shell bypass 403
# Copyrights 2003-2023 by [Mark Overmeer <>].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.03.
# This code is part of distribution User-Identity. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package User::Identity::Location;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '1.02';
use base 'User::Identity::Item';
use strict;
use warnings;
use User::Identity;
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
sub type { "location" }
sub init($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
$args->{postal_code} ||= delete $args->{pc};
exists $args->{$_} && ($self->{'UIL_'.$_} = delete $args->{$_})
foreach qw/city country country_code fax organization
pobox pobox_pc postal_code state street phone/;
sub street() { shift->{UIL_street} }
sub postalCode() { shift->{UIL_postal_code} }
sub pobox() { shift->{UIL_pobox} }
sub poboxPostalCode() { shift->{UIL_pobox_pc} }
sub city() { shift->{UIL_city} }
sub state() { shift->{UIL_state} }
sub country()
{ my $self = shift;
return $self->{UIL_country}
if defined $self->{UIL_country};
my $cc = $self->countryCode or return;
eval 'require Geography::Countries';
return if $@;
scalar Geography::Countries::country($cc);
sub countryCode() { shift->{UIL_country_code} }
sub organization() { shift->{UIL_organization} }
sub phone()
{ my $self = shift;
my $phone = $self->{UIL_phone} or return ();
my @phone = ref $phone ? @$phone : $phone;
wantarray ? @phone : $phone[0];
sub fax()
{ my $self = shift;
my $fax = $self->{UIL_fax} or return ();
my @fax = ref $fax ? @$fax : $fax;
wantarray ? @fax : $fax[0];
sub fullAddress()
{ my $self = shift;
my $cc = $self->countryCode || 'en';
my ($address, $pc);
if($address = $self->pobox) { $pc = $self->poboxPostalCode }
else { $address = $self->street; $pc = $self->postalCode }
my ($org, $city, $state) = @$self{ qw/UIL_organization UIL_city UIL_state/ };
return unless defined $city && defined $address;
my $country = $self->country;
= defined $country ? "\n$country"
: defined $cc ? "\n".uc($cc)
: '';
if(defined $org) {$org .= "\n"} else {$org = ''};
if($cc eq 'nl')
{ $pc = "$1 ".uc($2)." " if defined $pc && $pc =~ m/(\d{4})\s*([a-zA-Z]{2})/;
return "$org$address\n$pc$city$country\n";
{ $state ||= '';
return "$org$address\n$city$state$country\n$pc";