shell bypass 403
GrazzMean Shell
: /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/SQL/Translator/Producer/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
package SQL::Translator::Producer::HTML;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
our $VERSION = '1.61';
our $NAME = __PACKAGE__;
our $NOWRAP = 0 unless defined $NOWRAP;
our $NOLINKTABLE = 0 unless defined $NOLINKTABLE;
# Emit XHTML by default
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main entry point. Returns a string containing HTML.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub produce {
my $t = shift;
my $args = $t->producer_args;
my $schema = $t->schema;
my $schema_name = $schema->name || 'Schema';
my $title = $args->{'title'} || "Description of $schema_name";
my $wrap = ! (defined $args->{'nowrap'}
? $args->{'nowrap'}
my $linktable = ! (defined $args->{'nolinktable'}
? $args->{'nolinktable'}
my %stylesheet = defined $args->{'stylesheet'}
? ( -style => { src => $args->{'stylesheet'} } )
: ( );
my @html;
my $q = defined $args->{'pretty'}
? do { require CGI::Pretty;
import CGI::Pretty;
CGI::Pretty->new }
: do { require CGI;
import CGI;
CGI->new };
my ($table, @table_names);
if ($wrap) {
push @html,
-title => $title,
-meta => { generator => $NAME },
$q->h1({ -class => 'SchemaDescription' }, $title),
@table_names = grep { length $_->name } $schema->get_tables;
if ($linktable) {
# Generate top menu, with links to full table information
my $count = scalar(@table_names);
$count = sprintf "%d table%s", $count, $count == 1 ? '' : 's';
# Leading table of links
push @html,
$q->comment("Table listing ($count)"),
$q->a({ -name => 'top' }),
$q->start_table({ -width => '100%', -class => 'LinkTable'}),
# XXX This needs to be colspan="$#{$table->fields}" class="LinkTableHeader"
$q->td({ -class => 'LinkTableCell' },
$q->h2({ -class => 'LinkTableTitle' },
for my $table (@table_names) {
my $table_name = $table->name;
push @html,
$q->comment("Start link to table '$table_name'"),
$q->Tr({ -class => 'LinkTableRow' },
$q->td({ -class => 'LinkTableCell' },
qq[<a id="${table_name}-link" href="#$table_name">$table_name</a>]
$q->comment("End link to table '$table_name'");
push @html, $q->end_table;
for my $table ($schema->get_tables) {
my $table_name = $table->name or next;
my @fields = $table->get_fields or next;
push @html,
$q->comment("Starting table '$table_name'"),
$q->a({ -name => $table_name }),
$q->table({ -class => 'TableHeader', -width => '100%' },
$q->Tr({ -class => 'TableHeaderRow' },
$q->td({ -class => 'TableHeaderCell' }, $q->h3($table_name)),
qq[<a name="$table_name">],
$q->td({ -class => 'TableHeaderCell', -align => 'right' },
qq[<a href="#top">Top</a>]
if ( my @comments = map { $_ ? $_ : () } $table->comments ) {
push @html,
$q->em(map { $q->br, $_ } @comments);
# Fields
push @html,
$q->start_table({ -border => 1 }),
$q->th({ -class => 'FieldHeader' },
'Field Name',
'Data Type',
'Default Value',
'Foreign Key'
my $i = 0;
for my $field ( @fields ) {
my $name = $field->name || '';
$name = qq[<a name="$table_name-$name">$name</a>];
my $data_type = $field->data_type || '';
my $size = defined $field->size ? $field->size : '';
my $default = defined $field->default_value
? $field->default_value : '';
my $comment = $field->comments || '';
my $fk = '';
if ($field->is_foreign_key) {
my $c = $field->foreign_key_reference;
my $ref_table = $c->reference_table || '';
my $ref_field = ($c->reference_fields)[0] || '';
$fk =
qq[<a href="#$ref_table-$ref_field">$ref_table.$ref_field</a>];
my @other = ();
push @other, 'PRIMARY KEY' if $field->is_primary_key;
push @other, 'UNIQUE' if $field->is_unique;
push @other, 'NOT NULL' unless $field->is_nullable;
push @other, $comment if $comment;
my $class = $i++ % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
push @html,
{ -class => "tr-$class" },
$q->td({ -class => "FieldCellName" }, $name),
$q->td({ -class => "FieldCellType" }, $data_type),
$q->td({ -class => "FieldCellSize" }, $size),
$q->td({ -class => "FieldCellDefault" }, $default),
$q->td({ -class => "FieldCellOther" }, join(', ', @other)),
$q->td({ -class => "FieldCellFK" }, $fk),
push @html, $q->end_table;
# Indices
if ( my @indices = $table->get_indices ) {
push @html,
$q->start_table({ -border => 1 }),
$q->Tr({ -class => 'IndexRow' },
$q->th([ 'Name', 'Fields' ])
for my $index ( @indices ) {
my $name = $index->name || '';
my $fields = join( ', ', $index->fields ) || '';
push @html,
$q->Tr({ -class => 'IndexCell' },
$q->td( [ $name, $fields ] )
push @html, $q->end_table;
# Constraints
my @constraints =
grep { $_->type ne PRIMARY_KEY } $table->get_constraints;
if ( @constraints ) {
push @html,
$q->start_table({ -border => 1 }),
$q->Tr({ -class => 'IndexRow' },
$q->th([ 'Type', 'Fields' ])
for my $c ( @constraints ) {
my $type = $c->type || '';
my $fields = join( ', ', $c->fields ) || '';
push @html,
$q->Tr({ -class => 'IndexCell' },
$q->td( [ $type, $fields ] )
push @html, $q->end_table;
push @html, $q->hr;
my $sqlt_version = $t->version;
if ($wrap) {
push @html,
qq[Created by <a href="">],
qq[SQL::Translator $sqlt_version</a>],
return join "\n", @html;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Always be ready to speak your mind,
# and a base man will avoid you.
# William Blake
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
SQL::Translator::Producer::HTML - HTML producer for SQL::Translator
use SQL::Translator::Producer::HTML;
Creates an HTML document describing the tables.
The HTML produced is composed of a number of tables:
=over 4
=item Links
A link table sits at the top of the output, and contains anchored
links to elements in the rest of the document.
If the I<nolinktable> producer arg is present, then this table is not
=item Tables
Each table in the schema has its own HTML table. The top row is a row
of E<lt>thE<gt> elements, with a class of B<FieldHeader>; these
elements are I<Field Name>, I<Data Type>, I<Size>, I<Default Value>,
I<Other> and I<Foreign Key>. Each successive row describes one field
in the table, and has a class of B<FieldCell$item>, where $item id
corresponds to the label of the column. For example:
<td class="FieldCellName"><a name="random-id">id</a></td>
<td class="FieldCellType">int</td>
<td class="FieldCellSize">11</td>
<td class="FieldCellDefault"></td>
<td class="FieldCellOther">PRIMARY KEY, NOT NULL</td>
<td class="FieldCellFK"></td>
<td class="FieldCellName"><a name="random-foo">foo</a></td>
<td class="FieldCellType">varchar</td>
<td class="FieldCellSize">255</td>
<td class="FieldCellDefault"></td>
<td class="FieldCellOther">NOT NULL</td>
<td class="FieldCellFK"></td>
<td class="FieldCellName"><a name="random-updated">updated</a></td>
<td class="FieldCellType">timestamp</td>
<td class="FieldCellSize">0</td>
<td class="FieldCellDefault"></td>
<td class="FieldCellOther"></td>
<td class="FieldCellFK"></td>
Unless the I<nowrap> producer arg is present, the HTML will be
enclosed in a basic HTML header and footer.
If the I<pretty> producer arg is present, the generated HTML will be
nicely spaced and human-readable. Otherwise, it will have very little
insignificant whitespace and be generally smaller.
=head1 AUTHORS
Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>,
Darren Chamberlain E<lt>darren@cpan.orgE<gt>.