shell bypass 403
# ABSTRACT: YAML::PP Rendering functions
use strict;
use warnings;
package YAML::PP::Render;
our $VERSION = '0.026'; # VERSION
use constant TRACE => $ENV{YAML_PP_TRACE} ? 1 : 0;
sub render_quoted {
my ($self, $style, $lines) = @_;
my $quoted = '';
my $addspace = 0;
for my $i (0 .. $#$lines) {
my $line = $lines->[ $i ];
my $value = $line->{value};
my $last = $i == $#$lines;
my $first = $i == 0;
if ($value eq '') {
if ($first) {
$addspace = 1;
elsif ($last) {
$quoted .= ' ' if $addspace;
else {
$addspace = 0;
$quoted .= "\n";
$quoted .= ' ' if $addspace;
$addspace = 1;
if ($style eq '"') {
if ($line->{orig} =~ m/\\$/) {
$line->{value} =~ s/\\$//;
$value =~ s/\\$//;
$addspace = 0;
$quoted .= $value;
return $quoted;
sub render_block_scalar {
my ($self, $block_type, $chomp, $lines) = @_;
my ($folded, $keep, $trim);
if ($block_type eq '>') {
$folded = 1;
if ($chomp eq '+') {
$keep = 1;
elsif ($chomp eq '-') {
$trim = 1;
my $string = '';
if (not $keep) {
# remove trailing empty lines
while (@$lines) {
last if $lines->[-1] ne '';
pop @$lines;
if ($folded) {
my $prev = 'START';
for my $i (0 .. $#$lines) {
my $line = $lines->[ $i ];
my $type = $line eq ''
: $line =~ m/\A[ \t]/
? 'MORE'
if ($prev eq 'MORE' and $type eq 'EMPTY') {
$type = 'MORE';
elsif ($prev eq 'CONTENT') {
if ($type ne 'CONTENT') {
$string .= "\n";
elsif ($type eq 'CONTENT') {
$string .= ' ';
elsif ($prev eq 'START' and $type eq 'EMPTY') {
$string .= "\n";
$type = 'START';
elsif ($prev eq 'EMPTY' and $type ne 'CONTENT') {
$string .= "\n";
$string .= $line;
if ($type eq 'MORE' and $i < $#$lines) {
$string .= "\n";
$prev = $type;
$string .= "\n" if @$lines and not $trim;
else {
for my $i (0 .. $#$lines) {
$string .= $lines->[ $i ];
$string .= "\n" if ($i != $#$lines or not $trim);
TRACE and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.$".Data::Dumper->Dump([\$string], ['string']);
return $string;
sub render_multi_val {
my ($self, $multi) = @_;
my $string = '';
my $start = 1;
for my $line (@$multi) {
if (not $start) {
if ($line eq '') {
$string .= "\n";
$start = 1;
else {
$string .= " $line";
else {
$string .= $line;
$start = 0;
return $string;