shell bypass 403
# Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 Kevin Ryde
# This file is part of X11-Protocol-Other.
# X11-Protocol-Other is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# X11-Protocol-Other is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with X11-Protocol-Other. If not, see <>.
BEGIN { require 5 }
package X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow;
use strict;
use Carp;
use vars '$VERSION', '$_instance';
$VERSION = 31;
use X11::Protocol::WM;
# uncomment this to run the ### lines
# use Smart::Comments;
# undocumented yet ...
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless { want_client => 1,
@_ }, $class;
sub _X {
my ($self) = @_;
return ($self->{'X'} ||= do {
require X11::Protocol;
my $display = $self->{'display'};
### $display
X11::Protocol->new (defined $display ? ($display) : ());
sub choose {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
unless (ref $self) {
$self = $self->new; # X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow->choose()
local @{$self}{keys %options} = values %options; # hash slice
local $_instance = $self;
my $X = _X($self);
my $old_event_handler = $X->{'event_handler'};
local $X->{'event_handler'} = sub {
$self->handle_event (@_);
goto $old_event_handler;
do {
} until ($self->is_done);
return $self->chosen_window;
sub chosen_window {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{'want_client'}) {
return $self->client_window;
} else {
return $self->{'frame_window'};
sub client_window {
my ($self) = @_;
if (! exists $self->{'client_window'}) {
my $frame_window = $self->{'frame_window'};
### frame_window: $frame_window.sprintf(' 0x%X',$frame_window)
= (defined $frame_window && _num_none($frame_window) != 0
? X11::Protocol::WM::frame_window_to_client(_X($self),$frame_window)
: undef);
### client_window: $self->{'client_window'}
return $self->{'client_window'};
# undocumented yet ...
sub start {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{'frame_window'} = undef;
delete $self->{'client_window'};
$self->{'button_released'} = 0;
my $X = _X($self);
my $want_free_cursor;
my $cursor = $self->{'cursor'};
if (! defined $cursor) {
my $cursor_glyph = $self->{'cursor_glyph'};
if (! defined $cursor_glyph) {
require X11::CursorFont;
my $cursor_name = $self->{'cursor_name'};
if (! defined $cursor_name) {
$cursor_name = 'crosshair'; # default
$cursor_glyph = $X11::CursorFont::CURSOR_GLYPH{$cursor_name};
if (! defined $cursor_glyph) {
croak "Unrecognised cursor_name: ",$cursor_name;
my $cursor_font = $X->new_rsrc;
$X->OpenFont ($cursor_font, 'cursor');
$cursor = $X->new_rsrc;
$X->CreateGlyphCursor ($cursor,
$cursor_font, # font
$cursor_font, # mask font
$cursor_glyph, # glyph number
$cursor_glyph+1, # and its mask
0,0,0, # foreground, black
0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF); # background, white
$want_free_cursor = 1;
$X->CloseFont ($cursor_font);
### cursor: sprintf '%d %#X', $cursor, $cursor
my $root = $self->{'root'};
if (! defined $root) {
if (defined (my $screen_number = $self->{'screen'})) {
$root = $X->{'screens'}->[$screen_number]->{'root'};
} else {
$root = $X->{'root'};
### $root
# follow any __SWM_VROOT
$root = (X11::Protocol::WM::root_to_virtual_root($X,$root) || $root);
my $time = $self->{'time'} || $self->{'event'}->{'time'} || 'CurrentTime';
### $time
my $status = $X->GrabPointer
($root, # window
0, # owner events
'Synchronous', # pointer mode
'Asynchronous', # keyboard mode
$root, # confine window
$cursor, # crosshair cursor
if ($status eq 'Success') {
$self->{'ungrab_time'} = $time;
if ($want_free_cursor) {
$X->FreeCursor ($cursor);
if ($status ne 'Success') {
croak "Cannot grab mouse pointer to choose a window: ",$status;
$X->AllowEvents ('SyncPointer', 'CurrentTime');
# undocumented yet ...
sub handle_event {
my ($self, %h) = @_;
### ChooseWindow handle_event: %h
return if $self->is_done;
my $name = $h{'name'};
my $X = _X($self);
if ($name eq 'ButtonPress') {
### ButtonPress
$self->{'frame_window'} = $h{'child'};
$self->{'choose_time'} = $h{'time'};
$X->AllowEvents ('SyncPointer', 'CurrentTime');
} elsif ($name eq 'ButtonRelease') {
### ButtonRelease
# wait for button pressed to choose window, and then released so the
# release event doesn't go to the chosen window
if ($self->{'frame_window'}) {
# button press seen, and now release seen
$self->{'button_released'} = 1;
$self->{'ungrab_time'} = $h{'time'};
$self->abort; # ungrab
} else {
$X->AllowEvents ('SyncPointer', 'CurrentTime');
# undocumented yet ...
sub is_done {
my ($self) = @_;
return (! defined $self->{'ungrab_time'} # aborted or never started
|| ($self->{'frame_window'} && $self->{'button_released'}));
my ($self) = @_;
my ($X, $ungrab_time);
if (defined ($X = $self->{'X'})
&& defined ($ungrab_time = delete $self->{'ungrab_time'})) {
# no errors if connection gone
eval { $X->UngrabPointer ($ungrab_time) };
# undocumented yet ...
sub abort {
my ($self, $time) = @_;
if (! ref $self) {
# class method X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow->abort()
$self = $_instance || return; # if not in a ->choose()
my ($X, $ungrab_time);
if (defined ($X = $self->{'X'})
&& defined ($ungrab_time = delete $self->{'ungrab_time'})) {
$X->UngrabPointer ($time || $ungrab_time);
sub _num_none {
my ($xid) = @_;
if (defined $xid && $xid eq "None") {
return 0;
} else {
return $xid;
# Not quite yet.
# =head2 Chooser Object
# A chooser object can be created to choose in a state-driven style.
# =over
# =item C<$chooser = X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow-E<gt>new (key=E<gt>value,...)>
# Create and return a chooser object. The key/value parameters are the same
# as for C<choose()> above.
# =item C<$window = $chooser-E<gt>choose (key=E<gt>value,...)>
# Run a window choose on C<$chooser>. Key/value parameters are as per the
# C<choose()> class method above. They're apply to this choose, without
# changing the C<$chooser> object.
# =item C<$boolean = $chooser-E<gt>start ()>
# Start a window choose. This means a mouse pointer grab, with cursor per the
# options in C<$chooser>.
# =item C<$window = $chooser-E<gt>handle_event (@fields)>
# Handle an event in C<$chooser>. The C<@fields> arguments are the same as
# from the C<X11::Protocol> event handler function. All events should be
# shown to the chooser this way while it's active. Anything not relevant is
# ignored.
# For a C<ButtonPress> or C<ButtonRelease> event an C<AllowEvents> request
# is sent to get the next button event, in the usual way for an active
# pointer grab.
# =item C<$boolean = $chooser-E<gt>is_done ()>
# Return true if choosing is finished, meaning C<$chooser-E<gt>handle_event()>
# has seen button press and release events.
# =item C<$chooser-E<gt>abort>
# Stop a choose.
# =item C<$chooser-E<gt>chosen_window>
# Return the window chosen by the user, or C<undef> if aborted or not yet
# chosen. This can be used after C<$chooser-E<gt>is_done()> is true (though
# actually the chosen window is recorded a little earlier, on the button
# press, where C<is_done()> is true only after the button release).
# =back
# want_frame_window boolean, default false
# C<want_frame_window> means return the immediate root window child chosen,
# which is generally the window manager's frame window. The default is to
# seek the client toplevel window within the frame. When there's no window
# manager or it doesn't use frame windows then the immediate child is the
# client window already and C<want_frame_window> has no effect.
=for stopwords Ryde ChooseWindow toplevel timestamp startup crosshair
=head1 NAME
X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow -- user click to choose window
=for test_synopsis my ($X)
use X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow;
my $client_window = X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow->choose (X => $X);
This spot of code lets the user click on a toplevel window to choose it, in
a similar style to the C<xwininfo> or C<xkill> programs.
=head2 Implementation
The choose is implemented in a similar way to the C<xwininfo> etc programs.
It consists of C<GrabPointer()> on the root window, wait for a
C<ButtonPress> and C<ButtonRelease> from the user, get the frame window from
the C<ButtonPress> event, then the client window under there from
C<frame_window_to_client()> of C<X11::Protocol::WM>.
C<KeyPress> events are not used and they go to the focus window in the usual
way. This can be good in a command line program since it lets the user
press C<^C> (C<SIGINT>) in an C<xterm> or similar. Perhaps in the future
there could be an option to watch for C<Esc> to cancel or some such.
A virtual root per C<root_to_virtual_root()> in C<X11::Protocol::WM> is used
if present. This helps C<ChooseWindow> work with C<amiwm> and similar
virtual root window managers.
The following C<choose()> is in class method style with the intention of
perhaps in the future having objects of type C<X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow>
holding state and advanced by events supplied by an external main loop.
=head2 Choosing
=over 4
=item C<$window = X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow-E<gt>choose (key=E<gt>value,...)>
Read a user button press to choose a toplevel window. The key/value options
are as follows,
X => X11::Protocol object
display => string ":0:0" etc
screen => integer, eg. 0
root => XID of root window
time => integer server timestamp
event => hashref of event initiating the choose
cursor => XID of cursor
cursor_glyph => integer glyph for cursor font
cursor_name => string name from cursor font
C<X> or C<display> gives the server, or the default is to open the
C<DISPLAY> environment variable. C<X> for an C<X11::Protocol> object is
usual, but sometimes it can make sense to open a new connection just to
C<root> or C<screen> gives the root window to choose on, or the default is
the current screen of C<$X>, which in turn defaults to the screen part of
the display name. If there's a window manager virtual root then that's
automatically used as necessary.
C<time> or the time field in C<event> is a server timestamp for the
C<GrabPointer()>. This guards against stealing a grab from another client
if badly lagged. Omitted or C<undef> means C<CurrentTime>. In a command
line program there might be no initiating event, making C<CurrentTime> all
that's possible.
C<cursor> etc is the mouse pointer cursor to show during the choose, as a
visual indication to the user. The default is a "crosshair".
C<cursor_name> or C<cursor_glyph> are from the usual cursor font. See
L<X11::CursorFont> for available names. For example perhaps the "exchange"
cursor to choose a window for some sort of swap or flip,
$window = X11::Protocol::ChooseWindow->choose
(X => $X,
cursor_name => "exchange");
A C<cursor> XID can be created by any client as usual. Don't forget to
flush if creating a cursor from one connection, so it's ready for use from
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<xwininfo(1)>, L<xkill(1)>, and their F<dsimple.c> C<Select_Window()> code
"Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual" section "WM_STATE Property"
for notes on using C<WM_STATE> to identify client windows.
=head1 HOME PAGE
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 Kevin Ryde
X11-Protocol-Other is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
X11-Protocol-Other is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
X11-Protocol-Other. If not, see <>.
# Maybe:
# oopery
# ->new (want_frame => 1)
# ->choose
# ->start
# ->handle_input
# ->is_done
# ->chosen_frame
# ->chosen_client
# ->chosen_window
# /z/usr/share/doc/x11proto-core-dev/x11protocol.txt.gz
# /usr/share/doc/x11proto-dev/