#compdef procstat
_arguments -s -A "-*" -S \
'-b[show binary information]' \
'-c[show command line arguments]' \
'-e[show environment variables]' \
'-f[show file descriptor information]' \
'-i[show signal pending and disposition]' \
'-k[show stacks of kernel threads]' \
'-l[show resource limits]' \
'-r[show resource usage]' \
'-s[show security credential information]' \
'-S[show cpuset information]' \
'-t[show thread information]' \
'-v[show virtual memory mappings]' \
'-x[show ELF auxiliary vector]' \
'-h[suppress table headers]' \
'(1)-a[all processes]' \
'-w+[repeat information after specified interval]:delay (seconds)' \
'-C[print additional capability information for file descriptors]' \
'-H[statistics per-thread rather than per-process]' \
'-n[numeric form for signals]' \
'1::core file:_path_files -g "*core*(-.)"' \
'*:process id:_pids'