shell bypass 403
package Test::CPAN::Changes;
use strict;
use warnings;
use CPAN::Changes;
use Test::Builder;
use version ();
our $VERSION = '0.400002';
my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
sub import {
my $self = shift;
my $caller = caller;
no strict 'refs';
*{ $caller . '::changes_ok' } = \&changes_ok;
*{ $caller . '::changes_file_ok' } = \&changes_file_ok;
$Test->exported_to( $caller );
$Test->plan( @_ );
sub changes_ok {
$Test->plan( tests => 4 );
return changes_file_ok( undef, @_ );
sub changes_file_ok {
my ( $file, $arg ) = @_;
$file ||= 'Changes';
$arg ||= {};
my $changes = eval { CPAN::Changes->load( $file ) };
if ( $@ ) {
$Test->ok( 0, "Unable to parse $file" );
$Test->diag( " ERR: $@" );
$Test->ok( 1, "$file is loadable" );
my @releases = $changes->releases;
if ( !@releases ) {
$Test->ok( 0, "$file does not contain any releases" );
$Test->ok( 1, "$file contains at least one release" );
for ( @releases ) {
if ( !defined $_->date || $_->date eq '' ) {
$Test->ok( 0, "$file contains an invalid release date" );
$Test->diag( ' ERR: No date at version ' . $_->version );
my $d = $_->{ _parsed_date };
if ( $d !~ m[^${CPAN::Changes::W3CDTF_REGEX}$]
&& $d !~ m[^(${CPAN::Changes::UNKNOWN_VALS})$] ) {
$Test->carp( 'Date "' . $d . '" is not in the recommended format' );
# strip off -TRIAL before testing
(my $version = $_->version) =~ s/-TRIAL$//;
if ( not version::is_lax($version) ) {
$Test->ok( 0, "$file contains an invalid version number" );
$Test->diag( ' ERR: ' . $_->version );
$Test->ok( 1, "$file contains valid release dates" );
$Test->ok( 1, "$file contains valid version numbers" );
if ( defined $arg->{version} ) {
my $v = $arg->{version};
if ( my $release = $changes->release( $v ) ) {
$Test->ok( 1, "$file has an entry for the current version, $v" );
my $changes = $release->changes;
if ( $changes and grep { @$_ > 0 } values %$changes ) {
$Test->ok( 1, "entry for the current version, $v, has content" );
} else {
$Test->ok( 0, "entry for the current version, $v, no content" );
} else {
# Twice so that we have a fixed number of tests to plan.
# -- rjbs, 2011-05-02
$Test->ok( 0, "$file has no entry for the current version, $v" );
$Test->ok( 0, "$file has no entry for the current version, $v" );
return $changes;
=head1 NAME
Test::CPAN::Changes - Validation of the Changes file in a CPAN distribution
use Test::More;
eval 'use Test::CPAN::Changes';
plan skip_all => 'Test::CPAN::Changes required for this test' if $@;
This module allows CPAN authors to write automated tests to ensure their
changelogs match the specification.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 changes_ok( )
Simple wrapper around C<changes_file_ok>. Declares a four test plan, and
uses the default filename of C<Changes>.
=head2 changes_file_ok( $filename, \%arg )
Checks the contents of the changes file against the specification. No plan
is declared and if the filename is undefined, C<Changes> is used.
C<%arg> may include a I<version> entry, in which case the entry for that
version must exist and have content. This is useful to ensure that the version
currently being released has documented changes.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item * L<CPAN::Changes::Spec>
=item * L<CPAN::Changes>
=head1 AUTHOR
Brian Cassidy E<lt>bricas@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2011-2013 by Brian Cassidy
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.