shell bypass 403
# Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Rob Fugina <>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, Version 3.0
package X10::ActiveHome;
# Perl module for communicating with an X10 ActiveHome interface
use Data::Dumper;
use Device::SerialPort;
use FileHandle;
use IO::Select;
use strict;
use X10::Controller;
use X10::Event;
use vars qw( @ISA %hc_bits %uc_bits %fn_bits %reverse_bits );
@ISA = qw( X10::Controller );
%hc_bits = (
A => 0x60,
B => 0xe0,
C => 0x20,
D => 0xa0,
E => 0x10,
F => 0x90,
G => 0x50,
H => 0xd0,
I => 0x70,
J => 0xf0,
K => 0x30,
L => 0xb0,
M => 0x00,
N => 0x80,
O => 0x40,
P => 0xc0,
%uc_bits = (
1 => 0x06,
2 => 0x0e,
3 => 0x02,
4 => 0x0a,
5 => 0x01,
6 => 0x09,
7 => 0x05,
8 => 0x0d,
9 => 0x07,
10 => 0x0f,
11 => 0x03,
12 => 0x0b,
13 => 0x00,
14 => 0x08,
15 => 0x04,
16 => 0x0c,
%fn_bits = (
A0 => 0x00, # all off
L1 => 0x01, # lights on
ON => 0x02, # on
OF => 0x03, # off
DI => 0x04, # dim
BR => 0x05, # bright
L0 => 0x06, # lights off
EC => 0x07, # extended code
HR => 0x08, # hail request
HA => 0x09, # hail acknowledge
P1 => 0x0a, # preset dim 1
P2 => 0x0b, # preset dim 2
ED => 0x0c, # extended data
S1 => 0x0d, # status on
S0 => 0x0e, # status off
SR => 0x0f, # status request
%reverse_bits = (
0 => [ 'M', 13, 'A0' ],
1 => [ 'E', 5, 'L1' ],
2 => [ 'C', 3, 'ON' ],
3 => [ 'K', 11, 'OF' ],
4 => [ 'O', 15, 'DI' ],
5 => [ 'G', 7, 'BR' ],
6 => [ 'A', 1, 'L0' ],
7 => [ 'I', 9, 'EC' ],
8 => [ 'N', 14, 'HR' ],
9 => [ 'F', 6, 'HA' ],
10 => [ 'D', 4, 'P1' ],
11 => [ 'L', 12, 'P2' ],
12 => [ 'P', 16, 'ED' ],
13 => [ 'H', 8, 'S1' ],
14 => [ 'B', 2, 'S0' ],
15 => [ 'J', 10, 'SR' ],
### constructors
sub new
my $type = shift;
my $self = new X10::Controller( @_ );
bless $self, $type;
unless ($self->{test})
return undef unless $self->{port};
$self->{serial_port} = new Device::SerialPort($self->{port});
$self->{output_word_queue} = [];
$self->{states} = {};
$self->{working} = 0; # used as a lock
return $self;
### public methods (most overriding parent class)
sub select_fds
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{test})
return ();
return ($self->{serial_port}->{FD});
sub handle_input
my $self = shift;
# get a byte
my ($count, $byte) = $self->{serial_port}->read(1);
return unless ($count);
$byte = unpack("C", $byte);
if ($byte == 0xa5)
elsif ($byte == 0x5a)
elsif ($byte == 0x55)
$self->{logger}->('info', "Interface is ready") if $self->{debug};
$self->{is_ready} = 1;
$self->{logger}->('info', "Got 0x%02X -- not doing anything with it", $byte)
if $self->{debug};
### mostly-private methods...
sub send_word
my $self = shift;
my $word = uc(shift);
my $good = 0;
my $bad = 0;
$self->{logger}->('info', "Sending: %s", $word) if $self->{debug};
my ($hc, $fn) = $word =~ /^(.)(..)$/;
my $packet = '';
if ($fn eq 'DI' || $fn eq 'BR')
$self->{logger}->('info', "Sending: %s", $word) if $self->{verbose};
# this sends ONE DIM/BRIGHT with a Header byte of 0x16
$packet = pack("CC", 0x16, $hc_bits{$hc} | $fn_bits{$fn});
elsif ($fn > 0 && $fn <= 16)
$self->{logger}->('info', "Sending: %s", $word) if $self->{verbose};
# my $uc = $fn * 1;
$packet = pack("CC", 0x04, ($hc_bits{$hc} | $uc_bits{$fn * 1}));
# elsif ($fn eq 'ON' || $fn eq 'OF')
elsif (exists $fn_bits{$fn})
$self->{logger}->('info', "Sending: %s", $word) if $self->{verbose};
$packet = pack("CC", 0x06, $hc_bits{$hc} | $fn_bits{$fn});
$self->{logger}->('info', "Unsupported word: %s", $word);
### private methods -- don't call these from ouside!
sub work
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{working};
$self->{working} = 1;
while (my $word = shift @{$self->{output_word_queue}})
$self->got_words($word); # AH interface doesn't feed back
$self->{working} = 0;
sub get_ahwords
my $self = shift;
$self->{working} = 1;
$self->{logger}->('info', "Sending 'gimme events' byte") if $self->{debug};
my ($count, $bytes_to_read) = $self->{serial_port}->read(1);
return 0 unless $count;
$bytes_to_read = unpack("C", $bytes_to_read);
return 0 if $bytes_to_read > 10;
($count, my $mask) = $self->{serial_port}->read(1);
$mask = unpack("C", $mask);
my @words = ();
# foreach (1..$bytes_to_read)
for (my $i = 0; $i < $bytes_to_read; $i++)
my $char;
($count, $char) = $self->{serial_port}->read(1);
$char = unpack("C", $char);
my $fabit = (1 << $i) & $mask;
if ($fabit) # function
my $hc = $reverse_bits{($char & 0xf0) >> 4}->[0];
my $fn = $reverse_bits{$char & 0x0f}->[2];
push @words, sprintf("%1s%2s", $hc, $fn);
if ($fn eq 'BR' || $fn eq 'DI')
# discard dim amount for now
my ($j1, $j2) = $self->{serial_port}->read(1);
else # address
my $hc = $reverse_bits{($char & 0xf0) >> 4}->[0];
my $uc = $reverse_bits{$char & 0x0f}->[1];
push @words, sprintf("%1s%02s", $hc, $uc);
$self->got_words($self->optimize_wordlist(@words)) if @words;
$self->{working} = 0;
sub ah_settime
my $self = shift;
$self->{working} = 1;
my $sum_ok = 0;
my $bad_sums = 0;
my @time = localtime;
my $seconds = $time[0];
my $minutes = $time[2] * 60 + $time[1];
my $hours = int($minutes / 12);
$minutes %= 120;
my $yday = $time[7];
my $wday = $time[6] % 7;
$self->{logger}->('info', "Setting interface time/date...") if $self->{verbose};
my $packet = pack("CCCCCC",
$yday / 2,
(($yday % 1) << 7) & (1 << $wday),
$self->{working} = 0;
sub ah_sendpacket
my $self = shift;
my $packet = shift;
my $checksum = 0;
foreach (split(//, $packet))
$checksum += ord($_);
$checksum &= 0xff;
my $sum_ok = 0;
my $bad_sums = 0;
while ($bad_sums < 3 && !$sum_ok)
$self->{logger}->('info', "Sending %s-byte packet: %s",
join(", ", map { sprintf("0x%02X", ord($_)) } split(//, $packet) ),
) if $self->{debug};
my ($count, $sum_from_device) = $self->{serial_port}->read(1);
if ($count == 0)
$self->{logger}->('info', "Got nothing back from the device...")
if $self->{debug};
$sum_from_device = unpack("C", $sum_from_device);
if ($checksum == $sum_from_device)
$self->{logger}->('info', "Good send, sending 0x00 as OK")
if $self->{debug};
($count, my $readybyte) = $self->{serial_port}->read(1);
if ($count != 1)
$self->{logger}->('info', "Didn't get ready byte")
if $self->{debug};
elsif (ord($readybyte) != 0x55)
$self->{logger}->('info', "Expected ready 0x55, got 0x%02X", $readybyte)
if $self->{debug};
$self->{is_ready} = 1;
$sum_ok = 1;
$self->{logger}->('info', "Expected checksum 0x%02X, got 0x%02X",
$checksum, $sum_from_device) if $self->{debug};
if ($sum_ok)
$self->{logger}->('info', "Packet send successful") if $self->{debug};
$self->{logger}->('info', "Aborting send: too many bad checksums") if $self->{debug};
return $sum_ok;
sub ah_ring_signal
my $self = shift;
my $bool = shift || 0;
$self->ah_sendpacket(chr($bool ? 0xeb : 0xdb));
my $self = shift;
### utility functions -- not called as methods