shell bypass 403
# Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 Kevin Ryde
# This file is part of X11-Protocol-Other.
# X11-Protocol-Other is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# X11-Protocol-Other is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with X11-Protocol-Other. If not, see <>.
BEGIN { require 5 }
package X11::Protocol::Ext::XTEST;
use strict;
use X11::Protocol;
use vars '$VERSION', '@CARP_NOT';
$VERSION = 31;
@CARP_NOT = ('X11::Protocol');
# uncomment this to run the ### lines
#use Smart::Comments;
# /usr/share/doc/x11proto-xext-dev/xtest.txt.gz
# /usr/include/X11/extensions/xtestproto.h
# /usr/include/X11/extensions/xtestconst.h
# /usr/include/X11/extensions/xtestext1proto.h
# /usr/include/X11/extensions/xtestext1const.h
# /usr/include/X11/extensions/xtestext1.h
# /usr/include/X11/extensions/XTest.h
# /usr/share/doc/libxext-dev/xtest1.txt.gz
# lib/Xext/XTestExt1.c
# Xlib
# Server side xtest.c
# /usr/share/doc/x11proto-core-dev/x11protocol.txt.gz
# /usr/share/doc/x11proto-input-dev/XIproto.txt.gz
# /usr/share/doc/x11proto-input-dev/XI2proto.txt.gz
# /usr/include/X11/extensions/XIproto.h
# /usr/include/X11/extensions/xtestconst.h
# these not documented yet ...
use constant CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION => 2;
use constant CLIENT_MINOR_VERSION => 2;
my $reqs =
['XTestGetVersion', # 0
sub {
my ($X, $major, $minor) = @_;
return pack 'CxS', $major, $minor;
sub {
my ($X, $data) = @_;
return unpack 'xCxxxxS', $data;
# Any interest in holding onto the version?
# my ($server_major, $server_minor) = unpack 'xCxxxxS', $data;
# ### $server_major
# ### $server_minor
# my $self;
# if ($self = $self->{'ext'}{'XTEST'}->[3]) {
# $self->{'major'} = $server_major;
# $self->{'minor'} = $server_minor;
# }
# return ($server_major, $server_minor);
['XTestCompareCursor', # 1
sub {
my ($X, $window, $cursor) = @_;
return pack ('LL',
$cursor eq 'CurrentCursor' ? 1 : _num_none($cursor));
sub {
my ($X, $data) = @_;
return unpack 'xC', $data;
['XTestFakeInput', # 2
sub {
my $X = shift;
if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
# one or more packets by arrayrefs
return join('',map {_fake_input_pack($X,@$_)} @_);
} else {
# one packet by event fields
return _fake_input_pack($X,@_);
} ],
['XTestGrabControl', # 3
sub {
my ($X, $impervious) = @_;
return pack 'Cxxx', $impervious;
sub _fake_input_pack {
my $X = shift;
my %h = @_;
if ($h{'name'} =~ /^(MotionNotify|(Key|Button)(Press|Release))$/) {
# avoid some undef warnings from pack_event() in X11::Protocol 0.56
local $^W = 0;
return $X->pack_event (detail => 0, # defaults
root_x => 0,
root_y => 0,
root => 0, # default current screen
time => 0, # default no delay
# unused by XTestFakeInput, zero for the pack
event => 0, # window
child => 0, # window
event_x => 0,
event_y => 0,
state => 0,
same_screen => 0,
} else {
return $X->pack_event (@_);
sub _num_time {
my ($time) = @_;
if (defined $time && $time eq 'CurrentTime') {
return 0;
} else {
return $time;
sub _num_none {
my ($xid) = @_;
if (defined $xid && $xid eq "None") {
return 0;
} else {
return $xid;
sub new {
my ($class, $X, $request_num, $event_num, $error_num) = @_;
### XTest new()
# Requests
_ext_requests_install ($X, $request_num, $reqs);
# Any need to negotiate the version before using?
# my ($major, $minor) = $X->req('XTestQueryVersion',
# if ($major != 1) {
# carp "Unrecognised XTest major version, got $major want 1";
# return 0;
# }
return bless {
# major => $major,
# minor => $minor,
}, $class;
sub _ext_requests_install {
my ($X, $request_num, $reqs) = @_;
$X->{'ext_request'}->{$request_num} = $reqs;
my $href = $X->{'ext_request_num'};
my $i;
foreach $i (0 .. $#$reqs) {
$href->{$reqs->[$i]->[0]} = [$request_num, $i];
=for stopwords XTEST CurrentCursor hashref KeyPress KeyRelease keycode ButtonPress ButtonRelase MotionNotify CurrentTime umm XInputExtension XID Ryde recognised arrayrefs timestamp lookup ie GrabServer Imperviousness Xlib
=head1 NAME
X11::Protocol::Ext::XTEST - synthetic user input and more
use X11::Protocol;
my $X = X11::Protocol->new;
or print "XTEST extension not available";
$X->XTestFakeInput (name => 'ButtonPress',
detail => 3); # physical button 3
$X->XTestFakeInput (name => 'ButtonRelease',
detail => 3);
The XTEST extension provides
=item *
Synthetic keyboard and mouse pointer actions.
=item *
Displayed cursor comparisons.
=item *
Test programs continuing during C<GrabServer> by other clients.
These things help exercise library or server features which would otherwise
require user interaction.
The following requests are made available with an C<init_extension()>, as
per L<X11::Protocol/EXTENSIONS>.
my $is_available = $X->init_extension('XTEST');
=item C<($server_major, $server_minor) = $X-E<gt>XTestGetVersion ($client_major, $client_minor)>
Negotiate a protocol version with the server. C<$client_major> and
C<$client_minor> is what the client would like. The returned
C<$server_major> and C<$server_minor> is what the server will do.
The current code supports up to 2.1. The intention would be to
automatically negotiate in C<init_extension()> if/when necessary.
=head2 Cursor Comparisons
=item C<$is_same = $X-E<gt>XTestCompareCursor ($window, $cursor)>
Return true if the cursor attribute of C<$window> is equal to C<$cursor>.
C<$cursor> can be
=item *
XID (an integer) of a cursor.
=item *
"None" (or 0).
=item *
"CurrentCursor" (or 1) for the currently displayed cursor.
This can be used to check that the cursor attribute of some C<$window> is a
desired setting, for example
$desired_cursor = $X->new_rsrc;
$X->CreateGlyphCursor ($desired_cursor, ...);
$X->XTestCompareCursor ($window, $desired_cursor)
or die "Oops, $window doesn't have desired cursor";
Or alternatively, construct a window with a particular cursor and use
"CurrentCursor" to check that what's currently displayed is as desired, for
example to see if a C<GrabPointer()> is displaying what's intended,
my $test_window = $X->new_rsrc;
$X->CreateWindow ($test_window, ...,
cursor => $desired_cursor);
$X->XTestCompareCursor ($test_window, "CurrentCursor");
or die "Oops, currently displayed cursor is not as desired";
=head2 Simulated Input
=item C<$X-E<gt>XTestFakeInput (name=E<gt>...)>
=item C<$X-E<gt>XTestFakeInput ([ name=E<gt>... ])>
=item C<$X-E<gt>XTestFakeInput ([ name=E<gt>], [name=E<gt>], ...)>
Simulate user input for button presses, key presses, and pointer movement.
An input action is specified as an event packet using fields similar to
C<XTestFakeInput()> is always a single user action, so for example a button
press and button release are two separate C<XTestFakeInput()> requests. For
the core events a single event packet is enough to describe an input but
some extensions such as C<XInputExtension> may require more.
=item Button Press and Release
The argument fields are
name "ButtonPress" or "ButtonRelease"
detail physical button number (1 upwards)
time milliseconds delay before event, default 0
For example to fake a physical button 3 press
$X->XTestFakeInput (name => 'ButtonPress',
detail => 3);
C<detail> is the physical button number, before the core protocol
C<SetPointerMapping()> translation is applied. To simulate a logical button
it's necessary to check C<GetPointerMapping()> to see which physical button,
if any, corresponds.
Be careful when faking a C<ButtonPress> as it might be important to fake a
matching C<ButtonRelease> too. On the server circa 1.9.x after a
synthetic press the physical mouse doesn't work to generate a release and
the button is left hung (presumably in its normal implicit pointer grab).
=item Key Press and Release
The argument fields are
name "KeyPress" or "KeyRelease"
detail keycode (integer)
time milliseconds delay before event, default 0
=item Mouse Pointer Movement
Mouse pointer motion can be induced with the following. The effect is
similar to a C<WarpPointer()>.
name "MotionNotify"
root XID of root window, default "None" for current
root_x \ pointer position to move to
root_y /
detail flag 0=absolute, 1=relative, default 0
time milliseconds delay before event, default 0
C<root> is the root window (integer XID) to move on. The default "None" (or
0) means the screen the pointer is currently on.
$X->XTestFakeInput (name => 'MotionNotify',
root_x => 123,
root_y => 456);
C<detail> can be 1 to move relative to the current mouse position.
$X->XTestFakeInput (name => 'MotionNotify',
root_x => 10,
root_y => -20,
detail => 1); # relative motion
=item Other Events
Extension events can be faked after an C<init_extension()> so they're
recognised by C<$X-E<gt>pack_event()>. It's up to the server or extension
which events can actually be simulated.
If an extension input requires more than one event packet to describe then
pass multiple arrayrefs. For example C<DeviceMotion> (from
C<XInputExtension>) may need further C<DeviceValuator> packets,
$X->XTestFakeInput ([ name => 'DeviceMotion', ... ],
[ name => 'DeviceValuator', ... ],
[ name => 'DeviceValuator', ... ]);
For all events C<time> is how long in milliseconds the server should wait
before playing the event. The default is 0 for no delay. No further
requests are processed from the current client during the delay, so a
sequence of C<XTestFakeInput()> with delays will execute sequentially with
one delay after another.
Generally the event fields from a C<$X-E<gt>{'event_handler'}> function
cannot be passed directly to C<XTestFakeInput()> to replay it. In
=item *
C<time> from an event is a timestamp, so would have to be zeroed or adjusted
to a relative time for a delay in C<XTestFakeInput()>.
=item *
For C<MotionNotify>, C<detail> from an event is the hint mechanism, so would
have to be zeroed for the absolute/relative flag in C<XTestFakeInput()>.
=item *
For C<ButtonPress> and C<ButtonRelease>, C<detail> from an event is a
logical button number after C<SetPointerMapping()> transformation, whereas
C<XFakeInput()> takes a physical number. A reverse lookup through the
C<GetPointerMapping()> table would be needed.
=head2 GrabServer Imperviousness
=item C<$X-E<gt>XTestGrabControl ($impervious)>
Control the current client's behaviour during a C<GrabServer()> by another
If C<$impervious> is 1 then the current client can continue to make
requests, ie. it's impervious to server grabs by other clients.
If C<$impervious> is 0 then the current client behaves as normal. Its
requests wait during any C<GrabServer()> by another client.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<xdotool(1)>, L<X11::GUITest>, Xlib L<XTestQueryExtension(3)>
=head1 HOME PAGE
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 Kevin Ryde
X11-Protocol-Other is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
X11-Protocol-Other is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
X11-Protocol-Other. If not, see <>.