]xml /smo) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFXML->new(%options);
$parser->parse( $base, $content, $handler, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]ttl$/ or $content =~ m/@(prefix|base)/smo) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle->new(%options);
my $data = decode('utf8', $content);
$parser->parse( $base, $data, $handler, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]trig$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::Trig->new(%options);
my $data = decode('utf8', $content);
$parser->parse( $base, $data, $handler, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]nt$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples->new(%options);
$parser->parse( $base, $content, $handler, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]nq$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::NQuads->new(%options);
$parser->parse( $base, $content, $handler, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]js(?:on)?$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFJSON->new(%options);
$parser->parse( $base, $content, $handler, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} elsif ($url =~ /[.]x?html?$/) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFa->new(%options);
$parser->parse( $base, $content, $handler, %args );
$ok = 1;;
} else {
my @types = keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } values %media_types } };
foreach my $pclass (@types) {
my $data = $content;
if (my $e = $encodings{ $pclass }) {
$data = decode( $e, $content );
my $parser = $pclass->new(%options);
my $ok = 0;
try {
$parser->parse( $base, $data, $handler, %args );
$ok = 1;
} catch RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError with {};
last if ($ok);
} catch RDF::Trine::Error with {
my $e = shift;
return 1 if ($ok);
if ($pclass) {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => "Failed to parse data of type $type from $url";
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => "Failed to parse data from $url";
=item C<< parse_into_model ( $base_uri, $data, $model [, context => $context] ) >>
Parses the bytes in C<< $data >>, using the given C<< $base_uri >>. For each RDF
statement parsed, will call C<< $model->add_statement( $statement ) >>.
sub parse_into_model {
my $proto = shift;
my $self = blessed($proto) ? $proto : $proto->new();
my $uri = shift;
if (blessed($uri) and $uri->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Resource')) {
$uri = $uri->uri_value;
my $input = shift;
my $model = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $context = $args{'context'};
my $handler = sub {
my $st = shift;
if ($context) {
my $quad = RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad->new( $st->nodes, $context );
$model->add_statement( $quad );
} else {
$model->add_statement( $st );
my $s = $self->parse( $uri, $input, $handler );
return $s;
=item C<< parse_file_into_model ( $base_uri, $fh, $model [, context => $context] ) >>
Parses all data read from the filehandle or file C<< $fh >>, using the
given C<< $base_uri >>. For each RDF statement parsed, will call
C<< $model->add_statement( $statement ) >>.
sub parse_file_into_model {
my $proto = shift;
my $self = (blessed($proto) or $proto eq __PACKAGE__)
? $proto : $proto->new();
my $uri = shift;
if (blessed($uri) and $uri->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Resource')) {
$uri = $uri->uri_value;
my $fh = shift;
my $model = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $context = $args{'context'};
my $handler = sub {
my $st = shift;
if ($context) {
my $quad = RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad->new( $st->nodes, $context );
$model->add_statement( $quad );
} else {
$model->add_statement( $st );
my $s = $self->parse_file( $uri, $fh, $handler );
return $s;
=item C<< parse_file ( $base_uri, $fh, $handler ) >>
Parses all data read from the filehandle or file C<< $fh >>, using the given
C<< $base_uri >>. If C<< $fh >> is a filename, this method can guess the
associated parse. For each RDF statement parsed, C<< $handler->( $st ) >> is called.
sub parse_file {
my $self = shift;
my $base = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $handler = shift;
unless (ref($fh)) {
my $filename = $fh;
undef $fh;
unless ($self->can('parse')) {
my $pclass = $self->guess_parser_by_filename( $filename );
$self = $pclass->new() if ($pclass and $pclass->can('new'));
open( $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename ) or throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => $!;
if ($self and $self->can('parse')) {
my $content = do { local($/) = undef; <$fh> };
return $self->parse( $base, $content, $handler, @_ );
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => "Cannot parse unknown serialization";
=item C<< parse ( $base_uri, $rdf, \&handler ) >>
=item C<< new_bnode_prefix () >>
Returns a new prefix to be used in the construction of blank node identifiers.
If either Data::UUID or UUID::Tiny are available, they are used to construct
a globally unique bnode prefix. Otherwise, an empty string is returned.
sub new_bnode_prefix {
my $class = shift;
if (defined($Data::UUID::VERSION)) {
my $ug = new Data::UUID;
my $uuid = $ug->to_string( $ug->create() );
$uuid =~ s/-//g;
return 'b' . $uuid;
} elsif (defined($UUID::Tiny::VERSION) && ($] < 5.010000)) { # UUID::Tiny 1.03 isn't working nice with thread support in Perl 5.14. When this is fixed, this may be removed and dep added.
my $uuid = UUID::Tiny::create_UUID_as_string(UUID::Tiny::UUID_V1());
$uuid =~ s/-//g;
return 'b' . $uuid;
} else {
return '';
=item C<< default_accept_header >>
Returns the default HTTP Accept header value used in requesting RDF content (e.g. in
L</parse_url_into_model>) that may be parsed by one of the available RDF::Trine::Parser
By default, RDF/XML and Turtle are preferred over other media types.
sub default_accept_header {
# prefer RDF/XML or Turtle, then anything else that we've got a parser for.
my $accept = join(',', map { /(turtle|rdf[+]xml)/ ? "$_;q=1.0" : "$_;q=0.9" } keys %media_types);
return $accept;
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface
at L<>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams C<< <> >>
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Gregory Todd Williams. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.