package Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3;
# ABSTRACT: used for testing and as example
$Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::VERSION = '0.991';
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw[ Exporter::Tiny ];
use Hash::Util;
use Ref::Util (
qw[ is_regexpref ],
use Test::Deep;
use Test::More;
use Test::LWP::UserAgent;
use Net::Amazon::S3;
use Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::API;
use Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Client;
use Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Request;
our @EXPORT_OK = (
qw[ s3_api_with_signature_4 ],
qw[ s3_api_with_signature_2 ],
qw[ expect_net_amazon_s3_feature ],
qw[ expect_net_amazon_s3_operation ],
qw[ expect_operation_list_all_my_buckets ],
qw[ expect_operation_bucket_create ],
qw[ expect_operation_bucket_delete ],
qw[ with_fixture ],
qw[ fixture ],
qw[ with_response_fixture ],
my %fixtures;
sub fixture {
my ($name) = @_;
$fixtures{$name} = eval "require Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Fixture::$name"
unless defined $fixtures{$name};
die "Fixture $name not found: $@"
unless defined $fixtures{$name};
return +{ %{ $fixtures{$name} } };
sub with_fixture {
my ($name) = @_;
my $fixture = fixture ($name);
return wantarray
? %$fixture
: $fixture
sub with_response_fixture {
my ($name) = @_;
my $fixture = fixture ($name);
my $response_fixture = {};
for my $key (keys %$fixture) {
my $new_key;
$new_key ||= "with_response_data" if $key eq 'content';
$new_key ||= "with_$key" if $key =~ m/^response/;
$new_key ||= "with_response_header_$key";
$response_fixture->{$new_key} = $fixture->{$key};
return wantarray
? %$response_fixture
: $response_fixture
sub s3_api {
my $api = Net::Amazon::S3->new (@_);
$api->ua (Test::LWP::UserAgent->new (network_fallback => 0));
sub s3_api_mock_http_response {
my ($self, $api, %params) = @_;
$params{with_response_code} ||= HTTP::Status::HTTP_OK;
my %headers = (
content_type => 'application/xml',
map {
defined $1 && length $1
? ($1 => $params{$_})
: ()
} keys %params
%{ $params{with_response_headers} || {} },
$api->ua->map_response (
sub {
${ $params{into} } = $_[0];
HTTP::Response->new (
HTTP::Status::status_message ($params{with_response_code}),
[ %headers ],
sub s3_api_with_signature_4 {
s3_api (
aws_access_key_id => 'AKIDEXAMPLE',
aws_secret_access_key => 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY',
authorization_method => 'Net::Amazon::S3::Signature::V4',
secure => 1,
use_virtual_host => 1,
sub s3_api_with_signature_2 {
s3_api (
aws_access_key_id => 'AKIDEXAMPLE',
aws_secret_access_key => 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY',
authorization_method => 'Net::Amazon::S3::Signature::V2',
secure => 1,
use_virtual_host => 1,
sub expect_net_amazon_s3_feature {
my ($title, %params) = @_;
my $s3 = delete $params{with_s3};
my $feature = delete $params{feature};
my $expectation = "expect_$feature";
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
subtest $title => sub {
plan tests => 2;
if (my $code = Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::API->can ($expectation)) {
$code->( "using S3 API" => (
with_s3 => $s3,
} else {
fail "Net::Amazon::S3 feature expectation $expectation not found";
if (my $code = Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Client->can ($expectation)) {
$code->( "using S3 Client" => (
with_client => Net::Amazon::S3::Client->new (s3 => $s3),
} else {
fail "Net::Amazon::S3::Client feature expectation $expectation not found";
sub _operation_parameters {
my ($params, @names) = @_;
my $map = {};
$map = shift @names if Ref::Util::is_plain_hashref ($names[0]);
map +( ($map->{$_} || $_) => $params->{"with_$_"} ),
grep exists $params->{"with_$_"},
sub _with_keys {
map "with_$_", @_;
sub _keys_operation () {
return (
qw[ -shared_examples ],
qw[ -method ],
qw[ with_s3 ],
qw[ with_client ],
qw[ shared_examples ],
qw[ with_response_code ],
qw[ with_response_data ],
qw[ with_response_headers ],
qw[ with_response_header_content_type ],
qw[ with_response_header_content_length ],
qw[ expect_s3_err ],
qw[ expect_s3_errstr ],
qw[ expect_data ],
qw[ expect_request ],
qw[ expect_request_content ],
qw[ expect_request_headers ],
qw[ throws ],
sub _expect_request {
my ($request, $expect, $title) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my ($method, $uri) = %$expect;
all (
methods (method => $method),
methods (uri => methods (as_string => $uri)),
$title || 'expect request'
sub _expect_request_content {
my ($request, $expected, $title) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my $got = Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Request::_canonical_xml ($request->content);
$expected = Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3::Request::_canonical_xml ($expected);
cmp_deeply $got, $expected, $title || "expect request content";
sub _expect_request_headers {
my ($request, $expected, $title) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my %got = map +($_ => scalar $request->header ($_)), keys %$expected;
\ %got,
$title || "expect request headers"
sub _expect_s3_err {
my ($got, $expected, $title) = @_;
skip "Net::Amazon::S3->err test irrelevant for Client", 1
if eq_deeply $got, obj_isa ('Net::Amazon::S3::Client');
cmp_deeply $got, methods (err => $expected), $title || 'expect S3->err';
sub _expect_s3_errstr {
my ($got, $expected, $title) = @_;
skip "Net::Amazon::S3->errstr test irrelevant for Client", 1
if eq_deeply $got, obj_isa ('Net::Amazon::S3::Client');
cmp_deeply $got, methods (errstr => $expected), $title || 'expect S3->errstr';
sub _expect_operation {
my ($title, %params) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my $class = delete $params{-shared_examples};
my $operation = delete $params{-operation};
my $api = $class->_default_with_api (\%params);
$class->_mock_http_response ($api, %params, into => \ (my $request));
if (my $code = $class->can ($operation)) {
subtest $title => sub {
plan tests => 1
+ int (!! exists $params{expect_request})
+ int (!! exists $params{expect_request_content})
+ int (!! exists $params{expect_request_headers})
+ int (!! exists $params{expect_s3_err})
+ int (!! exists $params{expect_s3_errstr})
my $got;
my $lives = eval { $got = $api->$code (%params); 1 };
my $error = $@;
if ($lives) {
exists $params{throws}
? fail "operation expected to throw but lives"
: cmp_deeply $got, $params{expect_data}, "expect operation return data"
else {
$params{throws} = re $params{throws}
if is_regexpref $params{throws};
$params{throws} = obj_isa $params{throws}
if defined $params{throws} && ! ref $params{throws};
defined $params{throws}
? cmp_deeply $error, $params{throws}, "it should throw"
: do { fail "operation expected to live but died" ; diag $error }
_expect_request $request, $params{expect_request}
if exists $params{expect_request};
_expect_request_content $request, $params{expect_request_content}
if exists $params{expect_request_content};
_expect_request_headers ($request, $params{expect_request_headers})
if exists $params{expect_request_headers};
_expect_s3_err $api, $params{expect_s3_err}
if exists $params{expect_s3_err};
_expect_s3_errstr $api, $params{expect_s3_errstr}
if exists $params{expect_s3_errstr};
} else {
fail $title or diag "Operation ${class}::$operation not found";
sub _generate_operation_expectation {
my ($name, @parameters) = @_;
my @on = (
('bucket') x!! ($name =~ m/^ ( bucket | object )/x),
('key') x!! ($name =~ m/^ ( object )/x),
my $on = "qw[ ${ \ join ' ', @on } ]";
sub parameters_$name {
qw[ ${ \ join ' ', @parameters } ]
sub expect_operation_$name {
my (\$title, \%params) = \@_;
local \$Test::Builder::Level = \$Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Hash::Util::lock_keys \%params, _with_keys ($on, parameters_$name), _keys_operation;
_expect_operation \$title, \%params, -operation => 'operation_$name';
_generate_operation_expectation list_all_my_buckets =>
_generate_operation_expectation bucket_acl_get =>
_generate_operation_expectation bucket_acl_set =>
qw[ acl ],
qw[ acl_xml ],
qw[ acl_short ],
_generate_operation_expectation bucket_create =>
qw[ acl ],
qw[ acl_short ],
qw[ region ],
_generate_operation_expectation bucket_delete =>
_generate_operation_expectation bucket_objects_list =>
qw[ delimiter ],
qw[ max_keys ],
qw[ marker ],
qw[ prefix ],
_generate_operation_expectation bucket_objects_delete =>
qw[ keys ],
_generate_operation_expectation object_acl_get =>
_generate_operation_expectation object_acl_set =>
qw[ acl ],
qw[ acl_xml ],
qw[ acl_short ],
_generate_operation_expectation object_create =>
qw[ headers ],
qw[ value ],
qw[ cache_control ],
qw[ content_disposition ],
qw[ content_encoding ],
qw[ content_type ],
qw[ encryption ],
qw[ expires ],
qw[ storage_class ],
qw[ user_metadata ],
qw[ acl ],
qw[ acl_short ],
_generate_operation_expectation object_delete =>
_generate_operation_expectation object_fetch =>
qw[ range ],
_generate_operation_expectation object_head =>
_generate_operation_expectation bucket_tags_add =>
qw[ tags ],
_generate_operation_expectation object_tags_add =>
qw[ tags ],
qw[ version_id ],
_generate_operation_expectation bucket_tags_delete =>
_generate_operation_expectation object_tags_delete =>
qw[ version_id ],
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Shared::Examples::Net::Amazon::S3 - used for testing and as example
=head1 VERSION
version 0.991
=head1 AUTHOR
Branislav ZahradnĂk <>
This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Amazon Digital Services, Leon Brocard, Brad Fitzpatrick, Pedro Figueiredo, Rusty Conover, Branislav ZahradnĂk.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.