shell bypass 403
use strict; use warnings;
package Time::Out::ParamConstraints;
our $VERSION = '0.21';
use Exporter qw( import );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed looks_like_number reftype );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( assert_non_negative_number assert_plain_coderef );
sub _croakf ( $@ );
sub _is_plain_coderef ( $ );
sub _is_string ( $ );
sub assert_non_negative_number( $ ) {
_is_string $_[ 0 ]
and looks_like_number $_[ 0 ]
and $_[ 0 ] !~ /\A (?: Inf (?: inity )? | NaN ) \z/xi
and $_[ 0 ] >= 0 ? $_[ 0 ] : _croakf 'value is not a non-negative number';
sub assert_plain_coderef( $ ) {
_is_plain_coderef $_[ 0 ] ? $_[ 0 ] : _croakf 'value is not a code reference';
sub _is_plain_coderef( $ ) {
not defined blessed $_[ 0 ] and ref $_[ 0 ] eq 'CODE';
sub _is_string( $ ) {
defined $_[ 0 ] and reftype \$_[ 0 ] eq 'SCALAR';
sub _croakf( $@ ) {
# load Carp lazily
require Carp;
@_ = ( ( @_ == 1 ? shift : sprintf shift, @_ ) . ', stopped' );
goto &Carp::croak;