shell bypass 403
GrazzMean Shell
: /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/SQL/Translator/Producer/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
package SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL;
=head1 NAME
SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL - MySQL-specific producer for SQL::Translator
Use via SQL::Translator:
use SQL::Translator;
my $t = SQL::Translator->new( parser => '...', producer => 'MySQL', '...' );
This module will produce text output of the schema suitable for MySQL.
There are still some issues to be worked out with syntax differences
between MySQL versions 3 and 4 ("SET foreign_key_checks," character sets
for fields, etc.).
This producer takes a single optional producer_arg C<mysql_version>, which
provides the desired version for the target database. By default MySQL v3 is
assumed, and statements pertaining to any features introduced in later versions
(e.g. CREATE VIEW) are not produced.
Valid version specifiers for C<mysql_version> are listed L<here|SQL::Translator::Utils/parse_mysql_version>
=head2 Table Types
Normally the tables will be created without any explicit table type given and
so will use the MySQL default.
Any tables involved in foreign key constraints automatically get a table type
of InnoDB, unless this is overridden by setting the C<mysql_table_type> extra
attribute explicitly on the table.
=head2 Extra attributes.
The producer recognises the following extra attributes on the Schema objects.
=over 4
=item B<field.list>
Set the list of allowed values for Enum fields.
=item B<field.binary>, B<field.unsigned>, B<field.zerofill>
Set the MySQL field options of the same name.
=item B<field.renamed_from>, B<table.renamed_from>
Use when producing diffs to indicate that the current table/field has been
renamed from the old name as given in the attribute value.
=item B<table.mysql_table_type>
Set the type of the table e.g. 'InnoDB', 'MyISAM'. This will be
automatically set for tables involved in foreign key constraints if it is
not already set explicitly. See L<"Table Types">.
Please note that the C<ENGINE> option is the preferred method of specifying
the MySQL storage engine to use, but this method still works for backwards
=item B<table.mysql_charset>, B<table.mysql_collate>
Set the tables default character set and collation order.
=item B<field.mysql_charset>, B<field.mysql_collate>
Set the fields character set and collation order.
use strict;
use warnings;
our ( $DEBUG, %used_names );
our $VERSION = '1.61';
$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
# Maximum length for most identifiers is 64, according to:
use base qw(SQL::Translator::Producer);
use Data::Dumper;
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
use SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::MySQL;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(debug header_comment
truncate_id_uniquely parse_mysql_version
# Use only lowercase for the keys (e.g. "long" and not "LONG")
my %translate = (
# Oracle types
varchar2 => 'varchar',
long => 'text',
clob => 'longtext',
# Sybase types
int => 'integer',
money => 'float',
real => 'double',
comment => 'text',
bit => 'tinyint',
# Access types
'long integer' => 'integer',
'text' => 'text',
'datetime' => 'datetime',
# PostgreSQL types
bytea => 'BLOB',
# Column types that do not support length attribute
my @no_length_attr = qw/
date time timestamp datetime year
sub preprocess_schema {
my ($schema) = @_;
# extra->{mysql_table_type} used to be the type. It belongs in options, so
# move it if we find it. Return Engine type if found in extra or options
# Similarly for mysql_charset and mysql_collate
my $extra_to_options = sub {
my ($table, $extra_name, $opt_name) = @_;
my $extra = $table->extra;
my $extra_type = delete $extra->{$extra_name};
# Now just to find if there is already an Engine or Type option...
# and lets normalize it to ENGINE since:
# The ENGINE table option specifies the storage engine for the table.
# TYPE is a synonym, but ENGINE is the preferred option name.
my $options = $table->options;
# If multiple option names, normalize to the first one
if (ref $opt_name) {
OPT_NAME: for ( @$opt_name[1..$#$opt_name] ) {
for my $idx ( 0..$#{$options} ) {
my ($key, $value) = %{ $options->[$idx] };
if (uc $key eq $_) {
$options->[$idx] = { $opt_name->[0] => $value };
last OPT_NAME;
$opt_name = $opt_name->[0];
# This assumes that there isn't both a Type and an Engine option.
for my $idx ( 0..$#{$options} ) {
my ($key, $value) = %{ $options->[$idx] };
next unless uc $key eq $opt_name;
# make sure case is right on option name
delete $options->[$idx]{$key};
return $options->[$idx]{$opt_name} = $value || $extra_type;
if ($extra_type) {
push @$options, { $opt_name => $extra_type };
return $extra_type;
# Names are only specific to a given schema
local %used_names = ();
# Work out which tables need to be InnoDB to support foreign key
# constraints. We do this first as we need InnoDB at both ends.
foreach my $table ( $schema->get_tables ) {
$extra_to_options->($table, 'mysql_table_type', ['ENGINE', 'TYPE'] );
$extra_to_options->($table, 'mysql_charset', 'CHARACTER SET' );
$extra_to_options->($table, 'mysql_collate', 'COLLATE' );
foreach my $c ( $table->get_constraints ) {
next unless $c->type eq FOREIGN_KEY;
# Normalize constraint names here.
my $c_name = $c->name;
# Give the constraint a name if it doesn't have one, so it doesn't feel
# left out
$c_name = $table->name . '_fk' unless length $c_name;
$c->name( next_unused_name($c_name) );
for my $meth (qw/table reference_table/) {
my $table = $schema->get_table($c->$meth) || next;
# This normalizes the types to ENGINE and returns the value if its there
next if $extra_to_options->($table, 'mysql_table_type', ['ENGINE', 'TYPE']);
$table->options( { 'ENGINE' => 'InnoDB' } );
} # foreach constraints
my %map = ( mysql_collate => 'collate', mysql_charset => 'character set');
foreach my $f ( $table->get_fields ) {
my $extra = $f->extra;
for (keys %map) {
$extra->{$map{$_}} = delete $extra->{$_} if exists $extra->{$_};
my @size = $f->size;
if ( !$size[0] && $f->data_type =~ /char$/ ) {
$f->size( (255) );
my ($quoting_generator, $nonquoting_generator);
sub _generator {
my $options = shift;
return $options->{generator} if exists $options->{generator};
return normalize_quote_options($options)
? $quoting_generator ||= SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::MySQL->new()
: $nonquoting_generator ||= SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::MySQL->new(
quote_chars => [],
sub produce {
my $translator = shift;
local $DEBUG = $translator->debug;
local %used_names;
my $no_comments = $translator->no_comments;
my $add_drop_table = $translator->add_drop_table;
my $schema = $translator->schema;
my $show_warnings = $translator->show_warnings || 0;
my $producer_args = $translator->producer_args;
my $mysql_version = parse_mysql_version ($producer_args->{mysql_version}, 'perl') || 0;
my $max_id_length = $producer_args->{mysql_max_id_length} || $DEFAULT_MAX_ID_LENGTH;
my $generator = _generator({ quote_identifiers => $translator->quote_identifiers });
debug("PKG: Beginning production\n");
%used_names = ();
my $create = '';
$create .= header_comment unless ($no_comments);
# \todo Don't set if MySQL 3.x is set on command line
my @create = "SET foreign_key_checks=0";
# Generate sql
my @table_defs =();
for my $table ( $schema->get_tables ) {
# print $table->name, "\n";
push @table_defs, create_table($table,
{ add_drop_table => $add_drop_table,
show_warnings => $show_warnings,
no_comments => $no_comments,
generator => $generator,
max_id_length => $max_id_length,
mysql_version => $mysql_version
if ($mysql_version >= 5.000001) {
for my $view ( $schema->get_views ) {
push @table_defs, create_view($view,
{ add_replace_view => $add_drop_table,
show_warnings => $show_warnings,
no_comments => $no_comments,
generator => $generator,
max_id_length => $max_id_length,
mysql_version => $mysql_version
if ($mysql_version >= 5.000002) {
for my $trigger ( $schema->get_triggers ) {
push @table_defs, create_trigger($trigger,
{ add_drop_trigger => $add_drop_table,
show_warnings => $show_warnings,
no_comments => $no_comments,
generator => $generator,
max_id_length => $max_id_length,
mysql_version => $mysql_version
# print "@table_defs\n";
push @table_defs, "SET foreign_key_checks=1";
return wantarray ? ($create ? $create : (), @create, @table_defs) : ($create . join('', map { $_ ? "$_;\n\n" : () } (@create, @table_defs)));
sub create_trigger {
my ($trigger, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $trigger_name = $trigger->name;
debug("PKG: Looking at trigger '${trigger_name}'\n");
my @statements;
my $events = $trigger->database_events;
for my $event ( @$events ) {
my $name = $trigger_name;
if (@$events > 1) {
$name .= "_$event";
warn "Multiple database events supplied for trigger '${trigger_name}', ",
"creating trigger '${name}' for the '${event}' event\n"
if $options->{show_warnings};
my $action = $trigger->action;
if($action !~ /^ \s* BEGIN [\s\;] .*? [\s\;] END [\s\;]* $/six) {
$action .= ";" unless $action =~ /;\s*\z/;
$action = "BEGIN $action END";
push @statements, "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS " . $generator->quote($name) if $options->{add_drop_trigger};
push @statements, sprintf(
"CREATE TRIGGER %s %s %s ON %s\n FOR EACH ROW %s",
$generator->quote($name), $trigger->perform_action_when, $event,
$generator->quote($trigger->on_table), $action,
# Tack the comment onto the first statement
$statements[0] = "--\n-- Trigger " . $generator->quote($trigger_name) . "\n--\n" . $statements[0] unless $options->{no_comments};
return @statements;
sub create_view {
my ($view, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $view_name = $view->name;
my $view_name_qt = $generator->quote($view_name);
debug("PKG: Looking at view '${view_name}'\n");
# Header. Should this look like what mysqldump produces?
my $create = '';
$create .= "--\n-- View: $view_name_qt\n--\n" unless $options->{no_comments};
$create .= 'CREATE';
$create .= ' OR REPLACE' if $options->{add_replace_view};
$create .= "\n";
my $extra = $view->extra;
if( exists($extra->{mysql_algorithm}) && defined(my $algorithm = $extra->{mysql_algorithm}) ){
$create .= " ALGORITHM = ${algorithm}\n" if $algorithm =~ /(?:UNDEFINED|MERGE|TEMPTABLE)/i;
if( exists($extra->{mysql_definer}) && defined(my $user = $extra->{mysql_definer}) ){
$create .= " DEFINER = ${user}\n";
if( exists($extra->{mysql_security}) && defined(my $security = $extra->{mysql_security}) ){
$create .= " SQL SECURITY ${security}\n" if $security =~ /(?:DEFINER|INVOKER)/i;
#Header, cont.
$create .= " VIEW $view_name_qt";
if( my @fields = $view->fields ){
my $list = join ', ', map { $generator->quote($_) } @fields;
$create .= " ( ${list} )";
if( my $sql = $view->sql ){
# do not wrap parenthesis around the selector, mysql doesn't like this
$create .= " AS\n ${sql}\n";
# $create .= "";
return $create;
sub create_table
my ($table, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $table_name = $generator->quote($table->name);
debug("PKG: Looking at table '$table_name'\n");
# Header. Should this look like what mysqldump produces?
my $create = '';
my $drop;
$create .= "--\n-- Table: $table_name\n--\n" unless $options->{no_comments};
$drop = qq[DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table_name] if $options->{add_drop_table};
$create .= "CREATE TABLE $table_name (\n";
# Fields
my @field_defs;
for my $field ( $table->get_fields ) {
push @field_defs, create_field($field, $options);
# Indices
my @index_defs;
my %indexed_fields;
for my $index ( $table->get_indices ) {
push @index_defs, create_index($index, $options);
$indexed_fields{ $_ } = 1 for $index->fields;
# Constraints -- need to handle more than just FK. -ky
my @constraint_defs;
my @constraints = $table->get_constraints;
for my $c ( @constraints ) {
my $constr = create_constraint($c, $options);
push @constraint_defs, $constr if($constr);
unless ( $indexed_fields{ ($c->fields())[0] } || $c->type ne FOREIGN_KEY ) {
push @index_defs, "INDEX (" . $generator->quote(($c->fields())[0]) . ")";
$indexed_fields{ ($c->fields())[0] } = 1;
$create .= join(",\n", map { " $_" }
@field_defs, @index_defs, @constraint_defs
# Footer
$create .= "\n)";
$create .= generate_table_options($table, $options) || '';
# $create .= ";\n\n";
return $drop ? ($drop,$create) : $create;
sub generate_table_options
my ($table, $options) = @_;
my $create;
my $table_type_defined = 0;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $charset = $table->extra('mysql_charset');
my $collate = $table->extra('mysql_collate');
my $union = undef;
for my $t1_option_ref ( $table->options ) {
my($key, $value) = %{$t1_option_ref};
$table_type_defined = 1
if uc $key eq 'ENGINE' or uc $key eq 'TYPE';
if (uc $key eq 'CHARACTER SET') {
$charset = $value;
} elsif (uc $key eq 'COLLATE') {
$collate = $value;
} elsif (uc $key eq 'UNION') {
$union = '(' . join(', ', map { $generator->quote($_) } @$value) . ')';
$create .= " $key=$value";
my $mysql_table_type = $table->extra('mysql_table_type');
$create .= " ENGINE=$mysql_table_type"
if $mysql_table_type && !$table_type_defined;
my $comments = $table->comments;
$create .= " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $charset" if $charset;
$create .= " COLLATE $collate" if $collate;
$create .= " UNION=$union" if $union;
$create .= qq[ comment='$comments'] if $comments;
return $create;
sub create_field
my ($field, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $field_name = $field->name;
debug("PKG: Looking at field '$field_name'\n");
my $field_def = $generator->quote($field_name);
# data type and size
my $data_type = $field->data_type;
my @size = $field->size;
my %extra = $field->extra;
my $list = $extra{'list'} || [];
my $commalist = join( ', ', map { __PACKAGE__->_quote_string($_) } @$list );
my $charset = $extra{'mysql_charset'};
my $collate = $extra{'mysql_collate'};
my $mysql_version = $options->{mysql_version} || 0;
# Oracle "number" type -- figure best MySQL type
if ( lc $data_type eq 'number' ) {
# not an integer
if ( scalar @size > 1 ) {
$data_type = 'double';
elsif ( $size[0] && $size[0] >= 12 ) {
$data_type = 'bigint';
elsif ( $size[0] && $size[0] <= 1 ) {
$data_type = 'tinyint';
else {
$data_type = 'int';
# Convert a large Oracle varchar to "text"
# (not necessary as of 5.0.3
elsif ( $data_type =~ /char/i && $size[0] > 255 ) {
unless ($size[0] <= 65535 && $mysql_version >= 5.000003 ) {
$data_type = 'text';
@size = ();
elsif ( $data_type =~ /boolean/i ) {
if ($mysql_version >= 4) {
$data_type = 'boolean';
} else {
$data_type = 'enum';
$commalist = "'0','1'";
elsif ( exists $translate{ lc $data_type } ) {
$data_type = $translate{ lc $data_type };
@size = () if $data_type =~ /(text|blob)/i;
if ( $data_type =~ /(double|float)/ && scalar @size == 1 ) {
push @size, '0';
$field_def .= " $data_type";
if ( lc($data_type) eq 'enum' || lc($data_type) eq 'set') {
$field_def .= '(' . $commalist . ')';
elsif (
defined $size[0] && $size[0] > 0
! grep lc($data_type) eq $_, @no_length_attr
) {
$field_def .= '(' . join( ', ', @size ) . ')';
# char sets
$field_def .= " CHARACTER SET $charset" if $charset;
$field_def .= " COLLATE $collate" if $collate;
# MySQL qualifiers
for my $qual ( qw[ binary unsigned zerofill ] ) {
my $val = $extra{ $qual } || $extra{ uc $qual } or next;
$field_def .= " $qual";
for my $qual ( 'character set', 'collate', 'on update' ) {
my $val = $extra{ $qual } || $extra{ uc $qual } or next;
if ( ref $val ) {
$field_def .= " $qual ${$val}";
else {
$field_def .= " $qual $val";
# Null?
if ( $field->is_nullable ) {
$field_def .= ' NULL';
else {
$field_def .= ' NOT NULL';
# Default?
'NULL' => \'NULL',
if ( my $comments = $field->comments ) {
$comments = __PACKAGE__->_quote_string($comments);
$field_def .= qq[ comment $comments];
# auto_increment?
$field_def .= " auto_increment" if $field->is_auto_increment;
return $field_def;
sub _quote_string {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
$string =~ s/([\\'])/$1$1/g;
return qq{'$string'};
sub alter_create_index
my ($index, $options) = @_;
my $table_name = _generator($options)->quote($index->table->name);
return join( ' ',
sub create_index
my ( $index, $options ) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
return join(
' ',
map { $_ || () }
lc $index->type eq 'normal' ? 'INDEX' : $index->type . ' INDEX',
? $generator->quote(truncate_id_uniquely(
$options->{max_id_length} || $DEFAULT_MAX_ID_LENGTH
: '',
'(' . join( ', ', map { $generator->quote($_) } $index->fields ) . ')'
sub alter_drop_index
my ($index, $options) = @_;
my $table_name = _generator($options)->quote($index->table->name);
return join( ' ',
$index->name || $index->fields
sub alter_drop_constraint
my ($c, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $table_name = $generator->quote($c->table->name);
my @out = ('ALTER','TABLE',$table_name,'DROP');
if($c->type eq PRIMARY_KEY) {
push @out, $c->type;
else {
push @out, ($c->type eq FOREIGN_KEY ? $c->type : "CONSTRAINT"),
return join(' ',@out);
sub alter_create_constraint
my ($index, $options) = @_;
my $table_name = _generator($options)->quote($index->table->name);
return join( ' ',
create_constraint(@_) );
sub create_constraint
my ($c, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $leave_name = $options->{leave_name} || undef;
my $reference_table_name = $generator->quote($c->reference_table);
my @fields = $c->fields;
if ( $c->type eq PRIMARY_KEY ) {
return unless @fields;
return 'PRIMARY KEY (' . join(", ", map { $generator->quote($_) } @fields) . ')';
elsif ( $c->type eq UNIQUE ) {
return unless @fields;
return sprintf 'UNIQUE %s(%s)',
((defined $c->name && $c->name)
? $generator->quote(
truncate_id_uniquely( $c->name, $options->{max_id_length} || $DEFAULT_MAX_ID_LENGTH ),
) . ' '
: ''
( join ', ', map { $generator->quote($_) } @fields ),
elsif ( $c->type eq FOREIGN_KEY ) {
return unless @fields;
# Make sure FK field is indexed or MySQL complains.
my $table = $c->table;
my $c_name = truncate_id_uniquely( $c->name, $options->{max_id_length} || $DEFAULT_MAX_ID_LENGTH );
my $def = join(' ',
($c_name ? $generator->quote($c_name) : () ),
$def .= ' ('. join( ', ', map { $generator->quote($_) } @fields ) . ')';
$def .= ' REFERENCES ' . $reference_table_name;
my @rfields = map { $_ || () } $c->reference_fields;
unless ( @rfields ) {
my $rtable_name = $c->reference_table;
if ( my $ref_table = $table->schema->get_table( $rtable_name ) ) {
push @rfields, $ref_table->primary_key;
else {
warn "Can't find reference table '$rtable_name' " .
"in schema\n" if $options->{show_warnings};
if ( @rfields ) {
$def .= ' (' . join( ', ', map { $generator->quote($_) } @rfields ) . ')';
else {
warn "FK constraint on " . $table->name . '.' .
join('', @fields) . " has no reference fields\n"
if $options->{show_warnings};
if ( $c->match_type ) {
$def .= ' MATCH ' .
( $c->match_type =~ /full/i ) ? 'FULL' : 'PARTIAL';
if ( $c->on_delete ) {
$def .= ' ON DELETE '. $c->on_delete;
if ( $c->on_update ) {
$def .= ' ON UPDATE '. $c->on_update;
return $def;
elsif ( $c->type eq CHECK_C ) {
my $table = $c->table;
my $c_name = truncate_id_uniquely( $c->name, $options->{max_id_length} || $DEFAULT_MAX_ID_LENGTH );
my $def = join(' ',
($c_name ? $generator->quote($c_name) : () ),
$def .= ' ('. $c->expression . ')';
return $def;
return undef;
sub alter_table
my ($to_table, $options) = @_;
my $table_options = generate_table_options($to_table, $options) || '';
my $table_name = _generator($options)->quote($to_table->name);
my $out = sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s%s',
return $out;
sub rename_field { alter_field(@_) }
sub alter_field
my ($from_field, $to_field, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $table_name = $generator->quote($to_field->table->name);
my $out = sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s CHANGE COLUMN %s %s',
create_field($to_field, $options));
return $out;
sub add_field
my ($new_field, $options) = @_;
my $table_name = _generator($options)->quote($new_field->table->name);
my $out = sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s',
create_field($new_field, $options));
return $out;
sub drop_field
my ($old_field, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $table_name = $generator->quote($old_field->table->name);
my $out = sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s',
return $out;
sub batch_alter_table {
my ($table, $diff_hash, $options) = @_;
# InnoDB has an issue with dropping and re-adding a FK constraint under the
# name in a single alter statement, see:
# We have to work round this.
my %fks_to_alter;
my %fks_to_drop = map {
$_->type eq FOREIGN_KEY
? ( $_->name => $_ )
: ( )
} @{$diff_hash->{alter_drop_constraint} };
my %fks_to_create = map {
if ( $_->type eq FOREIGN_KEY) {
$fks_to_alter{$_->name} = $fks_to_drop{$_->name} if $fks_to_drop{$_->name};
( $_->name => $_ );
} else { ( ) }
} @{$diff_hash->{alter_create_constraint} };
my @drop_stmt;
if (scalar keys %fks_to_alter) {
$diff_hash->{alter_drop_constraint} = [
grep { !$fks_to_alter{$_->name} } @{ $diff_hash->{alter_drop_constraint} }
@drop_stmt = batch_alter_table($table, { alter_drop_constraint => [ values %fks_to_alter ] }, $options);
my @stmts = batch_alter_table_statements($diff_hash, $options);
my $generator = _generator($options);
# rename_table makes things a bit more complex
my $renamed_from = "";
$renamed_from = $generator->quote($diff_hash->{rename_table}[0][0]->name)
if $diff_hash->{rename_table} && @{$diff_hash->{rename_table}};
return unless @stmts;
# Just zero or one stmts. return now
return (@drop_stmt,@stmts) unless @stmts > 1;
# Now strip off the 'ALTER TABLE xyz' of all but the first one
my $table_name = $generator->quote($table->name);
my $re = $renamed_from
? qr/^ALTER TABLE (?:\Q$table_name\E|\Q$renamed_from\E) /
: qr/^ALTER TABLE \Q$table_name\E /;
my $first = shift @stmts;
my ($alter_table) = $first =~ /($re)/;
my $padd = " " x length($alter_table);
return @drop_stmt, join( ",\n", $first, map { s/$re//; $padd . $_ } @stmts);
sub drop_table {
my ($table, $options) = @_;
return (
# Drop (foreign key) constraints so table drops cleanly
$table, { alter_drop_constraint => [ grep { $_->type eq 'FOREIGN KEY' } $table->get_constraints ] }, $options
'DROP TABLE ' . _generator($options)->quote($table),
sub rename_table {
my ($old_table, $new_table, $options) = @_;
my $generator = _generator($options);
my $old_table_name = $generator->quote($old_table);
my $new_table_name = $generator->quote($new_table);
return "ALTER TABLE $old_table_name RENAME TO $new_table_name";
sub next_unused_name {
my $name = shift || '';
if ( !defined($used_names{$name}) ) {
$used_names{$name} = $name;
return $name;
my $i = 1;
while ( defined($used_names{$name . '_' . $i}) ) {
$name .= '_' . $i;
$used_names{$name} = $name;
return $name;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
darren chamberlain E<lt>darren@cpan.orgE<gt>,
Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>.