shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
RDF::Trine::Store::Memory - Simple in-memory RDF store
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Trine::Store::Memory version 1.019
use RDF::Trine::Store::Memory;
RDF::Trine::Store::Memory provides an in-memory triple-store.
package RDF::Trine::Store::Memory;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'redefine';
use base qw(RDF::Trine::Store);
use Encode;
use Set::Scalar;
use Data::Dumper;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1);
use List::Util qw(first);
use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr reftype blessed);
use RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad;
use RDF::Trine qw(iri);
use RDF::Trine::Error;
my @pos_names;
$VERSION = "1.019";
my $class = __PACKAGE__;
$RDF::Trine::Store::STORE_CLASSES{ $class } = $VERSION;
@pos_names = qw(subject predicate object context);
=head1 METHODS
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the
L<RDF::Trine::Store> class.
=over 4
=item C<< new () >>
Returns a new memory-backed storage object.
=item C<new_with_config ( $hashref )>
Returns a new storage object configured with a hashref with certain
keys as arguments.
The C<storetype> key must be C<Memory> for this backend.
This module also supports initializing the store from a file or URL,
in which case, a C<sources> key may be used. This holds an arrayref of
hashrefs. To load a file, you may give the file name with a C<file>
key in the hashref, and to load a URL, use C<url>. See example
below. Furthermore, the following keys may be used:
=item C<syntax>
The syntax of the parsed file or URL.
=item C<base_uri>
The base URI to be used for a parsed file.
=item C<graph> NOT IMPLEMENTED
Use this URI as a graph name for the contents of the file or URL.
The following example initializes a Memory store based on a local file and a remote URL:
my $store = RDF::Trine::Store->new_with_config(
storetype => 'Memory',
sources => [
file => 'test-23.ttl',
syntax => 'turtle',
url => '',
syntax => 'rdfxml',
graph => ''
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless({
size => 0,
statements => [],
subject => {},
predicate => {},
object => {},
context => {},
ctx_nodes => {},
hash => Digest::SHA->new,
statement_hashes => {},
}, $class);
return $self;
sub _new_with_string {
my $class = shift;
my $config = shift || '';
my @uris = split(';', $config);
my $self = $class->new();
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new( $self );
foreach my $u (@uris) {
RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model( $u, $model );
return $self;
sub _config_meta {
return {
required_keys => []
sub _new_with_config {
my $class = shift;
my $config = shift;
my @sources = @{$config->{sources}};
my $self = $class->new();
foreach my $source (@sources) {
my %args;
if (my $g = $source->{graph}) {
$args{context} = (blessed($g) ? $g : iri($g));
if ($source->{url}) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new($source->{syntax});
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new( $self );
$parser->parse_url_into_model( $source->{url}, $model, %args );
} elsif ($source->{file}) {
open(my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $source->{file})
|| throw RDF::Trine::Error -text => "Couldn't open file $source->{file}";
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new($source->{syntax});
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new( $self );
$parser->parse_file_into_model( $source->{base_uri}, $source->{file}, $model, %args );
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::MethodInvocationError -text => "$class needs a url or file argument";
return $self;
=item C<< temporary_store >>
Returns a temporary (empty) triple store.
sub temporary_store {
my $class = shift;
return $class->new();
=item C<< get_statements ( $subject, $predicate, $object [, $context] ) >>
Returns a stream object of all statements matching the specified subject,
predicate and objects. Any of the arguments may be undef to match any value.
sub get_statements {
my $self = shift;
my @nodes = @_[0..3];
my $bound = 0;
my %bound;
my $use_quad = 0;
if (scalar(@_) >= 4) {
$use_quad = 1;
my $g = $nodes[3];
if (blessed($g) and not($g->is_variable)) {
$bound{ 3 } = $g;
foreach my $pos (0 .. 2) {
my $n = $nodes[ $pos ];
if (blessed($n) and not($n->is_variable)) {
$bound{ $pos } = $n;
my $iter = ($use_quad)
? $self->_get_statements_quad( $bound, %bound )
: $self->_get_statements_triple( $bound, %bound );
return $iter;
sub _get_statements_triple {
my $self = shift;
my $bound = shift;
my %bound = @_;
my $match_set = Set::Scalar->new( 0 .. $#{ $self->{statements} } );
if ($bound) {
# warn "getting $bound-bound statements";
my @pos = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %bound;
my @names = @pos_names[ @pos ];
# warn "\tbound nodes are: " . join(', ', @names) . "\n";
my @sets;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#pos) {
my $pos = $pos[ $i ];
my $node = $bound{ $pos };
my $string = $node->as_string;
# warn $node . " has string: '" . $string . "'\n";
my $hash = $self->{$names[$i]};
my $set = $hash->{ $string };
push(@sets, $set);
foreach my $s (@sets) {
unless (blessed($s)) {
return RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph->new();
# warn "initial set: $i\n";
while (@sets) {
my $s = shift(@sets);
# warn "new set: $s\n";
$match_set = $match_set->intersection($s);
# warn "intersection: $i";
my $open = 1;
my %seen;
my @members = sort { $a <=> $b } $match_set->members;
my $sub = sub {
while (1) {
my $e = shift(@members);
unless (defined($e)) {
$open = 0;
my $st = $self->{statements}[ $e++ ];
unless (blessed($st)) {
my @nodes = $st->nodes;
my $triple = RDF::Trine::Statement->new( @nodes[0..2] );
if ($seen{ $triple->as_string }++) {
# warn "already seen " . $triple->as_string . "\n" if ($::debug);
# warn "returning statement from $bound-bound iterator: " . $triple->as_string . "\n";
return $triple;
return RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph->new( $sub );
sub _get_statements_quad {
my $self = shift;
my $bound = shift;
my %bound = @_;
if ($bound == 0) {
# warn "getting all statements";
# warn Dumper($self);
my $i = 0;
my $sub = sub {
# warn "quad iter called with i=$i, last=" . $#{ $self->{statements} };
return unless ($i <= $#{ $self->{statements} });
my $st = $self->{statements}[ $i ];
# warn $st;
while (not(blessed($st)) and ($i <= $#{ $self->{statements} })) {
$st = $self->{statements}[ ++$i ];
# warn "null st. next: $st";
return $st;
# warn "returning all quads sub $sub";
return RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph->new( $sub );
my $match_set;
if ($bound == 1) {
# warn "getting 1-bound statements";
my ($pos) = keys %bound;
my $name = $pos_names[ $pos ];
# warn "\tbound node is $name\n";
my $node = $bound{ $pos };
my $string = $node->as_string;
$match_set = $self->{$name}{ $string };
# warn "\tmatching statements: $match_set\n";
unless (blessed($match_set)) {
return RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph->new();
} else {
# warn "getting $bound-bound statements";
my @pos = keys %bound;
my @names = @pos_names[ @pos ];
# warn "\tbound nodes are: " . join(', ', @names) . "\n";
my @sets;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#pos) {
my $pos = $pos[ $i ];
my $node = $bound{ $pos };
my $string = $node->as_string;
# warn $node . " has string: '" . $string . "'\n";
my $hash = $self->{$names[$i]};
my $set = $hash->{ $string };
push(@sets, $set);
foreach my $s (@sets) {
unless (blessed($s)) {
return RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph->new();
my $i = shift(@sets);
# warn "initial set: $i\n";
while (@sets) {
my $s = shift(@sets);
# warn "new set: $s\n";
$i = $i->intersection($s);
# warn "intersection: $i";
$match_set = $i;
# warn "\tmatching statements: $match_set\n";
my $open = 1;
my @e = $match_set->elements;
my $sub = sub {
unless (scalar(@e)) {
$open = 0;
my $e = shift(@e);
# warn "quad iterator returning statement $e";
my $st = $self->{statements}[ $e ];
# warn "returning statement from $bound-bound iterator: " . $st->as_string . "\n";
return $st;
return RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph->new( $sub );
=item C<< get_contexts >>
Returns an RDF::Trine::Iterator over the RDF::Trine::Node objects comprising
the set of contexts of the stored quads.
sub get_contexts {
my $self = shift;
my @ctx = grep { not($_->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Nil')) } values %{ $self->{ ctx_nodes } };
return RDF::Trine::Iterator->new( \@ctx );
=item C<< add_statement ( $statement [, $context] ) >>
Adds the specified C<$statement> to the underlying model.
sub add_statement {
my $self = shift;
my $st = shift;
my $context = shift;
if ($st->isa( 'RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad' )) {
if (blessed($context)) {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::MethodInvocationError -text => "add_statement cannot be called with both a quad and a context";
} else {
my @nodes = $st->nodes;
if (blessed($context)) {
$st = RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad->new( @nodes[0..2], $context );
} else {
my $nil = RDF::Trine::Node::Nil->new();
$st = RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad->new( @nodes[0..2], $nil );
my $string = encode_utf8($st->as_string);
my $st_hash = sha1($string);
if ($self->{statement_hashes}{$st_hash}++) {
my $count = $self->count_statements( $st->nodes );
# warn "store already has statement " . $st->as_string;
return if $count;
my $id = scalar(@{ $self->{ statements } });
$self->{hash}->add('+' . $string);
push( @{ $self->{ statements } }, $st );
foreach my $pos (0 .. $#pos_names) {
my $name = $pos_names[ $pos ];
my $node = $st->$name();
my $string = $node->as_string;
my $set = $self->{$name}{ $string };
unless (blessed($set)) {
$set = Set::Scalar->new();
$self->{$name}{ $string } = $set;
$set->insert( $id );
my $ctx = $st->context;
my $str = $ctx->as_string;
unless (exists $self->{ ctx_nodes }{ $str }) {
$self->{ ctx_nodes }{ $str } = $ctx;
=item C<< remove_statement ( $statement [, $context]) >>
Removes the specified C<$statement> from the underlying model.
sub remove_statement {
my $self = shift;
my $st = shift;
my $context = shift;
if ($st->isa( 'RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad' )) {
if (blessed($context)) {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::MethodInvocationError -text => "remove_statement cannot be called with both a quad and a context";
} else {
my @nodes = $st->nodes;
if (blessed($context)) {
$st = RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad->new( @nodes[0..2], $context );
} else {
my $nil = RDF::Trine::Node::Nil->new();
$st = RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad->new( @nodes[0..2], $nil );
my $string = encode_utf8($st->as_string);
my $st_hash = sha1($string);
unless (exists $self->{statement_hashes}{$st_hash}) {
if (0 == --$self->{statement_hashes}{$st_hash}) {
delete $self->{statement_hashes}{$st_hash};
my @nodes = $st->nodes;
my $count = $self->count_statements( @nodes[ 0..3 ] );
# warn "remove_statement: count of statement is $count";
if ($count > 0) {
my $id = $self->_statement_id( $st->nodes );
# warn "removing statement $id: " . $st->as_string . "\n";
$self->{hash}->add('-' . $string);
$self->{statements}[ $id ] = undef;
foreach my $pos (0 .. 3) {
my $name = $pos_names[ $pos ];
my $node = $st->$name();
my $str = $node->as_string;
my $set = $self->{$name}{ $str };
$set->delete( $id );
if ($set->size == 0) {
if ($pos == 3) {
delete $self->{ ctx_nodes }{ $str };
delete $self->{$name}{ $str };
=item C<< remove_statements ( $subject, $predicate, $object [, $context]) >>
Removes the specified C<$statement> from the underlying model.
sub remove_statements {
my $self = shift;
my $subj = shift;
my $pred = shift;
my $obj = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $iter = $self->get_statements( $subj, $pred, $obj, $context );
while (my $st = $iter->next) {
$self->remove_statement( $st );
=item C<< count_statements ( $subject, $predicate, $object, $context ) >>
Returns a count of all the statements matching the specified subject,
predicate, object, and context. Any of the arguments may be undef to match any
sub count_statements {
my $self = shift;
my @nodes = @_[0..3];
my $bound = 0;
my %bound;
my $use_quad = 0;
if (scalar(@_) >= 4) {
$use_quad = 1;
# warn "count statements with quad" if ($::debug);
my $g = $nodes[3];
if (blessed($g) and not($g->is_variable)) {
$bound{ 3 } = $g;
foreach my $pos (0 .. 2) {
my $n = $nodes[ $pos ];
# unless (blessed($n)) {
# $n = RDF::Trine::Node::Nil->new();
# $nodes[ $pos ] = $n;
# }
if (blessed($n) and not($n->is_variable)) {
$bound{ $pos } = $n;
# warn "use quad: $use_quad\n" if ($::debug);
# warn "bound: $bound\n" if ($::debug);
if ($use_quad) {
if ($bound == 0) {
# warn "counting all statements";
return $self->size;
} elsif ($bound == 1) {
my ($pos) = keys %bound;
my $name = $pos_names[ $pos ];
my $set = $self->{$name}{ $bound{ $pos }->as_string };
# warn Dumper($set) if ($::debug);
unless (blessed($set)) {
return 0;
return $set->size;
} else {
my @pos = keys %bound;
my @names = @pos_names[ @pos ];
my @sets;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#names) {
my $pos = $pos[ $i ];
my $setname = $names[ $i ];
my $data = $self->{ $setname };
my $node = $bound{ $pos };
my $str = $node->as_string;
my $set = $data->{ $str };
push( @sets, $set );
foreach my $s (@sets) {
# warn "set: " . Dumper($s) if ($::debug);
unless (blessed($s)) {
# warn "*** returning zero" if ($::debug);
return 0;
my $i = shift(@sets);
while (@sets) {
my $s = shift(@sets);
$i = $i->intersection($s);
return $i->size;
} else {
# use_quad is false here
# we're counting distinct (s,p,o) triples from the quadstore
my $count = 0;
my $iter = $self->get_statements( @nodes[ 0..2 ] );
while (my $st = $iter->next) {
# warn $st->as_string if ($::debug);
return $count;
=item C<< etag >>
If the store has the capability and knowledge to support caching, returns a
persistent token that will remain consistent as long as the store's data doesn't
change. This token is acceptable for use as an HTTP ETag.
sub etag {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{hash}->b64digest;
=item C<< size >>
Returns the number of statements in the store.
sub size {
my $self = shift;
my $size = $self->{size};
return $size;
=item C<< supports ( [ $feature ] ) >>
If C<< $feature >> is specified, returns true if the feature is supported by the
store, false otherwise. If C<< $feature >> is not specified, returns a list of
supported features.
sub supports {
sub _statement_id {
my $self = shift;
my @nodes = @_;
foreach my $pos (0 .. 3) {
my $n = $nodes[ $pos ];
# unless (blessed($n)) {
# $n = RDF::Trine::Node::Nil->new();
# $nodes[ $pos ] = $n;
# }
my ($subj, $pred, $obj, $context) = @nodes;
my @pos = (0 .. 3);
my @names = @pos_names[ @pos ];
my @sets;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#names) {
my $pos = $pos[ $i ];
my $setname = $names[ $i ];
my $data = $self->{ $setname };
my $node = $nodes[ $pos ];
my $str = $node->as_string;
my $set = $data->{ $str };
push( @sets, $set );
foreach my $s (@sets) {
unless (blessed($s)) {
return -1;
my $i = shift(@sets);
while (@sets) {
my $s = shift(@sets);
$i = $i->intersection($s);
if ($i->size == 1) {
my ($id) = $i->members;
return $id;
} else {
return -1;
# sub _debug {
# my $self = shift;
# my $size = scalar(@{ $self->{statements} });
# warn "Memory quad-store contains " . $size . " statements:\n";
# foreach my $st (@{ $self->{statements} }) {
# if (blessed($st)) {
# warn $st->as_string . "\n";
# }
# }
# }
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface
at L<>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams C<< <> >>
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Gregory Todd Williams. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.