shell bypass 403
package Test::Mock::Guard;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.006001;
use Exporter qw(import);
use Class::Load qw(load_class);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr set_prototype);
use List::Util qw(max);
use Carp qw(croak);
our $VERSION = '0.10';
our @EXPORT = qw(mock_guard);
sub mock_guard {
return Test::Mock::Guard->new(@_);
my $stash = {};
sub new {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
croak 'must be specified key-value pair' unless @args && @args % 2 == 0;
my $restore = {};
my $object = {};
while (@args) {
my ($class_name, $method_defs) = splice @args, 0, 2;
croak 'Usage: mock_guard($class_or_objct, $methods_hashref)'
unless defined $class_name && ref $method_defs eq 'HASH';
# object section
if (my $klass = blessed $class_name) {
my $refaddr = refaddr $class_name;
my $guard = Test::Mock::Guard::Instance->new($class_name, $method_defs);
$object->{"$klass#$refaddr"} = $guard;
# Class::Name section
load_class $class_name;
$stash->{$class_name} ||= {};
$restore->{$class_name} = {};
for my $method_name (keys %$method_defs) {
$class->_stash($class_name, $method_name, $restore);
my $mocked_method = ref $method_defs->{$method_name} eq 'CODE'
? $method_defs->{$method_name}
: sub { $method_defs->{$method_name} };
my $fully_qualified_method_name = "$class_name\::$method_name";
my $prototype = prototype($fully_qualified_method_name);
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
*{$fully_qualified_method_name} = set_prototype(sub {
}, $prototype);
return bless { restore => $restore, object => $object } => $class;
sub call_count {
my ($self, $klass, $method_name) = @_;
if (my $class_name = blessed $klass) {
# object
my $refaddr = refaddr $klass;
my $guard = $self->{object}->{"$class_name#$refaddr"}
|| return undef; ## no critic
return $guard->call_count($method_name);
else {
# class
my $class_name = $klass;
return unless exists $stash->{$class_name}->{$method_name};
return $stash->{$class_name}->{$method_name}->{called_count};
sub reset {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
croak 'must be specified key-value pair' unless @args && @args % 2 == 0;
while (@args) {
my ($class_name, $methods) = splice @args, 0, 2;
croak 'Usage: $guard->reset($class_or_objct, $methods_arrayref)'
unless defined $class_name && ref $methods eq 'ARRAY';
for my $method (@$methods) {
if (my $klass = blessed $class_name) {
my $refaddr = refaddr $class_name;
my $restore = $self->{object}{"$klass#$refaddr"} || next;
$self->_restore($class_name, $method);
sub _stash {
my ($class, $class_name, $method_name, $restore) = @_;
$stash->{$class_name}{$method_name} ||= {
counter => 0,
restore => {},
delete_flags => {},
called_count => 0,
my $index = ++$stash->{$class_name}{$method_name}{counter};
$stash->{$class_name}{$method_name}{restore}{$index} = $class_name->can($method_name);
$restore->{$class_name}{$method_name} = $index;
sub _restore {
my ($self, $class_name, $method_name) = @_;
my $index = delete $self->{restore}{$class_name}{$method_name} || return;
my $stuff = $stash->{$class_name}{$method_name};
if ($index < (max(keys %{$stuff->{restore}}) || 0)) {
$stuff->{delete_flags}{$index} = 1; # fix: destraction problem
else {
my $orig_method = delete $stuff->{restore}{$index}; # current restore method
# restored old mocked method
for my $index (sort { $b <=> $a } keys %{$stuff->{delete_flags}}) {
delete $stuff->{delete_flags}{$index};
$orig_method = delete $stuff->{restore}{$index};
# cleanup
unless (keys %{$stuff->{restore}}) {
delete $stash->{$class_name}{$method_name};
no strict 'refs';
no warnings qw(redefine prototype);
*{"$class_name\::$method_name"} = $orig_method
|| *{"$class_name\::$method_name is unregistered"}; # black magic!
my $self = shift;
while (my ($class_name, $method_defs) = each %{$self->{restore}}) {
for my $method_name (keys %$method_defs) {
$self->_restore($class_name, $method_name);
# taken from cho45's code
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr);
my $mocked = {};
sub new {
my ($class, $object, $methods) = @_;
my $klass = blessed($object);
my $refaddr = refaddr($object);
my $methods_map = {};
$mocked->{$klass}->{_mocked} ||= {};
for my $method (keys %$methods) {
$methods_map->{$method} = {
method => $methods->{$method},
called_count => 0,
unless ($mocked->{$klass}->{_mocked}->{$method}) {
my $original_method = $klass->can($method);
$mocked->{$klass}->{_mocked}->{$method} = $original_method;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings qw(redefine prototype);
*{"$klass\::$method"} = sub { _mocked($method, $original_method, @_) };
$mocked->{$klass}->{$refaddr} = $methods_map;
bless { object => $object }, $class;
sub reset {
my ($self, $method) = @_;
my $object = $self->{object};
my $klass = blessed($object);
my $refaddr = refaddr($object);
if (exists $mocked->{$klass}{$refaddr} && exists $mocked->{$klass}{$refaddr}{$method}) {
delete $mocked->{$klass}{$refaddr}{$method};
sub call_count {
my ($self, $method_name) = @_;
my $klass = blessed $self->{object};
my $refaddr = refaddr $self->{object};
return unless exists $mocked->{$klass}{$refaddr}{$method_name}{called_count};
return $mocked->{$klass}{$refaddr}{$method_name}{called_count};
sub _mocked {
my ($method, $original, $object, @rest) = @_;
my $klass = blessed($object);
my $refaddr = refaddr($object);
if ($klass && $refaddr && exists $mocked->{$klass}->{$refaddr} && exists $mocked->{$klass}->{$refaddr}->{$method}) {
my $val = $mocked->{$klass}->{$refaddr}->{$method}->{method};
ref($val) eq 'CODE' ? $val->($object, @rest) : $val;
} else {
$original->($object, @rest);
my ($self) = @_;
my $object = $self->{object};
my $klass = blessed($object);
my $refaddr = refaddr($object);
delete $mocked->{$klass}->{$refaddr};
unless (keys %{ $mocked->{$klass} } == 1) {
my $mocked = delete $mocked->{$klass}->{_mocked};
for my $method (keys %$mocked) {
no strict 'refs';
no warnings qw(redefine prototype);
*{"$klass\::$method"} = $mocked->{$method};
=head1 NAME
Test::Mock::Guard - Simple mock test library using RAII.
use Test::More;
use Test::Mock::Guard qw(mock_guard);
package Some::Class;
sub new { bless {} => shift }
sub foo { "foo" }
sub bar { 1; }
package main;
my $guard = mock_guard( 'Some::Class', { foo => sub { "bar" }, bar => 10 } );
my $obj = Some::Class->new;
is( $obj->foo, "bar" );
is( $obj->bar, 10 );
my $obj = Some::Class->new;
is( $obj->foo, "foo" );
is( $obj->bar, 1 );
Test::Mock::Guard is mock test library using RAII.
This module is able to change method behavior by each scope. See SYNOPSIS's sample code.
=head2 mock_guard( @class_defs )
@class_defs have the following format.
=item key
Class name or object to mock.
=item value
Hash reference. Keys are method names; values are code references or scalars.
If the value is code reference, it is used as a method.
If the value is a scalar, the method will return the specified value.
You can mock instance methods as well as class methods (this feature was provided by cho45):
use Test::More;
use Test::Mock::Guard qw(mock_guard);
package Some::Class;
sub new { bless {} => shift }
sub foo { "foo" }
package main;
my $obj1 = Some::Class->new;
my $obj2 = Some::Class->new;
my $obj2 = Some::Class->new;
my $guard = mock_guard( $obj2, { foo => sub { "bar" } } );
is ($obj1->foo, "foo", "obj1 has not changed" );
is( $obj2->foo, "bar", "obj2 is mocked" );
is( $obj1->foo, "foo", "obj1" );
is( $obj2->foo, "foo", "obj2" );
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new( @class_defs )
See L</mock_guard> definition.
=head2 call_count( $class_name_or_object, $method_name )
Returns a number of calling of $method_name in $class_name_or_object.
=head1 AUTHOR
Toru Yamaguchi E<lt>zigorou@cpan.orgE<gt>
Yuji Shimada E<lt>xaicron at cpan.orgE<gt>
Masaki Nakagawa E<lt>masaki@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 THANKS TO
cho45 E<lt>cho45@lowreal.netE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.