shell bypass 403
use strict;
use warnings;
package YAML::PP::Lexer;
our $VERSION = '0.026'; # VERSION
use constant TRACE => $ENV{YAML_PP_TRACE} ? 1 : 0;
use constant DEBUG => ($ENV{YAML_PP_DEBUG} || $ENV{YAML_PP_TRACE}) ? 1 : 0;
use YAML::PP::Grammar qw/ $GRAMMAR /;
use Carp qw/ croak /;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless {
reader => $args{reader},
}, $class;
return $self;
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{next_tokens} = [];
$self->{next_line} = undef;
$self->{line} = 0;
$self->{offset} = 0;
$self->{flowcontext} = 0;
sub next_line { return $_[0]->{next_line} }
sub set_next_line { $_[0]->{next_line} = $_[1] }
sub reader { return $_[0]->{reader} }
sub set_reader { $_[0]->{reader} = $_[1] }
sub next_tokens { return $_[0]->{next_tokens} }
sub line { return $_[0]->{line} }
sub set_line { $_[0]->{line} = $_[1] }
sub offset { return $_[0]->{offset} }
sub set_offset { $_[0]->{offset} = $_[1] }
sub inc_line { return $_[0]->{line}++ }
sub context { return $_[0]->{context} }
sub set_context { $_[0]->{context} = $_[1] }
sub flowcontext { return $_[0]->{flowcontext} }
sub set_flowcontext { $_[0]->{flowcontext} = $_[1] }
my $RE_WS = '[\t ]';
my $RE_LB = '[\r\n]';
my $RE_DOC_END = qr/\A(\.\.\.)(?=$RE_WS|$)/m;
my $RE_DOC_START = qr/\A(---)(?=$RE_WS|$)/m;
my $RE_EOL = qr/\A($RE_WS+#.*|$RE_WS+)\z/;
#my $RE_COMMENT_EOL = qr/\A(#.*)?(?:$RE_LB|\z)/;
#ns-word-char ::= ns-dec-digit | ns-ascii-letter | “-”
my $RE_NS_WORD_CHAR = '[0-9A-Za-z-]';
my $RE_URI_CHAR = '(?:' . '%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}' .'|'. q{[0-9A-Za-z#;/?:@&=+$,_.!*'\(\)\[\]-]} . ')';
my $RE_NS_TAG_CHAR = '(?:' . '%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}' .'|'. q{[0-9A-Za-z#;/?:@&=+$_.*'\(\)-]} . ')';
# [#x21-#x7E] /* 8 bit */
# | #x85 | [#xA0-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] /* 16 bit */
# | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] /* 32 bit */
#nb-char ::= c-printable - b-char - c-byte-order-mark
#my $RE_NB_CHAR = '[\x21-\x7E]';
my $RE_ANCHOR_CAR = '[\x21-\x2B\x2D-\x5A\x5C\x5E-\x7A\x7C\x7E\xA0-\xFF\x{100}-\x{10FFFF}]';
my $RE_PLAIN_START = '[\x21\x22\x24-\x39\x3B-\x7E\xA0-\xFF\x{100}-\x{10FFFF}]';
my $RE_PLAIN_END = '[\x21-\x39\x3B-\x7E\x85\xA0-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FEFE}\x{FF00}-\x{FFFD}\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]';
my $RE_PLAIN_FIRST = '[\x24\x28-\x29\x2B\x2E-\x39\x3B-\x3D\x41-\x5A\x5C\x5E-\x5F\x61-\x7A\x7E\xA0-\xFF\x{100}-\x{10FFFF}]';
my $RE_PLAIN_START_FLOW = '[\x21\x22\x24-\x2B\x2D-\x39\x3B-\x5A\x5C\x5E-\x7A\x7C\x7E\xA0-\xFF\x{100}-\x{10FFFF}]';
my $RE_PLAIN_END_FLOW = '[\x21-\x2B\x2D-\x39\x3B-\x5A\x5C\x5E-\x7A\x7C\x7E\x85\xA0-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FEFE}\x{FF00}-\x{FFFD}\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]';
my $RE_PLAIN_FIRST_FLOW = '[\x24\x28-\x29\x2B\x2E-\x39\x3B-\x3D\x41-\x5A\x5C\x5E-\x5F\x61-\x7A\x7C\x7E\xA0-\xFF\x{100}-\x{10FFFF}]';
# c-indicators
#! 21
#" 22
## 23
#% 25
#& 26
#' 27
#* 2A
#, 2C FLOW
#- 2D XX
#: 3A XX
#> 3E
#? 3F XX
#@ 40
#[ 5B FLOW
#] 5D FLOW
#` 60
#{ 7B FLOW
#| 7C
#} 7D FLOW
#c-secondary-tag-handle ::= “!” “!”
#c-named-tag-handle ::= “!” ns-word-char+ “!”
#ns-tag-char ::= ns-uri-char - “!” - c-flow-indicator
#ns-global-tag-prefix ::= ns-tag-char ns-uri-char*
#c-ns-local-tag-prefix ::= “!” ns-uri-char*
#c-ns-anchor-property ::= “&” ns-anchor-name
#ns-char ::= nb-char - s-white
#ns-anchor-char ::= ns-char - c-flow-indicator
#ns-anchor-name ::= ns-anchor-char+
my $RE_SEQSTART = qr/\A(-)(?=$RE_WS|$)/m;
my $RE_COMPLEX = qr/(\?)(?=$RE_WS|$)/m;
my $RE_COMPLEXCOLON = qr/\A(:)(?=$RE_WS|$)/m;
my $RE_ALIAS = "\\*$RE_ANCHOR_CAR+";
my %REGEXES = (
TAG => qr{($RE_TAG)},
ALIAS => qr{($RE_ALIAS)},
SINGLEQUOTED => qr{(?:''|[^'\r\n]+)*},
sub fetch_next_line {
my ($self) = @_;
my $next_line = $self->next_line;
if (defined $next_line ) {
return $next_line;
my $line = $self->reader->readline;
unless (defined $line) {
$line =~ m/\A( *)([^\r\n]*)([\r\n]|\z)/ or die "Unexpected";
$next_line = [ $1, $2, $3 ];
if ($line =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f//) {
$self->exception("Control characters are not allowed");
return $next_line;
'|' => 'LITERAL',
'>' => 'FOLDED',
'!' => 'TAG',
'*' => 'ALIAS',
'&' => 'ANCHOR',
':' => 'COLON',
'-' => 'DASH',
'?' => 'QUESTION',
']' => 'FLOWSEQ_END',
'}' => 'FLOWMAP_END',
',' => 'FLOW_COMMA',
'---' => 'DOC_START',
'...' => 'DOC_END',
sub fetch_next_tokens {
my ($self) = @_;
my $next = $self->next_tokens;
return $next if @$next;
my $next_line = $self->fetch_next_line;
if (not $next_line) {
return [];
my $spaces = $next_line->[0];
my $yaml = \$next_line->[1];
if (not length $$yaml) {
$self->push_tokens([ EOL => join('', @$next_line), $self->line ]);
return $next;
if (substr($$yaml, 0, 1) eq '#') {
$self->push_tokens([ EOL => join('', @$next_line), $self->line ]);
return $next;
if (not $spaces and substr($$yaml, 0, 1) eq "%") {
$self->_fetch_next_tokens_directive($yaml, $next_line->[2]);
return $next;
if (not $spaces and $$yaml =~ s/\A(---|\.\.\.)(?=$RE_WS|\z)//) {
$self->push_tokens([ $TOKEN_NAMES{ $1 } => $1, $self->line ]);
else {
$self->push_tokens([ SPACE => $spaces, $self->line ]);
my $partial = $self->_fetch_next_tokens($next_line);
unless ($partial) {
return $next;
my %ANCHOR_ALIAS_TAG = ( '&' => 1, '*' => 1, '!' => 1 );
my %BLOCK_SCALAR = ( '|' => 1, '>' => 1 );
my %COLON_DASH_QUESTION = ( ':' => 1, '-' => 1, '?' => 1 );
my %QUOTED = ( '"' => 1, "'" => 1 );
my %FLOW = ( '{' => 1, '[' => 1, '}' => 1, ']' => 1, ',' => 1 );
my %CONTEXT = ( '"' => 1, "'" => 1, '>' => 1, '|' => 1 );
my $RE_ESCAPES = qr{(?:
\\([ \\\/_0abefnrtvLNP"]) | \\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})
| \\u([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}) | \\U([A-Fa-f0-9]{4,8})
my %CONTROL = (
'\\' => '\\', '/' => '/', n => "\n", t => "\t", r => "\r", b => "\b",
'a' => "\a", 'b' => "\b", 'e' => "\e", 'f' => "\f", 'v' => "\x0b",
'P' => "\x{2029}", L => "\x{2028}", 'N' => "\x85",
'0' => "\0", '_' => "\xa0", ' ' => ' ', q/"/ => q/"/,
sub _fetch_next_tokens {
TRACE and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": _fetch_next_tokens\n";
my ($self, $next_line) = @_;
my $yaml = \$next_line->[1];
my $eol = $next_line->[2];
my @tokens;
while (1) {
unless (length $$yaml) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $eol, $self->line );
my $first = substr($$yaml, 0, 1);
my $plain = 0;
if ($self->context) {
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE_WS*)://) {
push @tokens, ( WS => $1, $self->line ) if $1;
push @tokens, ( COLON => ':', $self->line );
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE_WS*(?: #.*))\z//) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $1 . $eol, $self->line );
if ($CONTEXT{ $first }) {
push @tokens, ( CONTEXT => $first, $self->line );
return 1;
elsif ($COLON_DASH_QUESTION{ $first }) {
my $token_name = $TOKEN_NAMES{ $first };
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A\Q$first\E(?:($RE_WS+)|\z)//) {
my $token_name = $TOKEN_NAMES{ $first };
push @tokens, ( $token_name => $first, $self->line );
if (not defined $1) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $eol, $self->line );
my $ws = $1;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A(#.*|)\z//) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $ws . $1 . $eol, $self->line );
push @tokens, ( WS => $ws, $self->line );
elsif ($self->flowcontext and $$yaml =~ s/\A:(?=[,\{\}\[\]])//) {
push @tokens, ( $token_name => $first, $self->line );
$plain = 1;
elsif ($ANCHOR_ALIAS_TAG{ $first }) {
my $token_name = $TOKEN_NAMES{ $first };
my $REGEX = $REGEXES{ $token_name };
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A$REGEX//) {
push @tokens, ( $token_name => $1, $self->line );
else {
push @tokens, ( "Invalid $token_name" => $$yaml, $self->line );
elsif ($first eq ' ' or $first eq "\t") {
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE_WS+)//) {
my $ws = $1;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A((?:#.*)?\z)//) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $ws . $1 . $eol, $self->line );
push @tokens, ( WS => $ws, $self->line );
elsif ($FLOW{ $first }) {
push @tokens, ( $TOKEN_NAMES{ $first } => $first, $self->line );
substr($$yaml, 0, 1, '');
my $flowcontext = $self->flowcontext;
if ($first eq '{' or $first eq '[') {
elsif ($first eq '}' or $first eq ']') {
else {
$plain = 1;
if ($plain) {
push @tokens, ( CONTEXT => '', $self->line );
return 1;
sub fetch_plain {
my ($self, $indent, $context) = @_;
my $next_line = $self->next_line;
my $yaml = \$next_line->[1];
my $eol = $next_line->[2];
if ($self->flowcontext) {
my @tokens;
unless ($$yaml =~ s/\A($REGEX)//) {
$self->exception("Invalid plain scalar");
my $plain = $1;
push @tokens, ( PLAIN => $plain, $self->line );
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A(?:($RE_WS+#.*)|($RE_WS*))\z//) {
if (defined $1) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $1 . $eol, $self->line );
else {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $2. $eol, $self->line );
else {
my $partial = $self->_fetch_next_tokens($next_line);
if (not $partial) {
if ($self->flowcontext) {
my $fetch_next = 0;
my @lines = ($plain);
my @next;
LOOP: while (1) {
$next_line = $self->fetch_next_line;
if (not $next_line) {
last LOOP;
my $spaces = $next_line->[0];
my $yaml = \$next_line->[1];
my $eol = $next_line->[2];
if (not length $$yaml) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $spaces . $eol, $self->line );
push @lines, '';
next LOOP;
if (not $spaces and $$yaml =~ s/\A(---|\.\.\.)(?=$RE_WS|\z)//) {
push @next, $TOKEN_NAMES{ $1 } => $1, $self->line;
$fetch_next = 1;
last LOOP;
if ((length $spaces) < $indent) {
last LOOP;
my $ws = '';
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE_WS+)//) {
$ws = $1;
if (not length $$yaml) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $spaces . $ws . $eol, $self->line );
push @lines, '';
next LOOP;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A(#.*)\z//) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $spaces . $ws . $1 . $eol, $self->line );
last LOOP;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE2)//) {
push @tokens, INDENT => $spaces, $self->line;
push @tokens, WS => $ws, $self->line;
push @tokens, PLAIN => $1, $self->line;
push @lines, $1;
my $ws = '';
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE_WS+)//) {
$ws = $1;
if (not length $$yaml) {
push @tokens, EOL => $ws . $eol, $self->line;
next LOOP;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A(#.*)\z//) {
push @tokens, EOL => $ws . $1 . $eol, $self->line;
last LOOP;
else {
push @tokens, WS => $ws, $self->line if $ws;
$fetch_next = 1;
else {
push @tokens, SPACE => $spaces, $self->line;
push @tokens, WS => $ws, $self->line;
if ($self->flowcontext) {
$fetch_next = 1;
else {
push @tokens, ERROR => $$yaml, $self->line;
last LOOP;
# remove empty lines at the end
while (@lines > 1 and $lines[-1] eq '') {
pop @lines;
if (@lines > 1) {
my $value = YAML::PP::Render->render_multi_val(\@lines);
my @eol;
if ($tokens[-3] eq 'EOL') {
@eol = splice @tokens, -3;
$self->push_subtokens( { name => 'PLAIN_MULTI', value => $value }, \@tokens);
$self->push_tokens([ @eol, @next ]);
else {
$self->push_tokens([ @tokens, @next ]);
@tokens = ();
if ($fetch_next) {
my $partial = $self->_fetch_next_tokens($next_line);
if (not $partial) {
sub fetch_block {
my ($self, $indent, $context) = @_;
my $next_line = $self->next_line;
my $yaml = \$next_line->[1];
my $eol = $next_line->[2];
my @tokens;
my $token_name = $TOKEN_NAMES{ $context };
$$yaml =~ s/\A\Q$context\E// or die "Unexpected";
push @tokens, ( $token_name => $context, $self->line );
my $current_indent = $indent;
my $started = 0;
my $set_indent = 0;
my $chomp = '';
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A([1-9]\d*)([+-]?)//) {
push @tokens, ( BLOCK_SCALAR_INDENT => $1, $self->line );
$set_indent = $1;
$chomp = $2 if $2;
push @tokens, ( BLOCK_SCALAR_CHOMP => $2, $self->line ) if $2;
elsif ($$yaml =~ s/\A([+-])([1-9]\d*)?//) {
push @tokens, ( BLOCK_SCALAR_CHOMP => $1, $self->line );
$chomp = $1;
push @tokens, ( BLOCK_SCALAR_INDENT => $2, $self->line ) if $2;
$set_indent = $2 if $2;
if ($set_indent) {
$started = 1;
$current_indent = $set_indent;
if (not length $$yaml) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $eol, $self->line );
elsif ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE_WS*(?:$RE_WS#.*|))\z//) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $1 . $eol, $self->line );
else {
$self->exception("Invalid block scalar");
my @lines;
while (1) {
$next_line = $self->fetch_next_line;
if (not $next_line) {
my $spaces = $next_line->[0];
my $content = $next_line->[1];
my $eol = $next_line->[2];
if (not $spaces and $content =~ m/\A(---|\.\.\.)(?=$RE_WS|\z)/) {
if ((length $spaces) < $current_indent) {
if (length $content) {
else {
push @lines, '';
push @tokens, ( EOL => $spaces . $eol, $self->line );
if ((length $spaces) > $current_indent) {
if ($started) {
($spaces, my $more_spaces) = unpack "a${current_indent}a*", $spaces;
$content = $more_spaces . $content;
unless (length $content) {
push @lines, '';
push @tokens, ( INDENT => $spaces, $self->line, EOL => $eol, $self->line );
unless ($started) {
$current_indent = length $spaces;
unless ($started) {
$started = 1;
$current_indent = length $spaces;
push @lines, $content;
push @tokens, (
INDENT => $spaces, $self->line,
BLOCK_SCALAR_CONTENT => $content, $self->line,
EOL => $eol, $self->line,
my $value = YAML::PP::Render->render_block_scalar($context, $chomp, \@lines);
my @eol = splice @tokens, -3;
$self->push_subtokens( { name => 'BLOCK_SCALAR', value => $value }, \@tokens );
$self->push_tokens([ @eol ]);
return 0;
sub fetch_quoted {
my ($self, $indent, $context) = @_;
my $next_line = $self->next_line;
my $yaml = \$next_line->[1];
my $spaces = $next_line->[0];
my $token_name = $TOKEN_NAMES{ $context };
$$yaml =~ s/\A\Q$context// or die "Unexpected";;
my @tokens = ( $token_name => $context, $self->line );
my $start = 1;
my @values;
while (1) {
unless ($start) {
$next_line = $self->fetch_next_line or do {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @tokens; $i+= 3) {
my $token = $tokens[ $i + 1 ];
if (ref $token) {
$tokens[ $i + 1 ] = $token->{orig};
$self->exception("Missing closing quote <$context> at EOF");
$start = 0;
$spaces = $next_line->[0];
$yaml = \$next_line->[1];
if (not length $$yaml) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $spaces . $next_line->[2], $self->line );
push @values, { value => '', orig => '' };
elsif (not $spaces and $$yaml =~ m/\A(---|\.\.\.)(?=$RE_WS|\z)/) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @tokens; $i+= 3) {
my $token = $tokens[ $i + 1 ];
if (ref $token) {
$tokens[ $i + 1 ] = $token->{orig};
$self->exception("Missing closing quote <$context> or invalid document marker");
elsif ((length $spaces) < $indent) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @tokens; $i+= 3) {
my $token = $tokens[ $i + 1 ];
if (ref $token) {
$tokens[ $i + 1 ] = $token->{orig};
$self->exception("Wrong indendation or missing closing quote <$context>");
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE_WS+)//) {
$spaces .= $1;
push @tokens, ( WS => $spaces, $self->line );
my $v = $self->_read_quoted_tokens($start, $context, $yaml, \@tokens);
push @values, $v;
if ($tokens[-3] eq $token_name) {
if ($start) {
{ name => 'QUOTED', value => $v->{value} }, \@tokens
else {
my $value = YAML::PP::Render->render_quoted($context, \@values);
{ name => 'QUOTED_MULTILINE', value => $value }, \@tokens
$self->set_context(1) if $self->flowcontext;
if (length $$yaml) {
my $partial = $self->_fetch_next_tokens($next_line);
if (not $partial) {
return 0;
else {
@tokens = ();
push @tokens, ( EOL => $next_line->[2], $self->line );
$tokens[-2] .= $next_line->[2];
$start = 0;
sub _read_quoted_tokens {
my ($self, $start, $first, $yaml, $tokens) = @_;
my $quoted = '';
my $decoded = '';
my $token_name = $TOKEN_NAMES{ $first };
if ($first eq "'") {
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($regex)//) {
$quoted .= $1;
$decoded .= $1;
$decoded =~ s/''/'/g;
else {
($quoted, $decoded) = $self->_read_doublequoted($yaml);
my $eol = '';
unless (length $$yaml) {
if ($quoted =~ s/($RE_WS+)\z//) {
$eol = $1;
$decoded =~ s/($eol)\z//;
my $value = { value => $decoded, orig => $quoted };
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A$first//) {
if ($start) {
push @$tokens, ( $token_name . 'D' => $value, $self->line );
else {
push @$tokens, ( $token_name . 'D_LINE' => $value, $self->line );
push @$tokens, ( $token_name => $first, $self->line );
return $value;
if (length $$yaml) {
push @$tokens, ( $token_name . 'D' => $value->{orig}, $self->line );
$self->exception("Invalid quoted <$first> string");
push @$tokens, ( $token_name . 'D_LINE' => $value, $self->line );
push @$tokens, ( EOL => $eol, $self->line );
return $value;
sub _read_doublequoted {
my ($self, $yaml) = @_;
my $quoted = '';
my $decoded = '';
while (1) {
my $last = 1;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A([^"\\]+)//) {
$quoted .= $1;
$decoded .= $1;
$last = 0;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A($RE_ESCAPES)//) {
$quoted .= $1;
my $dec = defined $2 ? $CONTROL{ $2 }
: defined $3 ? chr hex $3
: defined $4 ? chr hex $4
: chr hex $5;
$decoded .= $dec;
$last = 0;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A(\\)\z//) {
$quoted .= $1;
$decoded .= $1;
last if $last;
return ($quoted, $decoded);
sub _fetch_next_tokens_directive {
my ($self, $yaml, $eol) = @_;
my @tokens;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A(\s*%YAML)//) {
my $dir = $1;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A( )//) {
$dir .= $1;
if ($$yaml =~ s/\A(1\.[12]$RE_WS*)//) {
$dir .= $1;
push @tokens, ( YAML_DIRECTIVE => $dir, $self->line );
else {
$$yaml =~ s/\A(.*)//;
$dir .= $1;
my $warn = $ENV{YAML_PP_RESERVED_DIRECTIVE} || 'warn';
if ($warn eq 'warn') {
warn "Found reserved directive '$dir'";
elsif ($warn eq 'fatal') {
die "Found reserved directive '$dir'";
push @tokens, ( RESERVED_DIRECTIVE => "$dir", $self->line );
else {
$$yaml =~ s/\A(.*)//;
$dir .= $1;
push @tokens, ( 'Invalid directive' => $dir, $self->line );
push @tokens, ( EOL => $eol, $self->line );
elsif ($$yaml =~ s/\A(\s*%TAG +(!$RE_NS_WORD_CHAR*!|!) +(tag:\S+|!$RE_URI_CHAR+)$RE_WS*)//) {
push @tokens, ( TAG_DIRECTIVE => $1, $self->line );
my $tag_alias = $2;
my $tag_url = $3;
elsif ($$yaml =~ s/\A(\s*\A%(?:\w+).*)//) {
push @tokens, ( RESERVED_DIRECTIVE => $1, $self->line );
my $warn = $ENV{YAML_PP_RESERVED_DIRECTIVE} || 'warn';
if ($warn eq 'warn') {
warn "Found reserved directive '$1'";
elsif ($warn eq 'fatal') {
die "Found reserved directive '$1'";
else {
push @tokens, ( 'Invalid directive' => $$yaml, $self->line );
push @tokens, ( EOL => $eol, $self->line );
if (not length $$yaml) {
push @tokens, ( EOL => $eol, $self->line );
else {
push @tokens, ( 'Invalid directive' => $$yaml, $self->line );
push @tokens, ( EOL => $eol, $self->line );
sub push_tokens {
my ($self, $new_tokens) = @_;
my $next = $self->next_tokens;
my $line = $self->line;
my $column = $self->offset;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$new_tokens; $i += 3) {
my $value = $new_tokens->[ $i + 1 ];
my $name = $new_tokens->[ $i ];
my $line = $new_tokens->[ $i + 2 ];
my $push = {
name => $name,
line => $line,
column => $column,
value => $value,
$column += length $value unless $name eq 'CONTEXT';
push @$next, $push;
if ($name eq 'EOL') {
$column = 0;
return $next;
sub push_subtokens {
my ($self, $token, $subtokens) = @_;
my $next = $self->next_tokens;
my $line = $self->line;
my $column = $self->offset;
$token->{column} = $column;
$token->{subtokens} = \my @sub;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$subtokens; $i+=3) {
my $name = $subtokens->[ $i ];
my $value = $subtokens->[ $i + 1 ];
my $line = $subtokens->[ $i + 2 ];
my $push = {
name => $subtokens->[ $i ],
line => $line,
column => $column,
if (ref $value eq 'HASH') {
%$push = ( %$push, %$value );
$column += length $value->{orig};
else {
$push->{value} = $value;
$column += length $value;
if ($push->{name} eq 'EOL') {
$column = 0;
push @sub, $push;
$token->{line} = $sub[0]->{line};
push @$next, $token;
return $next;
sub exception {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
my $next = $self->next_tokens;
$next = [];
my $line = @$next ? $next->[0]->{line} : $self->line;
my @caller = caller(0);
my $yaml = '';
if (my $nl = $self->next_line) {
$yaml = join '', @$nl;
$yaml = $nl->[1];
my $e = YAML::PP::Exception->new(
line => $line,
column => $self->offset + 1,
msg => $msg,
next => $next,
where => $caller[1] . ' line ' . $caller[2],
yaml => $yaml,
croak $e;