shell bypass 403
package Test::Object::Test;
use strict;
use Carp ();
use Scalar::Util ();
our $VERSION = '0.08';
# Constructor and Accessors
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless { @_ }, $class;
# Check params
unless ( _CLASS($self->class) ) {
Carp::croak("Did not provide a valid test class");
unless ( _CODELIKE($self->code) ) {
Carp::croak("Did not provide a valid CODE or callable object");
sub class {
sub tests {
sub code {
# Main Methods
sub run {
$_[0]->code->( $_[1] );
# Support Functions
# Stolen from Params::Util to avoid adding a dependency needlessly
sub _CLASS ($) {
(defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s) ? $_[0] : undef;
(Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0])||'') eq 'CODE'
Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) and overload::Method($_[0],'&{}')
? $_[0] : undef;