shell bypass 403
package VM::EC2::VPC::Subnet;
=head1 NAME
VM::EC2::VPC::Subnet -- A VPC subnet
use VM::EC2;
my $ec2 = VM::EC2->new(...);
my $vpc = $ec2->create_vpc('');
my $subnet = $vpc->create_subnet('') or die $vpc->error_str;
@subnets = $ec2->describe_subnets;
for my $sn (@subnets) {
print $sn->subnetId,"\n",
This object supports the EC2 Virtual Private Cloud subnet
interface. Please see L<VM::EC2::Generic> for methods shared by all
VM::EC2 objects.
=head1 METHODS
These object methods are supported:
subnetId -- the ID of the subnet
state -- The current state of the subnet, either "pending" or "available"
vpcId -- The ID of the VPC the subnet is in.
cidrBlock -- The CIDR block assigned to the subnet.
availableIpAddressCount -- The number of unused IP addresses in the subnet.
availableZone -- This subnet's availability zone.
defaultForAz -- Indicates if this is the default subnet for the Availability Zone
mapPublicIpOnLaunch -- Indicates if instances launched in this subnet automatically receive a
public IP address
This class supports the VM::EC2 tagging interface. See
L<VM::EC2::Generic> for information.
In addition, this object supports the following convenience methods:
vpc() -- Return the associated VM::EC2::VPC object.
zone() -- Return the associated VM::EC2::AvailabilityZone object.
refresh() -- Refreshes the object from its current state in EC2.
current_state() -- Refreshes the object and returns its current state.
create_route_table() -- Create a new route table, associates it with this subnet, and
returns the corresponding VM::EC2::VPC::RouteTable
-- Associates a route table with this subnet, returning true if
-- Removes the association of a route table with this subnet. Produces
a fatal error if $table is not associated with the subnet. Returns true
on success.
-- Associates a network ACL with this subnet, returning the new
association ID on success.
-- Removes the association of a network ACL with this subnet. The subnet
will then be associated with the default network ACL. Returns the
the association ID.
When used in a string context, this object will be interpolated as the
subnet ID.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lincoln Stein E<lt>lincoln.stein@gmail.comE<gt>.
Copyright (c) 2012 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either
version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic
License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition,
please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.
use strict;
use Carp 'croak';
use base 'VM::EC2::Generic';
sub valid_fields {
my $self = shift;
return qw(subnetId state vpcId cidrBlock availableIpAddressCount
availabilityZone defaultForAz mapPublicIpOnLaunch);
sub primary_id { shift->subnetId }
sub vpc {
my $self = shift;
return $self->aws->describe_vpcs($self->vpcId);
sub zone {
my $self = shift;
return $self->aws->describe_availability_zones($self->availabilityZone);
sub refresh {
my $self = shift;
my $i = shift;
local $self->aws->{raise_error} = 1;
($i) = $self->aws->describe_subnets($self->subnetId) unless $i;
%$self = %$i if $i;
return defined $i;
sub current_state {
my $self = shift;
sub associate_route_table {
my $self = shift;
my $rt = shift or croak "usage: associate_route_table(\$route_table_id)";
return $self->aws->associate_route_table(-subnet_id => $self->subnetId,
-route_table_id => $rt);
sub disassociate_route_table {
my $self = shift;
my $rt = shift or croak "usage: disassociate_route_table(\$route_table_id)";
$rt = $self->aws->describe_route_tables($rt) unless ref $rt;
my ($association) = grep {$_->subnetId eq $self->subnetId} $rt->associations;
$association or croak "$rt is not associated with this subnet";
return $self->aws->disassociate_route_table($association);
sub create_route_table {
my $self = shift;
my $vpc = $self->vpcId;
my $rt = $self->aws->create_route_table($vpc) or return;
$self->associate_route_table($rt->routeTableId) or return;
return $rt
sub disassociate_network_acl {
my $self = shift;
my $acl = $self->aws->describe_network_acls(-filter=>{ 'association.subnet-id' => $self->subnetId});
if ($acl->default) {
print "disassociate_network_acl(): Cannot disassociate subnet from default ACL";
my $default_acl = $self->aws->describe_network_acls(-filter=>{ 'default' => 'true', 'vpc-id' => $self->vpcId})
or croak "disassociate_network_acl(): Cannot determine default ACL";
return $self->associate_network_acl($default_acl->networkAclId);
sub associate_network_acl {
my $self = shift;
my $network_acl_id = shift or croak "usage: associate_network_acl(\$network_acl_id)";
my $acl = $self->aws->describe_network_acls(-filter=>{ 'association.subnet-id' => $self->subnetId})
or croak "associate_network_acl(): Cannot determine current ACL";
my ($association) = grep { $_->subnetId eq $self->subnetId } $acl->associations;
my $association_id = $association->networkAclAssociationId;
return $self->aws->replace_network_acl_association(-association_id=>$association_id,-network_acl_id=>$network_acl_id);
sub defaultForAz {
my $self = shift;
my $default = $self->SUPER::defaultForAz;
return $default eq 'true';
sub mapPublicIpOnLaunch {
my $self = shift;
my $map_ip = $self->SUPER::mapPublicIpOnLaunch;
return $map_ip eq 'true';